
Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Azmin was a traitor, but was he used?

Yoursay: Azmin Ali - the man who brought down Harapan gov't

YOURSAY | ‘Azmin and co are now backpedalling since their nefarious agenda has come to light…’

Anonymous_15433: Ex-PKR deputy president Azmin Ali, you betrayed PKR leader Anwar Ibrahim, the party and Malaysians, especially those who voted for change.

You conveniently failed to mention that Pakatan Harapan was voted into government based on the agreement that Dr Mahathir Mohamed was to be interim PM for two years and after that Anwar will take over.

So how could such an arrangement, which voters accepted, be a conspiracy to destabilise the nation and affect public confidence?

Azmin and the other 10 MPs betrayed the trust of Malaysians who voted for Harapan. Your group has conspired to return the government to Umno whose leaders screwed the nation of billions and are being charged in courts.

Umno had been rejected in GE14. The opposition is trying to take over the government through the backdoor which was made possible by your group.

Your group and your partners are unworthy and dishonourable people not fit to govern this nation. If your coalition of dishonest people dares to test their strength, call an election for Malaysians to decide whether they want your coalition to govern.

Asitis: Azmin, there was no attempt to unseat the PM mid-term.

A handover at mid-term was the agreement made by the Harapan coalition going into GE14, an agreement of which you and your cohorts in PKR and fellow conspirators in Bersatu were part of. Based on this agreement, the people voted your coalition into the government.

The fact is that you and your fellow conspirators in PKR and Bersatu were dishonourable and lack integrity. Just because things were not working out for you, you cooked up this nefarious excuse to cause confusion and upset the pre-GE14 agreement.

You dishonoured the agreement and betrayed the people’s trust. The fact is that you have no honour, no integrity, are morally corrupt and only looking out for your own selfish ambition.

Quigonbond: What a pathetic spin. You sold to the electorate there will be a transition of power within two years of forming government. Both investors and voters alike expected so. Arguing on stability and confidence is just hogwash.

Confidence comes from political stability. Azmin has no right talking about stability when he contributes to instability. What reforms do you want to continue with Umno and PAS on your side?

Can you really go far with the electoral and economic reforms or anti-corruption drive? You don't even have a manifesto or any idea how to turn the economy around. It's all about a power grab.

Cicak Boy: Sorry Azmin, but in my mind, you destabilised the democratically-elected government.

Whatever your aim is, the fact that you were willing to work with PAS and Umno speaks volumes about your lack of principle.

This is especially sad considering the struggles we know you went through against Umno during the reformasi years.

Malaysianmalaysian: Azmin and co are now backpedalling since their nefarious agenda has come to light, plus Mahathir did not want to be a part of this act of betraying the rakyat's mandate.

Merdeka9 May2018: A great fall for the 11 of you, and it’s good to discover your true colours and faces now.

Your team, Umno, PAS and Bersatu together with Sabah and Sarawak parties simply using “supporting Mahathir as PM till end of term” as an excuse to bring down Harapan. This is disgraceful, Azmin.

Your coup destroyed the trust of the people and the country’s economy. You are not worth to be part of the government. It’s good that your position had been terminated due to Mahathir’s resignation.

David Dass: It is strange logic. Mahathir has resigned as prime minister and as chairperson of Bersatu - a party he formed. He has refused to join a coalition that includes the parties he defeated in GE14 because he considers them corrupt.

He had no issue with Harapan. Just two days before they had resolved the issue of when he would retire. They had agreed that he would set the date.

Upset as he was at the constant pressure on him to announce the date - the issue was now a closed one. He would retire after the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (Apec) summit on a date for him to determine.

Those who crossed over to form a coalition with Umno and PAS were betraying the electorate. They were making a mockery of the democratically-held elections that brought Harapan to power.

It was not as if Harapan had done anything wrong to warrant a coup. The new government was a reform government determined to strengthen our democratic institutions.

The reforms were slow because of the actions of the opposition. But the intention was clear. The civil service, the police, the MACC, the Attorney-General's Chambers, the judiciary and every single ministry was undergoing change for the good.

Every single person in this country should ask the question - can a democratically-elected government be deposed in this way? And call on their elected representatives to do the right thing.

Proarte: These guys are shameless and have no qualms about lying with a straight face. Fortunately, Mahathir has pulled the rug from under Azmin’s and his co-conspirators’ feet - now they are left floundering and reeling on the floor.

Anwar was Harapan’s anointed leader. Mahathir, it was agreed, was going to be the interim leader until such time when Anwar was given a pardon and released from jail. This was what the rakyat understood and voted for.

Give us a break, Azmin and co - Mahathir is going to turn 95 and you want him to serve a full term? Where is their compassion for this elderly man?

