
Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Who are the ones with Malaysian values?

Brief extracts from column of Commander (rtd) S Thayaparan (Malaysiakini) on comics saga:

One could make the argument that Superman Hew was doing the old maverick (Mahathir) a favour, hence the boy minister should show some gratitude.

While Hew may be a “useful idiot” for the mandarins in the PRC, his comic is good propaganda when it comes to dealing with the PRC because, obviously as the old maverick says, Malaysia has to be careful about what it says to big, powerful China.

This kind of comic goes a long way in ameliorating the usual far right rhetoric that the state has to engage in when it comes to anything Chinese

Bersatu PRIBUMI Youth exco Mohd Ashraf Mustaqim Badrul Munir, launching a broadside against the DAP, said: “Do they hold on to Malaysians values with conviction and sincerity or are they aligned with the Communist Party of China?", which is nonsensical because I have no idea what Malaysian values he is talking about.

Here we have politicians like the boy minister and this youth exco member talking about racism and “Malaysian values” when they belong to a political party that only accepts Malays. A political party that was created to court the Malay votes because it was believed that the vast majority of the community needed to be reassured that only a Malay only political party could protect the rights and needs of the Malay community.

These are the arbiters of what is and isn’t racist? While various polls claim that a majority of Chinese and Indians consider themselves “Malaysian” first, most polls, especially recent ones, point to a worrying trend of a majority of Malays thinking of themselves as “Muslims” first. So it is deceitful talking about Malaysian values and as problematic as talking about Bangsa Malaysia, for instance.

The old maverick says: “The young people must understand the problems, strategies and policies of our own country first, so when they come up (to face) with other people's strategies, they know their place.”, which I suppose means the kind of racial and religious propaganda which sustains Bersatu PRIBUMI, Umno and PAS. Fair enough, at least it's home-grown.

if 'dignity' means racism, they certainly have it, otherwise kerbau lah 

Malay politicians and religious personalities do not ever have to justify the dodgy political or religious dogma they import from the Middle East or their support of causes that are of importance to their base.

However, because nobody wants to spook the Malays, non-Malay politicians have to distance themselves from anything that could be used against them politically, even by their allies, but which is important to their respective bases.

Very succinct observation but more importantly, Commander Thayaparan has raised it pointedly, namely, that:

(1) Malay politicians and religious personalities do not ever have to justify the dodgy political or religious dogma they import from the Middle East or their support of causes that are of importance to their base, 

(2) But if Chinese or Indian politicians (or even religious personalities) import any overseas dogma or culture, they have to justify the values of their existing national affiliation, as is happening now to Chinese (affiliation PRC?) and Indians (affiliation LTTE?).

As the Commander also pointed out, it's ironical and disgustingly arrogant for members of Parti PRIBUMI (a racist party with members exclusively of one race only, purportedly to protect the interests of one race only), to wit, Minister Syed Saddiq and PRIBUMI Youth exco Mohd Ashraf Mustaqim Badrul Munir, to question non-Malays' values when their so-called values are questionable. 

Indeed, it's obscenely deceitful for them as racists in a racist party to talk about Malaysian values.

As for because nobody wants to spook the Malays, non-Malay politicians have to distance themselves from anything that could be used against them politically, even by their allies, but which is important to their respective bases do you hear Lim KS or son Lim GE commenting on the Malay Dignity Congress, UM VC racist rant, or Maszlee's reason for Malay students dominating the matriculation process?

They have become guli-less for the sake of holding on to their lil' powers.

chye-chye don't look up, just don't look up, act dunno 


  1. No matter what is said,Malaysia is at the mercy of China and India.When they stop importing palm oil from Malaysia,the Malays will really go bonkers.

    Because of the Malay leaders telling the Malays that they have to use Tongkat Ali,inside their minds,if they do not use Tongkat Ali,their tiny pricks are useless.To make it plain and simple,these pariah leaders are taking advantage of the Malays by instilling the inferiority complex mentality into their fuckup minds.

    Total maybe 20-30% of the educated Malays are not fooled by these pariahs.The rest are followers and always will be followers.These are the crutches brigade.Waiting to pick a few pennies whenever these pariah leaders feel like throwing crumbs of leftovers for them.

  2. The Malays are the definitive race in Malaysia, and the special position of the Malays is clearly spelt out in the 1957 Constitution.
    So there is nothing wrong with a seminar on preserving the special position of the Malays.

    On the other hand, a former DAP member (clearly still closely linked to DAP) acting as an agent of a foreign power is highly objectionable.

    1. Then REREAD the terms as spelled out in the 57 Constitution about those special positions.

      Anything more r just a disguised tongkat demands!

  3. Both Jibby and Toonsie are big time supporters of China’s Belt and Road.


    Jibby’s government committed 80 billion to ECRL and another 42 billion for the Melaka Gateway projects. Both are key components of Belt and Road, in fact they are among the largest in terms of value.

    Toonsie was a key speaker in Beijing about 6 months ago, trumpeting Belt and Road.

    Dr M in Beijing: Everyone will benefit from Belt and Road initiative

    Friday, 26 Apr 2019

    PETALING JAYA: Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad has endorsed the Belt and Road initiative by China, saying everyone would benefit from the ease of travel and communication that it would bring about.

    He said this in his speech at the Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation in Beijing on Friday (April 26).

    "Today, trade drives the world. It is only natural that the land and sea passages have to be better developed.

    "The Silk Road, the land passage between East and West, has not received much attention. Yet it must be obvious that with modern technologies, the passage can be improved.

    "Without doubt, the utilisation of these passages will enrich all the littoral states along the way, as much as the great nations of the East and West," said Dr Mahathir..

