
Wednesday, November 20, 2019

End soon for Azmin Ali?

I smell and sense something nasty in the air, though what I suspect may NOT be unpleasant, wakakaka.

The smell is that of treachery (the 'norm' in Malaysian politics, wakakaka), necessary sacrifice (what Malays say 'sembileh') & abandonment. Before we come to that, let's read the three following articles which has been just published yesterday (1) and today (2).

(1) Malaysiakini - Time for authorities to update on sex video - Dr M's legal adviser.

Haniff Khatri 

Prime Minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad's legal adviser, Haniff Khatri, said police and the Attorney-General's Chambers should update the public on the status of the investigation into the sex video implicating Economic Affairs Minister Azmin Ali as it has been more than five months.

Azmin had denied that the man, engaging in sex acts with former Santubong PKR Youth chief Haziq Abdullah Abdul Aziz, was him and called it an attempt to destroy his political career.

"I hope Inspector-General of Police Abdul Hamid Bador or Attorney-General Tommy Thomas, or both of them, can issue an official statement to inform the people on the latest status of the sex video case.

"Professionally speaking, after five months since the video emerged, it is of utmost importance that the authorities handling the case, be it the police or Attorney-General's Chambers' adviser on the case, to issue an official statement on the status of the investigation into the video.

"This is to ensure that the rule of law is seen to be upheld and to dispel any negative perception about the delay in concluding this case,"
he said in a statement.

Haniff is not Mahathir's first adviser to have taken an interest in the case.

Kadir Jasin 

Mahathir's special media adviser A Kadir Jasin had in June weighed into the case and proceeded to give various instances of ministers resigning over controversies.

(2) FMT - Govt handling of economy to blame for Tg Piai loss, says PPBM man.

PPBM Supreme Council member Tariq Ismail 

PETALING JAYA: A PPBM leader today blamed the government’s handling of the economy for Pakatan Harapan’s (PH) poor performance in the Tanjung Piai by-election last Saturday.

PPBM Supreme Council member Tariq Ismail said PH’s loss was due to the economy, not its unfulfilled manifesto pledges or identity politics which he added were merely “symptoms” of the real problem.

“The elephant in the room that the government has failed to address is how to jump-start the economy.”

In a statement, he said this had led to anger among the Chinese guilds and businessmen in Pekan Nanas and Kukup in Johor.

He added that PH’s “standard excuse” about the country’s debts were now sounding like a “broken record”.

(3) MM Online - Azmin and Umno Meeting: What's the prawn behind the stone? ― Rais Hussin.

NOVEMBER 20 ― There is a Malay expression, drummed into all Malaysian children, vernacular and national schools included, “udang di sebalik batu”. Translated literally or colloquially it means “what's the beef?”

kaytee notes (more blunt): "udang disebalk batu" in English 'refers to a person who is saying one thing, but harbours hidden intentions behind their words'

Pakatan Harapan (PH) is a a coalition of several well written promises, some of which include the Manifesto, agreement on basic philosophy of PH governance, power transition, and most important of all, not to work with PAS nor Umno.

Datuk Seri Azmin Ali may not be in line with his party president or PKR party per se. That is his business. In politics, one lives or dies on the sword with which one wields. And, Azmin has made his choice anything but unclear; which interestingly seems to run counter to what Malaysians want.

But when Azmin Ali meets with some 27 Umno Members of Parliament, possibly, with the justification, that it was to gauge the “performance” of all, then Azmin Ali has trudged into the territorial of the prime minister of Malaysia himself. 
Is he saying, he has the right to assess the performance of Umno too? Even Tun Dr Mahathir does not what transpired during the meeting as he said yesterday.

The whole fiasco rankles with deceit, if not sheer conceit.
 The minister of economic affairs should deliver on jobs, improved income, and foreign direct Investment. In the European Union alone, all 28 countries will find 1/3 of all jobs being permanently lost to automation by 2030.


