
Monday, November 04, 2019

Nobel Peace Prize for Hong Kong Protesters?


Hong Kong shopping mall clashes end in bloodshed

Hong Kong anti-government protesters crowded shopping malls in running clashes with police on Sunday, with several suffering bloody wounds a day after parts of the Chinese-ruled city became a battleground after five months of unrest.

A human chain in the upmarket Hong Kong island mall of Cityplaza, in Taikoo Shing, turned into a bloody face-to-face conflict with police, running up and down escalators where families with young children had been window shopping just minutes before.

Police said protesters had vandalised a restaurant after a peaceful chanting of slogans.

Several people were wounded, one man in a white T-shirt being beaten with sticks by protesters. Another man lay in a pool of blood on the pavement.

Broadcaster RTHK said district councillor Andrew Chiu was among the wounded and that part of his ear had been bitten off. It was not immediately possible to verify the report.


  1. Carrie Lam goes to Beijing tomorrow to get a lecture and to receive fresh orders.

    Those Beijing apologists who keep insisting there is no interference from Beijing in the Hong Kong events either do not understand or pretend dunno about the true nature of the Master-Servant relationship of the CCP to the SAR Administration.

    1. wasn't this exactly what was agreed between the Hong Kong's former colonial government and Beijing in the one country-two system model? Show me where China has deviated from that agreement, and I will then agree with you that she has been interfering?

      If Hongkies don't like it, then blame their Great White Mother and the man who was their last British governor who without London's "official" authority sold them the bullshit they could have independent rule.

      Monsteeball should not bullshit on behalf of his Great White Mother and Hongkies who have never ever enjoyed 'democracy' since the Manchu Dynasty till now

    2. "The inability to grasp the pathology of our oligarchic rulers is one of our gravest faults. We have been blinded to the depravity of our ruling elite by the relentless propaganda of public relations firms that work on behalf of corporations and the rich. Compliant politicians, clueless entertainers and our vapid, corporate-funded popular culture, which holds up the rich as leaders to emulate and assures us that through diligence and hard work we can join them, keep us from seeing the truth." - Chris Hedges.

      Anyway, re the handover agreement of Hong Kong back to China, Nathan Rich on YouTube are more than quite to the point :

    3. Nathan Rich is a convicted criminal who would have difficulty getting hired as a minimum wage odd job labourer in his home country.

      That's why he's hanging out in China , living on doggie biscuits from the CCP in return for posting English Language propaganda on YouTube.

      He may or may not understand the Irony of using a tool banned in China (YouTube) to praise how great is the PRC and how terrible is the West.

    4. ccp said universal suffrage granted on the basis that the candidate must be chosen by a nominating committee. this is against the understanding of basic law n hker will.

      u seem very vocal when pr/dap break promise, but took a totally reverse stand when come to ccp. u r no diff with lks, at least lks still dare to face his voter in msia n not tok kok far away.

    5. this nathan rich sound exactly like mahathir/umno, the west is a imperialist, while umno is the best, they give pendatang citizenship, so shut up n live as told.

      btw when r u people going to join nr n live in ccp china?

    6. Mfer, so easy to fitnah one who happens to support CCP China, a regime u despise irrationally!

      Old money f*ck, like u, builds yr fortune on connections & family inheritance. Thus, looking down on someone who learns the trade of new money & achieve a status of significant despite a volatile youth journey.

      Criminal? As defined by u?

      A recovered waylaid person who is finding new life & making something out of it in China, IS been accused by u, of anything that yr favourite ideology fails completely to resolve!

      U look DOWN on the ability of a past underdog's ability to strike a new balanced life that yr ideology failed completely to reinvigorating & is a growing scene in yr developed West!

      AND CCP China provides him with opportunity, that his home country is unable & unwilling to cater for. Not on a silver plate,too, mind u!

      Unlike an old moneyed fool using his easy grips of family wealth & connections to build his fortune w/o a sense of real struggles. Talk IS so easy for an old f*ckhead!

      "That's why he's hanging out in China , living on doggie biscuits from the CCP in return for posting English Language propaganda on YouTube.

      He may or may not understand the Irony of using a tool banned in China (YouTube) to praise how great is the PRC and how terrible is the West."


      Judging from this twisted rant of inconsequential, which has been disputed strongly & logically frequently by many. U r just unable to understand.

      U r indeed an old fool whose time is up. Go simmering in yr daydreaming about yr 'illustrated' but failed life lah!