    According to the Prime Minister, just as the massive trade by ships helped spawn the development of huge bulk carriers, the land passage should also respond to the need from the increased trade between East and West.

    He suggested that bigger trains be built towards this end.

    "Although trains can now connect China with Eastern Europe, current trains are not designed for the increases in goods and people needing to travel along this passageway.

    If ships can be built bigger, why can't trains be equally big to carry more goods and raw materials and people?

    "Have we reached the limit in terms of the size and length of trains? I think not," he added.

    The Prime Minister said the world had the technology and money to bring about such improvements.

    He said freedom of passage along these routes, which pass through many countries via both sea and land, was important and warned against bureaucratic hassles slowing down the speed of travel.

    "It is essential therefore for these passages to be free and open to all," said Dr Mahathir.

    He added that the passages must be made safe as terrorism and wars would render the modern marvels that enabled the Belt and Road incapable of delivering the benefits they promised.

    "Yes, the Belt and Road idea is great.

    "It can bring the landlocked countries of Central Asia closer to the sea. They can grow in wealth and their poverty reduced.

    So while Superman Hew’s comical comic book was, well....a comical comic book...let’s not lose sight that Malaysia is well and truly a supporter of Belt and Road.

    1. ECRL etc are hell of a lot cheaper than FOREX, Maminco, Mukawasa Perwaja losses (for nothing)

    2. So why didn't Badawi and Jibby take Toonsie to court? They had 15 years 2003-2018. Too late now......most of the evidence lost or forgotten, witnesses dead.....ECRL however is still hot....

  4. The reason why Zakar Naik is so popular is because he peddles the aphrodisiac Tongkat Ali.

  5. are you really that simple, innocent or perhaps thick skin that we have to spell it out to you what is wrong, by all means have all the congress and seminars you choose to have to keep reminding yourselves that you have lost your mind while trying to preserve your dignity or ketuanan but try doing it without disparaging or blame others for your misfortune, how can that translate to being dignified, similarly with religion, don't compare or put down other religion, you already have the 'licence' and advantage to proselytize just expound its greatness

    1. clarification, my post was in reply to 'tanah melayu' my apologies

  6. 1. ccp never hv to justify a western ideology ie communism, or capitalism, just rename it chinese characteristic will do, so what to stop a malay characteristics? if we chinese msian believe nothing is wrong with ccp, what make us think the malay ultra is wrong?

    2.the chinese msian must discern enough that to embrace language, culture, religion of what is chineseness is our right, this doesn't include to support ideology expansion strategy like one belt one road n what ccp did to their minority.

    1. Ketuanan CCP no better than Ketuanan Melayu.

    2. 1) why should CCP has to justify an improved communist ideology (BTW, Karl Marx/Engel only labelled an opposite side of human behavioral finding/science vis-a-vis capitalism) through 蹈光养晦 & adjusted via countless cutthroat sacrifices of feeling the stone to cross the river?

      Rightly termed communism with Chinese characteristics that brings peace & prosperity to the people while all other iterations have failed miserably.

      Mfer, where is the -ism with malay characteristics? Ketuanan agenda? A Nazism with malay characteristics?

      Wakakakakaka… memang katak dibawah tempurung. Ketuanan agenda IS just a shameful mindless copycat of Nazism - W/O any sorts of new/decayed inputs, completed with irrationality & inferiority complex. Can u find those factors in Nazism?

      And there IS where the malay ultras go deeply wrong.

      With the current sopoecon developments happened in China, "ketuanan" CCP is definitely way better than ketuanan melayu. CCP looks after her people, to share the fruits while ketuanan melayu is only a gimmick to cheat the blurred B40 of their kindred, so that those fat cat elites can have multiple scores/chances to line their pockets!

      2) "support ideology expansion strategy like one belt one road n what ccp did to their minority"

      Banyak cantik - typical of those Formosa f*ckheads' spurious bleeding-heartish rants to run down CCP.

      Through out history, the old silk roads (land & sea) have proven to bring people, nations closer. They were NEVER expansionist!

      Now, in what way has one belt one road claims territory? R those nations along the OBOR initiative blind, subservient & losing their sovereignty?

      Mfer, u SHOULD learn to know what's prosper thy neighbours - not through wars but through trades.

      Maybe in yr twisted mind, trade is a form of war! Then what about all the other beneficial exchanges that flow through trade interchange - territory horse-trading?

      And do drill this fact - China has never had an oversea colony throughout her 5000yrs of history - into yr petrified lump of stone.

      "…… did to their minority"


      What have those minorities been subjugated to?

      Don't pour those usual western diarrheas that u read. Show what have u seen in Xinjiang/Tibet?

      What about those other minorities besides the oft-quoted Vyghurs & Tibetans, scatter throughout the vast land of China? R they also been (il) treated?

      Ooop… u have NEVER been there at all!

      Google Annigula's YouTube for yr latest Xinjiang enlightenment. She is a beautiful Vyghur girl that has the heart of Xinjiang in the right place. She also represents the majority feeling of the Vyghur vis-a-vis her minority (know the use of this numeric?) radicalised f*cks of suicide bombers.

      Ditto with numerous Tibetan YouTube of real life presentations - not those orchestrated farts by those deranged/misguided losers outside Tibet.

      Commie propagandas lah! Right?

      If u can't distinguish FACTS from ACTS then that clearly tells u r indeed a born commie hater - born to hate communism NOT bcoz of what u have been through with communism.

      Just a caution with f*ckhead - not with yr singleminded induced solo experience. Big Data with enough baseline to prove u perhaps just like to behave like a dog with a bone when it comes to communist bashing!

      So typical of a 蝗民种!
