
Sunday, December 01, 2019

Malaysian Nazi salute, Malaysian Hitler?

Malaysiakini (extracts):

Nazi salute

by Commander S Thayaran:

Sieg Heil 

Keep this line in mind when you vent about the USM student who gave a Nazi salute during his recent convocation. Mahathir’s bigotry when it comes to disputing the numbers murdered in the Shoah is evidence of the mainstream anti-Semitism in this country. This student is nothing more than the product of this anti-Semitism.

The fact that many Muslims use the Palestinian issue as a convenient cover for their anti-Semitism is well documented. Just like how they accuse non-Malays of being communist or LTTE sympathisers, the idea is to mark a segment of the Malaysian community as outsiders.

This young punk has probably read racist Western anti-Semitic narratives by the “alt-right” – can we just call them racist nut jobs – not realising that he would probably be on their hit list if they ever came into power. It never ceases to amaze me how local agitators use the literature of Western bigots and racists in their propaganda. It's extremely lazy if you ask me.

When the Najib regime allowed Israel to participate in a UN event in this country, it was PKR and Amanah that went on anti-semitic rants. They wanted to know if Malaysia is having an “affair” with Israel.

The cherry on the horse manure cake was when Amanah’s Raja Kamarul Bahrin Shah said, "Or is (Prime Minister) Najib (Abdul Razak) so eager to follow in the footsteps of the Saudi Arabian government which reportedly has close ties to Israel?”

Really, Saudi Arabia? The country which has since conceded that it has intentionally supported radical Muslim groups all around the world is now the whipping boy for Islamists wanting to outdo each in domestic politics? Isn't it strange how Amanah and PAS sound so much alike?

That’s the problem with the mainstream Islamic narrative in this country. On the one hand, you have the religious bureaucracy funded by our tax ringgit using the Palestinian issue to further anti-Jewish narratives and, on the other, we have the prime minister of this country who lectures Israel for being an apartheid state when domestic policies are based on racial imperatives.

Does anyone really think that this “communist" and LTTE narratives are not going to have a blowback? Does anyone really think that a Nazi-saluting student, who supports the Nazi atrocities during the Shoah, is merely an aberration which does not have a lasting impact on this country?

The state security apparatus recently foiled lone wolf attacks by religious fanatics who were using the death of fireman Adib as justification for mass murder, how long do you think that foreign operators would influence local extremists to go after communities demonised by the politicians and hounded by state security apparatus?

Just recently, the home minister said that regional intelligence services were aware that Southeast Asia had become the new theatre of operations for terror groups. Anyone who reads my columns would know that I have been pointing this out for years, citing trends in open-sourced articles, published intelligence reports from think tanks which, more often than not, acts as proxies for intelligence cartels and interviews with sources from regional intelligence services.

Keep in mind that this is a country where a mainstream preacher like Perlis mufti Mohd Asri Zainul Abidin (photo, above) had said he was looking for a candidate like Saddam Hussin to unite the Malay/Muslim polity.

And, of course, the prime minister warned we may get a Hitler (if we choose wrongly) even though he disputes the numbers murdered in the Shoah.

Malaysia may just get one.


  1. "he disputes the numbers murdered in the Shoah."

    same with Ktemoc.... a pot just as black as the kettle.

    1. show me where I dispute the numbers killed in the Holocaust. You have become a far worse liar than you used to be, wakakaka

    2. Aren't you a David Irving supporter ?

    3. actually I am NOT, though I criticised his jailing because of European hypocrisy, telling the Asian World of 'the freedom of speech' but denying that to David Irving because he questioned the number of Jews killed in the Holocaust

      Irving just catered to nut cases who hate Jews

  2. Toonsie recently said we will resume normal relations with North Korea because “we want to be friendly with everybody”.

    I guess this includes Israel......ha ha ha.

    The hook-nosed Israelis are just like flat-nosed bumiputras (Toonsie's words, I just quote). They consider themselves the original settlers of their land, just like bumis consider themselves the original settlers of Malaysia. Yahweh said so in the Jewish Holy Book, just like Allah said in the Koran that all the land in Malaysia belongs to the bumis.

    Hang on, Allah didn't say that in the Koran. Scrap that one.

    The Israeli constitution also says all the best privileges belong to the Jews (ala Ketuanan Yahudi), just like the Malaysian Constitution says all the best privileges in Malaysia belongs to the bumis.

    Or did it?

    The Israelis say the Palestinians are immigrants, they came later. They are “pendatangs”, not “qualified” for citizenship but "we can give if they are nice and obedient". Just like in Malaysia we gave citizenship to the unqualified pendatangs and orang tumpangans.

    This bumi-pendatang concept should be so easy for us Malaysians to understand. We live, eat, breathe and see this concept being practiced every day. I can understand it. But many of us are so up in arms when it is practiced by the Israels-Palestinians. Why?
