
Sunday, November 24, 2019

Mahathir's amazing sons


Dr M bukan mahu selamatkan negara, tetapi anaknya, dakwa TMJ 

 Tunku Mahkota Johor

PETALING JAYA: Tunku Mahkota Johor (TMJ) mendakwa Tun Dr Mahathir Mohmad bukannya mahu menyelamatkan negara, tetapi pengerusi Pakatan Harapan itu aktif berpolitik kerana bimbang dengan masa depan anaknya.

“Rakyat jangan mudah tertipu dengan individu lidah bercabang dua seperti ular. Buat masa ini individu tersebut bukan ingin selamatkan negara, tetapi apa yang dia sedang lakukan sekarang adalah kerana takut apa akan terjadi kepada anak-anaknya pada masa akan datang.

“Sedangkan orang yang paling kaya di dalam dunia pun belum pasti mampu untuk melahirkan 3 anak ‘billionaire’,” tulis Tunku Ismail Sultan Ibrahim menerusi catatan Facebook malam tadi.

all three sons of Mahathir are Billionaires
orang tua Timor kata: makan sampai mati, kekayaan pun ta'bolih habis 

Marvellous businessmen, all three, my business idols - wakakaka.

Wish I am like them or rather, have their money, wakakaka. I wonder how much more he wants to save the 3 chye-chye - they are already set for life. Even his granddaughter has her own yacht.


  1. TMJ should stat the Fuck out of politicking.
    Whether Mahathir is in fact looking after his children. Or not, is not for him to comment.

  2. How come Ah Mok ignored Kehidupan Mewah isterib dan anak-anak Najib when HE was Prime Minister.

    In fact, Ah Mok at the time chided commentators , saying that family members are not politicians, and should be off-limits to political attacks.

  3. I haven't even begun to talk about Kehidupan Mewah Kerabat Diraja Johor.
    Their luxury cats. Private jets, mind boggling lifestyle.

    This immature TMJ kiddo still claims protection under the Sedition Act.
    The whole spirit and letter of the law protecting Royalty is that they are above politics, hence beyond political criticism.
    If this Kiddo wants to indulge in politicking, then he himself must be subject to political scrutiny

  4. He who is born with a golden shovel in his mouth and can hide behind the protection of the Sedition Act should not talk big.

    Anyone else can hantam Toonsie.

    Come on Toonsie, repeal the Sedition Act.

  5. I have read stories about sultans having many billionaire children; none having worked a single day in their lives, just blood sucking leeches...

  6. Very sad & disappointed to our country, it not the way to be our leader of our country, we thought PH can give us a new life new Malaysia still the same as b4 even worse. Just don't want to be commence anymore. When u r tired to our leaders u tired of everything.

  7. What about the sons & daughters of the kleptomaniac lier?

    Semua adalah genetic trace of these tongkat addicts!
