
Monday, October 28, 2019

Why Mahathir & Muhyiddin have to accuse Hew of pro Communism

We all know why the DAP is now under attacks. To Malays the DAP is viewed, rightly or wrongly, but generally due to unceasing propaganda over the years by UMNO, PAS and now ironically, the DAP's Pakatan ally, Parti Pribumi, as a Chinese-based, Communist and Christian inclined, LTTE Tamil-Malaysian money-bag, Chinese money-faced dog-eat-dog, uncultured, biadab-ish (especially to Malay rulers) and disloyal non-Malay political party.

Wakakaka especially on the oxymoronic Communist and Christian inclined proclivity of the Rocket Party - that's the indeed moronic description of the DAP by its political enemies, and by extension, the Malay Heartland.

And of lately, the incongruity of the addition of the DAP as a financial sponsors of LTTE (Tamil Tigers) which was (I reiterate 'was') a Sri Lanka Tamil nationalistic-separatist secular revolutionary socialistic militant organisation - have you managed to grasp all the adjectives, wakakaka?

But do you know why out of the stigmas affecting poor old DAP, namely, Communistic, biadab-ish Chinese, Christian, LTTE sponsor, the one that has been heavily emphasised by the Malay parties, especially Parti Pribumi, has been its alleged pro communistic nature and its intention to spread communist propaganda through Hew Kuan Yau's comics?

Apart from the Heartland's fear of communism, by virtue of our past experience of the Emergency (even though there were well-known Malays in the CPM), the DAP-linked 'straw that broke the Parti Pribumi's back' has been the gifting of Hew's 'Belt & Road Initiative for Win-Winism' by Mahathir to Xi Jinping.

Mahathir has been badly embarrassed at been seen allegedly as pro China, pro Chinese and beholden to the DAP, ONLY because the person who broke the news to the Malay Heartland has been Najib Razak, wakakaka - yes, by apa malu bossku, Mahathir most hated bĂȘte noire ( a bit of a tautology here, but with Mahathir, that's how much and how intensely he hates Najib).

For Mahathir to be caught with his pants down in doing something for the Chinese and Chinese Malaysians by Najib Razak, of all people, it's the eff-ing pits man.

And that's why Hamid Bador has had his SB out to eff-ing grill Hew on hot coals, if not anything, just to show the Heartland the Imperator isn't beholden to any blardy Cinapek. That's why the pro-Communist kerbau has been laden on Hew and the comics lavishly.

And the joke of all this Parti Pribumi farce means police reports, police investigations and police interrogations. Hew and those who collaborated with him to produce the comic book have now been called in for questioning. 

But yet both Home Minister Muhyiddin Yassin and IGP Hamid Bador were a little unsure of what the interrogation was to be about, wakakaka.

Muhyiddin was quoted as saying that a preliminary report by the ministry’s security department found that “something” was wrong with the comic book and that it was appropriate for stern action against the publishers. Hamid, for his part, said, “At the moment, we are not able to determine the offence committed” but investigations are ongoing.

Stern action for “something” wrong, for an offence that the police are unable to as yet determine? Wakakaka - Muhyidding and Bador should get their kerbau-ish dancing act together.

And Lim KS has ONLY now broken his usual silence on anything to do with Mahathir and Parti Pribumi because his precious son had written the Forward to an allegedly pro Communist comics, wakakaka, so it's in the Lims' interests to defuse the impact of the communist label that Parti Pribumi has made Hew and indirectly the DAP wear (in turn to protect Mahathir's reputation amongst the Heartland voters).

Tun, tolong sikit OK, anak saya sekalang manya susah liao

OK, ai timbang dulu, mungkin perlu sembileh Ronnie & Hew


  1. The relentless attacks against DAP (idiotic reason: DAP is funded by Jewish George Soros to spread Christianity, Hindu terrorism and Chinese communism) only goes to show PAS-UMNO consider DAP to be the backbone of Harapan. Get rid of DAP and Harapan falls apart.

    PKR, Bersatu and Amanah are easy to infiltrate. Just use religion and money.

    But DAP is too strong. Have to throw the kitchen sink at them. So they must never quit Harapan. Stay the course.

    1. Keep up the relentless illogical and stupid attacks against DAP and it will backfire on PAS-UMNO.

      Umno sec-gen tweets ‘our duty to bring down DAP’, free Malaysia from racists; here’s how Malaysians responded

      Monday, 28 Oct 2019


      KUALA LUMPUR, Oct 28 — Taking aim at its political enemy DAP, Umno secretary-general Tan Sri Annuar Musa went on social media urging Malaysians to “rise up” and rid the government he claimed was “infested” with extremist elements, and preserve the country’s peace and harmony.

      The tweet, made yesterday during the long Deepavali weekend holiday, was likely meant to rally the so-called moderates and drew 231 “likes” and 79 retweets at the time of this article’s publication.

      But far from inspiring unity, the Ketereh MP drew backlash from a segment of Malaysian Twitter users, based on their replies.

      Anti-Umno Malaysians responded by putting up the proverbial mirror against Annuar’s own party, and said voters did exactly what the Umno leader had asked for in the 2018 general election.

      “We did, Tan Sri. That is why Barisan Nasional is no longer in power,” one Twitter user named Mo, adding: “Where have you been?”

      Mo’s reply received 63 thumbs-up at the time of publication. Other Twitter users appeared to share a similar sentiment in response to Annuar’s attempt at treading the middle ground.

      Many found the Umno leader’s message about fighting racists and extremists ironic, and pointed to his own party leaders’ propensity to campaign on divisive issues when they were still in power or even as the Opposition today.

      “While liberalism and socialism are important elements for harmony society, religion extremism, racism are what PAS and DUmno propagate all this while,” posted a Twitter user by the name Vince.

      The brickbats followed Annuar’s abrupt tweet yesterday calling for Malaysians to rid the country of all sorts of extreme elements, including socialists and liberals who now hold power within the government.

      He called them extremists, communists, socialists, terrorists, while also suggesting there were Christian evangelists conspiring to divide and disrupt harmony.

      “Rise up Malaysians,time to get rid and clean up our govt from being infested by extremist, racist, communist, socialist, terrorist, evangelist, liberalist AND SAVE OUR HARMONIOUS MULTIRACIAL MSIA” the Umno leader said.

      The tweet was likely aimed at the DAP. In a subsequent post written as a response to controversial blogger Raja Petra Kamaruddin, Annuar said to bring down the DAP and save harmonious and multiracial Malaysia was “our duty”.

      “It’s our duty to bring down DAP and save harmonious n multiracial Msia,” he wrote.

  2. The sooner the old gang is removed the better. In particular Toonsie and Muhyiddin. They should follow the example of LKS, who holds no government position and is only an MP and party advisor. With these 2 gone then the younger Bersatu crowd will also fall by the wayside. Maszlee, Syed Saddiq, Mukhriz, Flying Car, Rina Who? etc. The only Bersatu MP worth keeping is Tok Pa.

    1. Rais Hussin is not a MP but is worth keeping, either in PKR or DAP

    2. Wan Saiful Wan Jan oso can. At the moment he is wasted at PTPTN. Tough job but no power.