Whilst Haniff Khatri is legal adviser to Mahathir, Tariq Aziz and Rais Hussin are both supreme council members of PBBM (PRIBUMI). The latter two have written immediately in the wake of Azmin Ali's bizarre get-together with Opposition MPs in his house for a cosy chit-chat.

Haniff however voiced his (or the PM's) wish to know what progress (or lack of) has been achieved by the police on the gay sex investigation. However, he made the statement late on Monday, after the Tanjung Piai by-election results.

Pak Kadir did so much earlier, in fact in June. He was reported by Malaysiakini as follows (extracts):

Kadir said he had been "badly burnt" in the past for taking a position on a "similar incident a very long time ago - 1997-98 to be precise".

At the time, he said his reputation as a journalist and editor was put into question and the newspaper where he worked at, the New Straits Times, suffered.

However, Kadir said even though he no longer worked at a newspaper, some people still pay attention to his comments.

"For that reason, I feel that I should not abrogate my responsibility. As such I continue to take (a) position on matters of national interest," he said before weighing into the Sandakan sex video.

While he did not go into the specifics of the video, Kadir went on to provide international examples of ministers who have resigned.

"The question that every Pakatan Harapan leader must ask is, do I use my party and my government position to shield me from my wrongdoing or I shield my party and my government from shame by doing the right thing?" he said in a blog posting. [...]

Kadir said the sex video is a test on Harapan's pledge to be open, transparent and accountable, as well as its promise to uphold the rule of law and the Federal Constitution.

It is also a test on the professionalism of the police under the new leadership of Inspector-General of Police Abdul Hamid Bador.

"It is a test to the ability of the Harapan leadership to stay above the fray and to put the interest of the country above personal likes and dislikes.

"It is a test to the humanity, humility, morality and dignity of Harapan leaders collectively and individually," Kadir added.

And would you believe it, today (5 months after he said that, but just a couple of days after the legal adviser to the PM voiced his demand for a police report) Malaysiakini reported the Federal CID director Huzir Mohamed saying US firm to establish identities in Sex clip by year's end. Wakakaka.

Meanwhile, Rais Hussin has directly criticised Azmin Ali on what the latter said, that it had just been an ordinary meeting.

Star Online reported:

Referring to the Monday night meeting with a number of Umno and PKR MPs at his residence, he said it was a “normal meeting”.

went there to masak nasi 'kunyit'? wakakaka 

“I take an open approach. I will meet with whoever that wants to meet me,” he said.

Asked about the nature of the gathering, he said these meetings were merely to get feedback from the ground on how the government was performing.

“I meet with the rakyat, business community and MPs, whether from Pakatan Harapan or others.

“This is important as a government that cares for the people. We want to get feedback from the people and business community on how they are towards government policies,” he added.

Meeting with UMNO MPs to get feedback on how Pakatan government has been performing (intermediately just after PH's Tanjung Piai by-election humongous loss?)

my blardy kahchnooi (@$$) 

Rais Hussin sneered: If ... it was to gauge the “performance” of all, then Azmin Ali has trudged into the territorial of the prime minister of Malaysia himself.

Is he saying, he has the right to assess the performance of Umno too? Even Tun Dr Mahathir does not what transpired during the meeting as he said yesterday.

The whole fiasco rankles with deceit, if not sheer conceit.

Why has Rais lambasted Azmin though of course the PKR Dwarf or Rat deserves it? OK, let's see what Tariq Ismail has written.

Tariq, like Rais, also lambasted Azmin though not directly but rather at his position/role as Economics Minister. Tariq wrote that it wasn't so much PH’s unfulfilled manifesto pledges or identity politics which he added were merely “symptoms” of the real problem.

He said:

“The elephant in the room that the government has failed to address is how to jump-start the economy.”

In a statement, he said this had led to anger among the Chinese guilds and businessmen in Pekan Nanas and Kukup in Johor.

He added that PH’s “standard excuse” about the country’s debts were now sounding like a “broken record”.

