
Thursday, October 17, 2019

Mahathir's dark motive revealed in his statement on Kashmir

Extracts from Malaysiakini:

Palm oil exports to India – a self-inflicted wound by Dr M

YOURSAY | ‘Being a small nation we depend on every country, big or small, for support.’

Anonymous_b3cdcd05: Even a fish will not land in trouble if it keeps its big mouth shut.

Prime Minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad tells the international press that Malaysia wants to be friendly with all nations, but he does the opposite. He lacks diplomacy and unnecessarily gets into tangles and turns friendly nations away like the current fiasco with India.

The problem is his penchant to portray himself as race and religion champion at home that he gets carried away on the international stage.

Why are we in conflict with India, which is currently the largest purchaser of our refined palm oil?

What has the Kashmir conflict to do with us? As it is, we have got on the wrong side with India over wanted fugitive Zakir Naik. Why was it necessary to again snub and rub them the wrong way on Kashmir?

Indeed, Mahathir's uncalled Kashmir bungle cannot be glossed over the usual way, whatever his excuse. It will cost us heavily and a lesson to the man at the centre not to take the Indians for granted.

I have selected the first comment on the 'YOURSAY' page of Malaysiakini because the author penned exactly my very own (kaytee's) thoughts on why Mahathir has recklessly offended a friendly nation and a big customer of Malaysian products?

Whilst senile and evil, Mahathir isn't exactly completely stupid. He knows India could and indeed would be offended by his callous and undiplomatic words on the current Kashmiri stoush between Pakistan and India. Nonetheless he proceeded with his anti-Indian comments regarding Kashmir. 

The author 'Anonymous_b3cdcd05' has succinctly penned:

The problem is his penchant to portray himself as race and religion champion at home that he gets carried away on the international stage.

Brilliant - that's Mahathir to a 'T', showing his dark motives of portray[ing] himself as race and religion champion at home.

He doesn't give two sh*ts about Malaysia and the nation's potential economic loss if India kowtim purchases of our palm oil products. All that eff-ing Old Man cares about is his vote-bank in the Malay Heartland, more so when his Parti Pribumi did considerably badly in the last general election.

Yes, Parti PRIBUMI did extremely poorly by winning only 13 seats compared to 54 by UMNO (MK 2), his old erstwhile party which he had hoped for his new PRIBUMI (UMNO MK 3) to replace.

To eff with the political fallout from India on palm oil, something for Teresa Kok to clean up. He wanted to, had to show the Heartland his Party PRIBUMI is the same and solid PAHLAWAN Melayu-Islam for them to vote for in GE15.


  1. Toonsie may have Kerala blood and like wearing the Nehru suit but he is a Pakistani at heart...ha ha ha...

    I also read that Siti Hasmah wore a saree on her wedding day....true or not...?

    1. Yes, she wore the sari for her wedding to Mamak. Have to admit she looked adorable there. Sari is simply a lovely attire. Those were the days...Mamak was registered in the university in Singapore as Mohd Mahatir A/L Iskandar Kutty. And it was rumored he spoke in Indian language to his granddad/papa at home. Just like Anwar spoke Tamil to his Indian grandpa. But about 5 years later, after graduation, Mamak decided to go into politics and that's when he decided to become a Malay....thus hilang la A/L and Kutty in his IC and he NEVER speak Indian ever again. It helps that the Constitution later had a clause to define who and what is a Malay....

      Of course further down the road, we have new artificially concocted terms like Bumiputra and Social Contract, hehe
