
Sunday, October 27, 2019

Mahathir, Maslee, Syed Saddiq & Malay Dignity Congress eff PRIBUMI's prospect in Tj Piai

Star Online:

Fix for a better mix

By Wong Chun Wai 

Big test: The latest by-election will be closely watched as it takes place in Tanjung Piai, which has been called a mixed constituency seat — Bernama

An upcoming by-election could prove how far we have come from the divisive and degenerative politics of race and religion

The Tanjung Piai by-election will serve as a good platform for our politicians to stop, or at least, refrain, from using the race and religion cards simply because the Parliamentary constituency has almost equal representation of Malay and Chinese voters.

It has an electorate of over 53,000, of which 57% are Malays, 42% Chinese and 1% Indian. It’s hardly inaccurate to describe this seat as a racially mixed one.

The relentless recycling of toxic issues, a forte of some of our politicians, will only backfire if they cross the line.

An issue may be hugely appealing to one race but appalling, and even offensive, to another community. That’s the tale of plural Malaysia.

Wong Chun Wai wrote the article a month ago, but so much has happened since, that most of his advice have been ignored by the Malay-based parties, wakakaka, thus I have deleted most of the by-now wasted effort by Wong CW.

UMNO had then promised the by-election will be about a healthy and moderate contest for a more democratic Malaysia, but I guess since then they have changed their minds. Poor DAP has provided teh ammunition, wakakaka.

Yes, we now have the DAP being criticised, chastised & cursed by most of the Malay-based parties, including its so-called Pakatan ally, Mahathir's Parti Pribumi.

PAS deputy president Tuan Ibrahim Tuan Man is openly calling for the banning of DAP, citing the party's involvement in a number of controversies

But Anwar Ibrahim has warned him against calling for the banning of DAP, as such a call could in the future be applied to PAS - Mahathir kept quiet on this 

There is no doubt the Malay-based parties are straining their wicked best to win the Heartland votes, mainly by berating and attempting to ban the Heartland's much-disliked if not much-hated DAP, for the Rocket Party's alleged evil (and as usual, semuanya yang kerbau besar) in supporting the LTTE (Tamils Tiger), being modern communism (as reflected in Hew's comics) and spreading Christianity (allegedly by Bukit Mertajam MP Steven Sim) - all three so-called DAP 'sins' being abhorrent to Muslim Malays - presumably it's not a sin for PAS to kerbau against a kaffir party.

The attacks have been led mainly by UMNO and PAS, but with Mahathir's Parti Pribumi adding fuel to the politically lit conflagration of racist-religious hatred. Young Parti Pribumi punk has even been biadab to his elders in Pakatan by demanding of the DAP to punish Ronnie Liu within a week, wakakaka. Who the Eff is he?

The distasteful Parti Pribumi aside (with its leader participating in a Malay Dignity Congress to spew racist vilification against the nons), the new UMNO-PAS alliance has been worrying to non-Malays especially when the two spoke of an 'all Malays' government. As Wong CW wrote:

That has spooked many Malaysians, and is certainly not going to help their cause in winning in the next general election, especially if they don’t stop their aggressive approach.

The right thing for Umno and PAS to do is to support a candidate from an Opposition party, in this case MCA, and prove that politics transcends race.

Initially (a  month ago when Wong CW wrote the above Star article), from a strategic sense Wong's suggestion made sense because of the 222 parliamentary constituencies, NOT all are Malay-Muslim majority.

Additionally, no party can form the next government without Sabah and Sarawak, which have 25 and 31 seats respectively. In Sarawak, from the 31 seats, 10 are Malay-Melanau majority, while 21 are non-Malays, and for Sabah, 11 of its 25 seats are in non-Muslim areas.

PAS will be wasting its time contesting in GE15 in these two Eastern states. Wong CW correctly said that Sarawakian and Sabahan voters would have little patience for firebrand politicians who preach race and religion.