      Dawn of a new age ISN'T for old f*ck like u!

    7. nr make money from utube, just like how ccp make money from capitalism, then tell us utube n capitalism is bad for chinese.

    8. Mfer, NR's presentations on YouTube have been demonetized!

      There is no commissions for NR!

      How many times u want to fitnah him & tok kok just to raise yr ego?

    9. zombie viewership count. u still think this age people n co made money from salary n commission or fee? its abt number of viewer, member, subscriber etc, even umno mp smarter than u, r u from the mao zedong era?

    10. Wakakakaka…

      U REALLY don't understand how YouTube making money out from the YouTube viewership.

      Lagi teruk, u die2 still want to fart about yr flatulent gas about how youtubers make money!

      Look up what's demonization of product first lah. Then go find out how YouTube pays commission to the youtubers. Last, read carefully about why/how YouTube demonetized the YouTubers' presentations, leading to YouTubers getting NOTHING despite high viewership count.

      Ooop… perhaps it's a waste of time to retrain a f*ckhead still counting the days of mao zedong era in this present time!

      Talk about zombie…… tsk… tsk… sigh.… Malu shj.

    11. That's the trouble with these West's echo deep are their heads embedded into the West's butt holes that they didn't even bother to come up for air..pheww~..the stink must have gone into every inch of their pores that shit smell like perfume, wakakakaka.

      Yeah, that's right, attack the messenger and cleverly evade the message/content of the message. Did not China strictly followed to the T the One Country Two Systems formula and pray tell, which part have they deviated from the agreement ? Don't just hantam the messenger and think you are smart to think that we didn't KNOW you never did answer the question ! Podah !

    12. bodoh, go read the utube guideline, n many pro democracy tuber also face the same issue when their subject matter n contents touch on the sensitive words relate to hk protest n violence, that's why we see many video being censored n re upload, the censorship get worst when viewer report to administrator, u bodoh dun know how utube work. as far as I know, utube center for Chinese language is in Taiwan n most administrator is Taiwanese, there could be bias from this perspective, however utube never claim they r not bias. go join umno la bodoh.

    13. jj, what messanger r u talking abt? i already said what nr assertion is no diff with umno narrative along the years, in fact nr sound amateurish if compare with umno goon, u no diff with ck, read blindly but never comprehand.

    14. Maneuvering a law to allow extradition to China was not part of 1 Country 2 Systems agreement
      Kidnapping independent Hong Kong bookshop owners was not part of 1 Country 2 Systems agreement.

    15. Mfer, another irrational fart!

      The argument here is getting monetary reward from YouTube by been a youtubers!

      Can't read properly now - definitely on the way to be a zombie. The f*cked demoncratic type that scatters all-over that corrupted Formosa.

      So u know FARTS about how YouTube works!

      Then, explain WHY YouTube still allow (claimed) sensitive topics to be raised & yet red-tagged these youtubers.

      Those Formosa YouTube administrating f*ckheads have zilch power to censor/ban YouTube presentations. They r just mandarin presentation reviewers of the bias kind. Their ONLY power r in adjusting/modifying viewing counts which they have performed into a magical art.

      The ultimate banning/download decision of a YouTube presentation IS done by YouTube HQ on strong racial/religious grounds.

      Most other sopo YouTube presentations, especially those like NR, ARE demonetized - ie the uploader of the presentation gets no commission even when the viewership hits the roof. This is also where those Formosa f*ckhead reviewers playing their viewer counting tricks.

      To 'uphold' the claimed open policy of YouTube about information right, the YouTube, who has received complaints, rightly or wrongly (again as reviewed by those Formosa f*cks), IS been restaged on the heading title.

      This is to warn the uploading youtuber for supposedly uploading hate messages. That YouTube will be demonetized at the sametime for any advertisement commission even with high viewership.

      BTW, did yr ketuanan freak drinking pals asking u to be an unmo recruiter?

    16. Monsterball, don't tok-kok. Manoeuvring a law to allow extradition to China?? That was a proper proposed Extradition Bill which demonstrated China had/has respect for the 1 Country 2 Systems agreement. A disrespectful China could have just plucked any scoundrel if she wishes, but she chose to go through the legal process of an Extradition Bill which countries all over the World have. To date, no one has shown any move by China to undermine the 1 Country 2 Systems agreement system, yet the distracters keep moaning, groaning and ranting. Why don't you help show one to help your Great White Mother and father Trump? Wakakaka, and any proof China kidnapped anyone?

