
Thursday, November 07, 2019

HK future 'Nobel Peace Prize' winner stabbed lawmaker with a 'Niamah'

Extracts from Australian Guardian:

Pro-Beijing lawmaker 'stabbed' in Hong Kong

Junius Ho hospitalised after attack that comes amid protests

Lawmaker Junius Ho has been attacked in Hong Kong Photograph: South China Morning Post/South China Morning Post via Getty Images 

The pro-Beijing lawmaker Junius Ho has been attacked in an apparent stabbing in Hong Kong.

Ho, who is running in the upcoming district council election, was out campaigning in his constituency on Wednesday when he was attacked.

In a video of the incident, a man holding a bunch of flowers approaches and speaks to Ho, then reaches into his bag and pulls out an implement, believed to be a knife, which he uses to stab Ho.

Junius Ho stabbed in chest 

The man could be heard shouting in Cantonese: “Junius Ho, you scum!”

when men wish to 'enter' the 'small doors' 

The attacker was arrested by police, according to Hong Kong Free Press. Ho was taken to Tuen Mun hospital with a stab wound to his chest. The the alleged attacker and one of Ho’s aides were also taken to hospital with injuries, the South China Morning Post reported.


  1. Every reaction there will be a reaction.
    Most of the actions are started or done by polieticians gunning for power, control n money.

  2. its a karma,junius ho believe in violence n work with the white shirt mob to beat n injured peaceful hk citizen.

  3. So ?
    Like most politicians everywhere, Junius Ho is probably no angel.

    Who knows which individual or group has a serious grudge against him, for whatever reasons ? It can be very effective to camouflage unrelated criminal activity behind the current political turmoil.

    There has been a large, extremely well funded campaign to discredit the Hong Kong protests. It is also not impossible that this is a False Flag operation by covert operatives of the giant superpower next door.

    1. wakakaka, what a kerbau factory you've become

    2. These kerbaues r zombies. Anything involving China IS the fault of CCP!

    3. not all r fault, for eg, ccp successfully create many billionaire using socialism in a socialist society, just like how mahathir groom many umno millionaire via a socialistic nep.

    4. Similarly with yr f*cked capitalistic states successfully create many billionaires, branding demoncracy in a dog-eat-dog society. Along the way waylaid the bottom layer of their society!

      Banyak pandai!

      Socialistic nep?

      How about apartheid bolihland style with a majority twist?

      Keep paid to yr silo & confused understanding of sopo theories!

    5. its a socialism with malay characteristics, only suited for msia n not exportable, or else msia would fall into thousand pieces n non stop 513.

      btw, capitalism is abt many billionaire n with much more poverty, anyone that understand economy know this well, so pray tell how socialism with chinese n malay characteristics r diff? the billionaire in this unique socialism society donate their wealth to the poor kah? or there is more number of billionaire than poor n peasant?


    Sounds like Junius Ho earlier supported those who had committed violence, as long as they were pro-Beijing.

    1. Anglia Ruskin University in Cambridge awarded the former Law Society president the honour in 2011, praising Ho as “a top name in law” in the city, but on Tuesday announced it had decided to withdraw it after complaints by local pro-democracy supporters and a member of British parliament.

      The upper house member of the British parliament, David Alton, of Liverpool, was referring to Ho shaking hands with members of a mob, allegedly linked to an indiscriminate attack on train passengers at Yuen Long railway station in July. Ho has denied any knowledge of the attack.

      Allegations based on protesters and a upper house member who could be as biased as the Norwegian bloke who recommended the HK protesters for the (wakakaka) Nobel Peace Prize

    2. The shared spirit of the demoncratic f*ckheads upholding their chanting of pro-democracy using violences!

      Their violent routings r been justified as an 'righteousness' movement while the mild cramping actions of the police r termed unacceptable & violation of their twisted human right!

      What an understanding of DEMONCRACY of the purest form!


      The REAL dragon seed of new China!

      One against a group of 废青 who support the HK riots.

    4. "Allegations based on protesters and a upper house member who could be as biased".....

      and you have been biased against the protesters right from Day 1....
      when are you moving to Beijng ?

    5. the pro democracy that live in a authoritarian fuckhead regime always end in violence, for eg 64, no such violence if they live in a democracy like taiwan. we could therefore conclude that the authoritarian regime is a violen society that kill peaceful civilian, or have the habit to provoke peaceful protestors in order to kill them, very uncivilized n cruel.