As for UMNO, in GE14 it won 88 parliamentary seats nationally, with 14 in Sabah and one in Labuan. Of the 73 seats in the peninsula, about 30 are small constituencies in rural areas, while 40-plus other seats are mostly Malay-majority, with mixed ethnicity seats. These latter seats have a sizeable number of non-Malay voters within the constituency. It would be foolish for a politician to write off these non-Malays.

That's why it makes strategic sense for BN to put a Chinese candidate in the Tanjung Piai by-election to show Chinese voters that, despite the UMNO-PAS new alliance, the BN won't ignore the non-Malays.

OK, back to "initially", that is, last month when Wong CW wrote his article. Then I would have said a Malay candidate in the by-election would have been a better short-term or tactical (instead of strategic) choice for BN because Parti Pribumi will definitely nominated its party member (Malays ONLY) as the PH candidate.

But thanks to Mahathir, Maszlee and Young Brat, I can forecast with confidence that it will be a miracle if there will be a sizeable Chinese bloc voting Parti Pribumi even if the racist party stands under the whatever-logo (even PKR's) it will use to represent itself. Even the DAP standing there will be highly vulnerable.

The Chinese have had enough of Mahathir and his racist party and their old-UMNO type policies such as the matriculation injury (non %) & insult (Chinese are rich not require matriculation), non-recognition of UEC, non-funding of UTAR,  Mahathir's old-UMNO policies and his participation at the Malay Dignity Congress with its contents of racist vilification, threats and kerbau 'social contract', still un-deported Zakir Naik, Young Brat's ultimatum to the DAP, Lynas 'gostarn', "lim KHAT siang", insults and threats to popular Hew Kau Yau, Ronnie Liu, recent attempt to make vernacular schools illegal, etc.

To win, Parti Pribumi MUST secure 50.1% of the votes, mostly or even all from the 57% registered Malay voters (and 1% 'Others') - as mentioned I doubt the racist party will get any Chinese votes from the registered 42% Chinese in the constituency.

An UMNO Malay or worse, a PAS Malay candidate will have to fight with Parti Pribumi for the 57% Malay voters. The Chinese fear this new 'all Malays' alliance.

But a MCA candidate has a more likely chance of getting Chinese votes (from those who will not be playing mahjong on that day, wakakaka), with a fair portion of the Malay votes by courtesy of UMNO support. The only dark cloud on the MCA horizon will be Gerakan eff-ing them for Chinese votes as well, wakakaka.


  1. PAS-UMNO realise DAP forms the bedrock of the Harapan government. Break DAP and you break Harapan.

    Why else would they focus so much attention attacking the party?

    They make all kinds of illogical, even stupid accusations at them.

    PAS-UMNO know they can and have infiltrated Bersatu and PKR. There are many weak minds and corrupted hearts there. Amanah they consider a weakling. But DAP is a tough nut. So they throw the kitchen sink attacking them.

    In the past they accuse DAP of receiving Jewish funding via George Soros' Open Society Foundation.

    Then they accuse DAP of having a Christiaisation-agenda.

    Then recently PAS says DAP supports Tamil terrorist organization LTTE

    Now they say DAP supports communist ideology.

    Don't they realise how illogical and stupid these accusations are? DAP supports Judaism, Christianity, Hindu terrorism and Communism, what next? DAP supports Sikhs in Kashmir?

    All these attacks only confirms the key role DAP has in Harapan. Don't quit. If they quit the coalition will fall apart and we become a one-race one religion theocratic state.

  2. The Opposition (BN, likely UMNO) will get the vast majority of Malay votes. Add to that, MCA will be strongly supporting, the disgruntled Chinese vote may be very significant this time.

    People are doomed to support the return and repeat of the tried and trusted BN kleptocracy.

    All in all, a likely BN win.

  3. not all voters are dumbass, if the outcome of the by election does not change the state gomen, they will usually use it as an opportunity to teach the incumbent party a lesson and so they should
