
Friday, December 06, 2019

Indian police 'encounters'?

MM Online:

Indian police kill 4 men suspected of raping vet, draw cheers

Women display placards as they attend a protest march against the alleged rape and murder of a 27-year-old woman, in Kolkata, India December 4, 2019

Reuters pic

BENGALURU, Dec 6 — Indian police shot dead four men today who were suspected of raping and killing a 27-year-old veterinarian in the city of Hyderabad, a police official told Reuters, drawing applause from her family and citizens outraged over crimes against women.

The men had been in police custody and were shot near the scene of last week's crime, said N. Prakash Reddy, a deputy commissioner of police in Shamshabad, near Hyderabad.

“In the morning, at around 6-6.30, our persons have come to reconstruct the scene of crime and the accused have tried to snatch their weapons, and there was a cross-fire. In this, all the four accused have died. Two policemen have been injured,” Reddy said.

No details were immediately available about how many police had escorted the four accused and whether they were handcuffed or roped together as is usually the case.

Earlier a local police official had put the time of the deaths at around 3.30am. There was no immediate explanation for the discrepancy.

police shot the 4 alleged rapists while reconstructing the rape scene with the accused 

Indian police have frequently been accused of extra-judicial killings, called “encounters,” especially in gangland wars in Mumbai and insurrections in Punjab and Kashmir. Top police officers involved in such killings were called “encounter specialists” and were the subject of several movies.

During the past week, thousands of Indians have protested in several cities following the alleged rape and murder of the veterinarian.

Very dodgy especially when the time difference in the two separate reports to the press has been 3 hours. But this time the public couldn't care two hoots, so much have been their outrage at the rampant rap cases. The police undeniably have been under enormous pressure and had to perform a.s.a.p to public expectation, nay, demand or else.

hailed as heroes 

Normally the Indian public has a great distrust of the Indian police and would question any shooting which resulted in deaths. But this time the police have been showered with rose petals by the public as appreciation for killing the alleged rapists, and eff proper process and rules of law. It could be vigilante justice, one that was (allegedly) ironically conducted by the law, but no one cares.

I believe Indonesians used to call such police 'encounters' as 'dibereskan', wakakaka, whilst I am not sure how Brazilians described them. In Malaysia our politicians termed such shootings as due to 'trigger happy' police.


  1. Death penalty is cruel. It is murder. Why do we kill to teach others that killing is wrong?

    These murderers should have let the Indian legal system take its course. Charge them in court, have the trial, go through the appeals and cross appeals, even if it takes many years. Then if found guilty send them to jail for 5, 10, 20 years maximum, let them out when they are in their 40s or 50s. Rehabilitate them in prison so by the time they get out they will be respectful obedient citizens.


    1. I am anti capital punishment, but that doesn't mean I agree with the mainly Western concept of 20 years max in jail. In fact even in the West there are exceptions to this practice where a convict is deemed so dangerous that he/she remains in jail for as long as the system believes necessary

    2. I think 600,000,000 Indian women would disagree....

      There are 150,000 rape court cases pending (ie those that have been reported), how many prisons do we need....?

      Unnao rape case: Indian woman set on fire on way to hearing dies

      An Indian woman who was set on fire on her way to testify against her alleged rapists has died of her injuries.

      The 23-year-old died late on Friday after suffering cardiac arrest at a Delhi hospital. She had 90% burns.

      She was attacked on Thursday as she was walking to a hearing in the rape case she filed against two men in March in Unnao, in northern Uttar Pradesh state.

      Five men, including the alleged rapists, have been arrested, Indian police say.

      The sister of the victim, whose name has not been released, told the BBC that she wanted the death penalty for the pair.

      She said the family would continue to fight the case against them in court.

      Rape and sexual violence against women have been in focus in India since the December 2012 gang-rape and murder of a young woman on a bus in the capital, Delhi.

      Hyderabad case: Why Indians are celebrating the killings
      By Geeta Pandey
      BBC News, Delhi

      6 December 2019

      The killings of four men accused of gang-raping and murdering a young woman last week in Hyderabad have been largely greeted with joy in India.

      Just hours after the shootings, about 2,000 people gathered at the site to celebrate the police action.

      They chanted "police zindabad" ("hail the police"), distributed sweets and showered flowers on the spot where the 27-year-old vet's charred body was found last week and where the shooting took place on Friday morning.

      In her neighbourhood too, a large number of people gathered, setting off celebratory firecrackers and distributing sweets.

      The celebrations and support for the police are continuing online too.

      On Twitter, there are more than 300,000 tweets with various hashtags about the shooting and the crime, with most of the voices supportive of the police action.

      And there is a reason for that: the meandering pace of the Indian judicial system means it often takes years, even decades, to deliver justice.

      There are tens of millions of pending cases in courts, including nearly 150,000 cases of rape, and this has eroded the public faith in the criminal justice system.

      The biggest example of this in recent years is the December 2012 torture, gang-rape and murder of a 23-year-old woman on a bus in Delhi.

    3. In the most heinous of crimes, the criminal purposely ended the lives of one or more people, or caused severe, irrecoverable injury or trauma to someone.

      Many of these most hardcore of criminals are unrepentant when they complete their prison sentence.

      Released at the age of 40 or 50, they are still young and free to enjoy rest of their lives - with no regrets or remorse.

      What stupid justice is that ?