    6. Thanks CK for the video...indeed your description of her as the 'real dragon seed of a new China' is very apt and uniquely well put !

      Bravo for her bravery and rational attempt to a dialogue which is going nowhere as these people just simply shout her down ( as well as 'drown-sing' her down ) when they couldn't counter her logical and pertinent points....these protesters once again had proven without a doubt that they are the best examples of Newspeak :

      - Democracy is as we say !

      - Freedom is to beat up people who disagree with us !

      - Universal suffrage, unless the vote goes against us !

      They are exhibiting the worst of democracy, which vastly underestimates the power of stupid people in large groups.

    7. what a joke, how one could demonstrate the best of democracy under a authoritarian regime, only a smart alec that not live in one have such delusion.

    8. Mfer,

      "the pro democracy that live in a authoritarian fuckhead regime always end in violence, for eg 64, no such violence if they live in a democracy like taiwan."

      Haven't u forgotten that f*cked 太阳花运动?

      Ain't that a show of violent riots? In Taiwan too!

      Ditto with the yellow vest riotings in France.

      Ditto too with many outbreak of riots of multiple natures in yr uncle Sam's backyard.

      We could therefore conclude that a demoncratic regime is a hypocritical outfit that trick blurred civilians, or have the habit to let disenchanted/misled/conned civilians into heightened frenzy of moronic herd mentality!

      Who's very uncivilized & cruel?

      Another joke for u, mfer:

      How one could demonstrate the best of democracy under a hypocritical regime?

      With a f*ckhead, full of twisted demoncratic delusions, that keep denial living in one such illusion.

    9. Wakakakaka…

      And you have been biased against the the HK government & CCP China right from Day 1....

      Have u been critically deluded with yr anti CCP ego such that u want everyone who confronted u with rational arguments to move to Beijing?

      If these people will to move to Beijing, mfer, where is yr best place of residence?

      Uncle Sam's shithole backyard or auntie pommie's falkland?

    10. lets look at sunflower protest.
      democracy is as what taiwanese say, sunflower exercise garnered worldwide support, no violent because the police restraint themselves n kmt, the party that govern at that time accept the demand of the people, n universal suffrage is never an issue in taiwan. is that not demonstration of the best of democracy in democracy taiwan basing on jj criteria?

      u stupid dun even know what sunflower protest is abt and how it end. dun waste my time la.

    11. Wakakakakaka…

      Don't u know what's a trap?

      太阳花运动 - a blurred student boycotting movement in the famed fashion of demoncratic showpiece. As so succinctly fart by u!

      In Mar 18 2014, a group of moronic & truly misled educated wastes occupied the Legislative Yuan and, later, also the Executive Yuan of Taiwan. The activists protested the passing of the Cross-Strait Service Trade Agreement (CSSTA) by the ruling party Kuomintang (KMT) at the legislature.

      See the similarity with the HK extradition law enactment?

      Those Formosa administrators, under Ma Ying-jeou, were playing the same tune as Carrie Lum in treating those pro-democracy f*ckheads with kid gloves initially.

      Eventually, Cross-Strait Service Trade Agreement (CSSTA) was withdrawal & the incident recessed!

      If Ma didn't back down, the chances of the protests turned violent was minimum.

      This is bcoz

      1) those Formosa protestors were only having very small radicals as leaders. Most of them were herding sheep's of the blurred kind. In fact many of the so called diehard radical movement leaders r now working quietly in mainland China!

      2) the foreign inputs to stir this cesspool were minimum as Taiwan was still a necessary beachhead. It's of no benefit for them to lose Taiwan when China decided to interfere strongly as China was restricted by the 1C2S clauses as in the case of HK.

      3) many Taiwaneses deep down knew that the increased Chinese investments, as postulated in the Agreement, would provide a necessary boost to Taiwan's economy. Thus, many sections of the Taiwanese society avoid escalating the protests to violent stage.

      In the lights of just these disclosure, there r many more complicated, WHAT'S yr claims of the FARTS of demoncracy?

      Wasting yr time?

      I'm clarifying pertinent points that mfer, like u, just wanted to paint over to the other readers. Definitely not to u!

      Yadda…yadda… contemplating these farts lah!

      *democracy is as what taiwanese say about their unique demoncracy

      *sunflower exercise garnered worldwide support as with those HK 废青 riotings

      *no violent because the police restraint themselves n kmt, the party that govern at that time accept the demand of the people!

