
Thursday, October 31, 2019

Now Minister, no more people's rep


2,000 lorry drivers demand to meet transport minister at Putrajaya

The lorry drivers want to discuss issues like the demerit points system and licence renewal with the transport minister.
PUTRAJAYA: About 2,000 lorry drivers from across the country gathered outside the transport ministry here today to wait for the minister, Loke Siew Fook, who had promised to hold negotiations with them.
Jayasim Tanapal, the leader of a Pahang lorry drivers’ group, said they were demanding a meeting with Loke following a few decisions by the ministry which he said discriminated against them.
These included the implementation of a demerit points system for errant drivers and the licence renewal process which requires them to undergo a medical checkup.
“We have called him (Loke) three times but he only sends a representative. He knows we wanted to come here today to protest. A (ministry) officer said he will come down, but where is he?

always at side of Atuk


  1. The demerit system is a proven , effective deterrent mechanism against illegal or dangerous driving that has been successfully implemented in many developed countries.

    It is an unpleasant truth that a significant number of lorry drivers in Malaysia drive dangerously, using the sheer bulk of their lorries to intimidate other users.

    The Transport Minister must not cave in to such thuggish behaviour, and this blogger does himself no favours by applauding such bad behaviour.

    1. applauding such bad behaviour??? show me please

      my posting relates to the comment “We have called him (Loke) three times but he only sends a representative. He knows we wanted to come here today to protest. A (ministry) officer said he will come down, but where is he?

  2. As usual DAP must cepat cepat magically solve all problems left behind by MCA.

    Anthony Loke, you have been Transport Minister for 18 months. By now you should have resolved all these issues like the Demerit Points System implemented by past ministers.

    And who were the past ministers for the last 40 years?

    Starting from Lee San Choon up till 1979, Chong Hon Nyan up till 1986, Ling Liong Sik up till 2003, Chan Kong Choy up till 2008, Ong Tee Kiat up till 2010, Kong Cho Ha up till 2013 and Liow Tiong Lai up till 2018.

    SEVEN ministers, ALL from MCA. More than 40 years.

    Wee Ka Siong even has a PhD is TRANSPORTATION PLANNING. But what did he contribute to transportation in Malaysia......? Nothing.

    Malaysia today has one of the highest road accidents fatality rates in the world, the AES system implemented was riddled with corruption, PKFZ was the worst corruption case before 1MDB, KLIA computer system breakdown was because critical maintenance was not cetera et cetera et cetera.

    So Anthony Loke, get off your butt and solve 40 years of mismanagement. You had 18 months as minister already. Wave your magic wand and everyone in the Ministry of Transport will suddenly love you and cooperate with you and everything will beres.

    1. so ready to assume the problem lies in history? wakakaka

    2. QUOTE
      so ready to assume the problem lies in history? wakakaka

      Isn't this entire blog dedicated to history of problems? You are so ready to assume all blame on Toonsie's historical performance but nobody else.

      In particular problems supposedly caused by Toonsie 20,30, 40 years ago? Coincidentally 40 years is how long MCA has been in charge of the Transport Ministry, before DAP has to sweep clean, despite the ministry being filled by BN-type mentalities.

      The PKFZ fiasco was the highlight of MCA's reign at the ministry, and MCA is lucky that 1MDB largely overshadowed it in terms of scope, size and reach. Otherwise it would be Ling Liong Sik, Chan Kong Choy etc who would be on the dock now, not Jibby.

    3. so ready to assume the problem is caused by the current administration

  3. QUOTE
    These included the implementation of a demerit points system for errant drivers and the licence renewal process which requires them to undergo a medical checkup.

    Demerits points system, medical checkup......hhhmmmm.....this sounds like sensible things to do if you want a license to haul 20 tonnes of cargo on our public roads......what's the issue here? Do they think they are Grabfood riders?

  4. In the good old days of BN, everyone knew that protests against any ministry/gov officers/depts were a bloody waste of time & effort. Worst still, some might get caught in the webs of bureaucratic interplays & tidak-apaism.

    Now with the new PH gov, every mat&minah of any trades want to have their voices heard - loud & fast!

    The best part is those yrs of accumulated frustrations demand instant resolutions - to their satisfactory too!

    PH gov of some services r born to be bullied while others r just the usual old bn-styled.

    See the differences?

    Those that work & effective, get demands, reasonably & nonreasonably, daily, while those 'taizi' masters r never been questioned in the news as if their Dept never existed.

    Real pariah!!