I do not completely agree with the specifics of Tariq's narration which seeks to ameliorate Mahathir's gross culpability in the Tanjung Piai's shameful loss with an incorrect identification of the Chinese anger as stemming from Malaysia's poor economic situation (though of course there is that too) and not more accurately from Mahathir's lies, backtracks and policies adverse to Chinese educational interests.

But I see in Tariq Ismail's and Rais Hussin's narrations as plainly overt criticisms of Azmin Ali as a failure in his ministerial role, an embarrassment and an unwanted macai to Mahathir, and the root cause for Pakatan's loss in Tanjung Piai (wakakaka).

If they wrote the above on their own, both must be pretty pissed off with Azmin for involving their party chairman Mahathir in the Dwarfs's treacherous game, one to enhance macai's own political survival.

OTOH, if they wrote the articles with approval, that means Atuk wants to distance himself from a rat, yessirree, like a rat already stricken with political bubonic plaque, and now to be abandoned a.s.ap.

Coupled with Haniff Khatri's and Kadir Jasin's reminder to the police, these narrations don't look good for Azmin Ali. Atuk may be about to sembileh him for of course Atuk's own political longevity. Mahathir is experienced enough to know when to cut off his 'losses', especially one so tainted in the eyes of the Malay World, wakakaka. The police ID of the personalities involved in the Sandakan Gay Sex video clips will more than be enough justification. 

Will we soon see a cabinet reshuffle, with the Econs Ministry going to a senator-ised Mukhriz?

If a PRIBUMI candidate is to be a mandatory requirement for the position of Econs Minister, then a senator-ised Rais Hussin would have been the far far, by a zillion kilometres far better candidate (Rais is probably the only PRIBUMI person competent to be a minister, wakakaka), but alas, Rais has already put himself into the black book of Atuk, wakakaka.

OTOH, the Econs Minister was given to a PKR Minister (albeit one with his allegiance to Mahathir rather than to his own party) so it may represent an opportunity for Anwar Ibrahim to step into a ministerial role to replace the rat. That may mollify Anwar and PKR for the time being until Atuk gets his act together, though time is running short for him. But will Atuk see some sense in that?

I doubt it, as Mahathir can't help being King Minus, wakakaka.

everything King Minus (not Midas) touched/touches, it turned/turns to poo 

Wait - something just came up, wakakaka.


FMT - PM hints at Cabinet reshuffle, possibly before APEC.


  1. Superman Hew was right all along. Malays screw the end DAP will have the most seats in parliament....

  2. Tun speaks from his mind and not from his heart. Thus, when the time comes Tun M can appear as heartless. But that's what politics is. Tun M is just brilliant in foreseeing with uncanny accuracy of what his political opponents are planning to do. As he said, pass the vote of no confidence if you want, which can cause confusion and problems to the country. Malays screw Malays? Nah.. perhaps, is it more likely - Government of the Malays, by the Malays, for the Malays?

  3. That's why Malays have no dignity. Tak Malu.

    1. you are too sweeping in your remarks - there are about 18 million Malays in Malaysia so you shouldn't make such "one long sweeping bamboo" type of nasty (racist) description. More specific attacks are OK

    2. Noted. I should have said Malays with Dignity should speak up and make their voices heard.

    3. It's not wrong to make a statement based on the majority or the norm, as long as you make clear it's the majority of the population group, and not everyone.
      Statisticians and scientists do that all the time.

  4. Azmin did what Mahathir himself had previously already organised - secretly meeting UMNO leaders on "Unity Government" alliance.

    Except , he did not realise that he had trespassed into the Capo Dei Capi's territory. Do as I command, but you may not do as I do.

    For that, he may get booted out.
    The easiest way is to "confirm" that the 2nd person in the Action video is Azmin.
    Then its game over.

    The Police have now handed the video over to some analysts in the US.
    I'm pretty sure , if there is a free and open assessment, the person in the video will be correctly identified.