      Wow… ain't HK police & Carrie Lum's administration did the same initially!

      What changes & downhill all the time since?

      Yr uncle Sam & auntie pommie's inputs?

      *universal suffrage is never an issue in taiwan. In HK too, if u can understand state loyalty true & through!

      Hohoho… it's tge best coming Xmas gifts as understand by f*ckhead like u about sunflower movement vis-a-vis HK 废青 riotings.

  5. I have commented on this thing called Democracy before, and it bears a repeat posting here :

    More often than not, leaders of democracies often lie to their people and take their people to war. Populist politicians incite hatred to divide the people using race and religion without any qualm. Most democracies cannot deliver what they have promised, and the government shows little respect for public opinion once elected. And worse of all, democracies underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups. So the thinking that democracy is the goal that all countries are seeking is an illusion.

    Democracy is a means, not the goal. For a developing country, the most important goal is to develop its people (which parallels the development of the economy), and China is currently doing quite well in this regard.

    Democracy basically let the people rule themselves, whose effectiveness heavily depends on the quality of the people. If a computer-related analogy is used then we can surmise as such :

    Installing democracy in a country whose people isn't ready for it is like installing Windows 7 on a 486, you do get some benefits of the new system, but the overall user experience would be bad, because the minimum system requirement isn't met.

    So what's the best way to quickly improve the quality of a country's citizens?

    Economic development ! In this regard, the best way for China to have an effective and working democracy as soon as possible, is ironically, for it to not have democracy now. Because the current system is great in developing the Chinese economy, and people.

    Are the Chinese people ready for democracy now?

    It is full of risk, to say the least....there is only one chance to test it, as there is no "save/load". As it's a decision that's so important, it's better safe than sorry. As long as the current system still works and isn't holding back China's development, democracy can wait. Empirical evidence from Taiwan, by the way, doesn't bode very well. And in Hong Kong, the rioters there are the best example of Newspeak : Democracy is doing as we say ! Freedom is to beat up people who disagree with us ! Universal suffrage, unless the vote goes against us !

    The current blind passion for democracy has misled many countries to adopt it prematurely, as if it's a fashion. There are many horror stories and not many successful ones in the past 20 years' huge democratic push to poor countries.

    In the mean time, almost all ( seemingly ) working democracies are rich countries, which unfortunately makes many people to confuse democracy and wealth.

    Go check out Eric Li's speech in Ted Talk : A Tale of Two Political System.

    Wise up, morons !

    1. surprise surprise JJ a good comment which I for the first time agree with, considering it's by you, wakakaka

      your 3rd last line, to wit, "working democracies are rich countries, which unfortunately makes many people to confuse democracy and wealth" aids my argument in a roundabout way, that democracy will and does come when a country is wealthy enough for farmers and labourers and workers and a country's people in general to be educated and affluent enough to understand what the democratic process is - otherwise it's unscrupulous manipulative elite (or rich foreigners) exploiting their feelings (hatred, racism, sense of injustice etc) to benefit from a so-called "democracy" as seen in HK, Malaysia, India

    2. kt, i am not familiar with india so refrain to talk much abt it, hk is not a democracy, so stop yr nonsense, as for msia, ask yrself if the cause is loss of democracy rights, or due to democracy? n why a chinese like yrself can have yr desire n preferred job in a democracy, n who r u to claim democracy cant benefit hker just bec mainlander n msian r zombie using ck language? until u walk the talk or else u sound precisely a hypo.

    3. tsk tsk going from the concept and practicality of "democracy" to my personal career, wakakaka - and didn't I say that "that democracy will and does come when a country is wealthy enough for farmers and labourers and workers and a country's people in general to be educated and affluent enough to understand what the democratic process is"

    4. hk where got farmer, n how many labourer left if compare against australia? u give me an impression that racism is the cause u cant hv a better career in msia, while not a problem in a western democracy, so it is more due to democracy right or wealth?

    5. I've been to several HK farms

    6. "...."working democracies are rich countries, which unfortunately makes many people to confuse democracy and wealth" aids my argument in a roundabout way, that democracy will and does come when a country is wealthy enough..."

      I did say " SEEMINGLY" working democracies in rich countries. BUT there's no real democracy in the US or in EU ! Even the so-called paragon of democracy of Switzerland is a myth...

  6. Mfer, watch but words!

    "mainlander n msian r zombie"!!!

    As explained in yr & yr drinking pals' behaviour?