    17. i never said nr paid by utube, i said he prostitute himself via utube to make money, u bodoh dun know how to read keep repeating the same. superidiothew make money from selling comic kah? he made money from being a rude racist, using profanity n kissing ccp ass, r u both sharing the same dad?

    18. Mfer, care to review WHAT u have said so far about NR?

      "he prostitute himself via utube to make money"??!!


      U want to twist again by playing wordsmith?

      This mfer truly a recalcitrant who CAN'T learn from proper rebuttal.

      How does NR makes money when almost all his uploaded youtube presentations r

      1) red tagged (demonetized)

      2) adulterated viewership (very much lower count as been proven oppositely)

      Only been subsidized & paid by 3rd party as u so quietly implied w/o words!


      Who's bodoh?

      BTW hew's comic making money ? By selling?

      Mfer, if hew has a brother like u, the partner of one of yr parent MUST be different.

      Profanity is the ONLY proper words that demoncratic asslicker r trained to accept.

    19. "Kidnapping independent Hong Kong bookshop owners"


      How about anti espionage agent in work?

      There r so many anti CCP booksellers in HK. Why were only those few been targeted?

      Covert foreign operation can only be dealt with covertly - the rule of the game.

      All country DO that. The operation becomes open only when those foreign agents r been terminated or warned. These mfers SHOULDN'T be allowed to live!

    20. One of the independent booksellers who disappeared in 2015 resurfaced in PRC, apologising for his "serious wrong thinking" and swearing eternal praise for the CCP.
      There is no record of him.leaving Hong Kong via legal exit points.
      Only Beijing apologist would pretend the PRC had nothing to do with it.

    21. Wakakakaka…

      A repeat of the zombieic thinking,along the line of that f*cked k9 caretaker!

      How much u know about those "missing" booksellers? Done any in-depth research? Or just regurgitate hearsays that suited yr fart?

      The one who had "spoken" AGAINST his own make-believe story has left for fearing his life!

      "There is no record of him.leaving Hong Kong via legal exit points."


      Only blurred CCP hater would go to any extend to criticize how Beijing exercise her rights to clamp down on foreign supported espionage!

      Write more lah to show yr bleeding-heartish anti-ccp sentiment with concocted fitnah!

  2. Mfer, the same type of display of simple mind (by default or by purpose)!

    "ccp said universal suffrage granted on the basis that the candidate must be chosen by a nominating committee."

    What's wrong with that statement in a situation like HK, a pommiefied ex-colony of more than 100yrs?

    Every country allows universal suffrage on the basic that those people who exercise that privilege MUST be a loyal citizen of the state.

    Know what's loyal & what's citizen?

    The current HK sopo scenario PROVES conclusively that the candidate must be chosen by a nominating committee. This is to ensure that UNIVERSAL unwritten privileged prerequisite of been loyal to China.

    Current hkie 废青 proves they have their loyalty towards somewhere else, except China! & their rioting actions have proven the point that their loyalty to HK itself r in doubts due to their wanton destructionness of the peace & prosperity built up by the HK elders!

    Mfer, like u, WOULDN'T be able to appreciate this underlying principle of loyalty as u switch yr loyalty as yr f*cked mind dictating yr thought. People like u HAS no right to any suffrage of any kind, anywhere - adopted country included!

    1. not loyal as defined by umno n ccp, no way zombie can understand.

    2. Ooop… that's WHY u can't understand loyalty despite repeated reminders!

      Who's the zombie, AGAIN?

    3. zombie is one that keep on questioning others loyalty, there r many in ccp n umno, r u from umno, or ccp?

    4. Wakakakakaka…

      Is that yr definition of zombie?

      My definition of zombie IS undead thing that can't think & most of all just follows its involuntary impulse reaction.

      So, yr zombie can think - meaning he can reasoning!

      Hence, yr impulsive hatred about ANYTHING CCP!

      Can't think, just inbuilt involuntary reaction mah.

      BTW, why so much labelling of umno now? Yr ketuananfreakish drinking pals refuse to buy u Jack Danial during dangdut happy hours?

      See, what I meant by not able to reason? Anything just due purely to impulsive involuntary reaction of a dead matter!

    5. only a no brain idiot zombie question others loyalty because they follow the idiot chanting of their party, just admit u r one la.

    6. Wakakakaka…

      Truly, never learn!

      Wow… a thinking zombie that keep chanting the "deeds" of democracy!

      Right, u r one.