Why is Azmin against Anwar becoming PM when this is what the rakyat was promised and expect? What is Azmin's reason for being a turncoat when he was a loyal foot soldier of Anwar for over 20 years?

Azmin may have felt that the Anwar camp was responsible for engineering and exposing the gay sex video involving a man who looks like Azmin.

The fact that Azmin is now supping with Umno and PAS, to bring down the democratically-elected Harapan government is a clear reflection of his moral corruption and treachery.

Zoe: Changing one man (PM) is disruptive to the economy but changing the entire cabinet is productive? Okay, got that.

Now let me take my simple mind and go herd some sheep and whistle the day away while the enlightened minister makes more decisions for me.

Eleos: All this could have been prevented if Mahathir had made the succession plan very clear with a specific date for Anwar to take over. Instead, he kept dilly-dallying until even as late as last week.

Opportunists like Azmin and former PKR women’s chief Zuraida Kamaruddin saw an opportunity to sneak in through the backdoor. Thankfully they were tripped over by their own greed.


  1. It's all Mahathir's doing. If you just handed over the prime minister position as promised, all these BS would not have happened. I can't understand how anyone in PH could ever trust Mahathir! He's an old sly fox having screwed most of these people in the past. I guess the saying, "Malaysia Boleh" is true!

  2. Kesian PH. They didn't even last half a term as government before the different agendas & believes, the infighting, the broken promises, and self-serving self-interested politicians imploded their government like a massive black hole. Hahahaha!

    That is what happens when a Coalition of Hate comes together. They only have 1 agenda which is to hate BN and when BN went down they continue to hate but now at each other. And when they hate each other, sooner than later they will go for their jugular which is evident the last 2 days. Hahahaha again.

    Things are eerily similar to DPJ rule in Japan which descended into a chaotic government of multiple directions, broken promises of hope, and self-serving self-interested politicians imploded their government. At least they lasted 3 years before the end while PH couldn't last 2 years being married before divorcing. Hahahaha again.

    Ironically, the remnants of DPJ had adviced and forewarned PH on the perils when they only have hate to bind them. Those who don't learn are doomed to repeat the mistakes.

  3. What did Mahathir know, and when did he know it ?πŸ˜„πŸ˜„πŸ˜„

  4. If Anwar becomes the 8th PM of Malaysia,Azmin and his cesspool leeches are toast.

    1. Works both ways. If Madey becomes PM8, then Anwar is toast. So it depends on which side of the toast to butter. Either way, Malaysia is toasted and ready to be eaten :-)

  5. Under Article 40 (2) of the FC, it states that "The Yang di-Pertuan Agong may act in his discretion in the performance of the following functions, that is to say: (a) the appointment of Prime Minister; "

    Thus, HRH YDPA, can indeed appoint (for example) Tengku Razaleigh or Muhyiddin Yassin or Hadi Awang, or Anwar Ibrahim or Amzin Ali, etc as the Prime Minister, without the advise of the interim Prime Minister.

    So, move on, if it is too disastrous to call for GE15.


    What Krap IGP….Instead the Bangsat IGP Charge Universiti Malaya prostestor to Vice-Chancellor Datuk Abdul Rahim Hashim Maruah Melayu Krap organise by Racist King Tun Dr M!!!!….ABU UBAH…INI KALI LAH!!

  7. Thank You Azmin. You really did us all a Big Service....Really.

    1. You helped DAP become the strongest party. They, Anwar's PKR and Amanah are now in good light because they did not betray the rakyat. You put the spotlight on the true traitors
    2. You helped us get Bersatu out of Harapan, removing their useless Ministers like Rina Harun, Muhyiddin, Flying Car, Toy Boy etc.
    3. You helped clear out the cancer in PKR (namely yourself, Zuraidah and the rest)
    4. You forced UMNO-PAS to play their cards and now it is impossible for then to worm their way into the government
    5. You put Toonsie in an impossible position. Lone Ranger in the next cabinet. No Unity Government in Sight. PM-Boneka under Anwar/Guanee is his only salvation, otherwise he may be charged with treason, traitor, only pretend that he had nothing to do with the coup de etat, he was in the know every step of the way, only abandoned ship at the last moment when it all fell apart, then have to tell sob story to Anwar/Guanee/Agong. He told Agong "they pushed me into a corner and put a gun to my head, so I had no choice but to resign".

    Agong felt so sorry for the Old Fart, made him interim PM.

    You (Azmin) wanted to act big, play musical chairs with UMNO-PAS-Bersatu, now you end up with nothing.

    Next time don't bring a water pistol to a gun-fight.

    Watch Out. IGP Bador has just discovered a new app software that can conclusively identity the individuals in the Sandakan tape.

    Again, a big Thank You.
