
Thursday, October 24, 2019

Lim KS defends Hew & comics

MM Online:

Defending ‘angry young man’ Hew, Kit Siang calls for review of pro-China comic book ban


Asian Comic Cultural Museum Curator Hew Kuan Yau speaks to the media after giving his statement at the Bukit Aman headquarters October 23, 2019. — Picture by Hari Anggara

KUALA LUMPUR, Oct 24 — Iskandar Puteri MP Lim Kit Siang has called upon the Home Ministry to review its ban on controversial former DAP member Hew Kuan Yau’s comic book on China’s Belt and Road Initiative.

He said it came as a shock to discover the publication Belt and Road Initiative for Win-Winism had been banned under the Printing Presses and Publications Act 1984’s Section 7(1).

only a Malaysian idiot would ban a comics that Mahathri presented to Xi Jinping 

“I do not believe that the Home Ministry acted rightly in levelling the charges that Hew’s comic book was promoting communism and sympathy for the communist struggle,” Lim said in a statement.

Although acknowledging he has not read the comic book nor does he agree with all of Hew’s thoughts and ideas, Lim said the former Malaysia China Business Council (MCBC) chief executive officer is “neither a communist nor a communist sympathiser”.

“I have known Hew Kuan Yau for over three decades, and he was an ‘angry young man’, unorthodox and irreverent, to the extent of being extremely crude and vulgar causing great embarrassment all round, in fighting for justice and a better Malaysia and the last thing he would do is to be a communist or to promote communism.

Zunar on Hew's comics: 'Don't like it, don't read it, so why ban it?' 

“I call on the Home Ministry officials to review the ban as the Pakatan Harapan (PH) government came into power on the promise to usher in an era of greater openness without undermining national security,” he said.

Lim specifically recounted PH’s 27th promise in its 14th general election manifesto, where it pledged to repeal oppressive laws like the Printing Presses and Publications Act 1984.

I could say: 'At last, we finally see the Old Lim Kit Siang, though very much subdued', wakakaka.

Or, I could be nasty and say: 'He's worried for his son who penned the Forward for the comics', wakakaka again.

Then again, I could say, 'He's now scared that the DAP grassroots, who admire and even love Hew, may be too-laan with his inaction', wakakaka a 3rd time.

Enough of my wakakaka-ing. To be fair, Lim KS has been correct in saying:

“I do not believe that the Home Ministry acted rightly in levelling the charges that Hew’s comic book was promoting communism and sympathy for the communist struggle,” ...


“I call on the Home Ministry officials to review the ban as the Pakatan Harapan (PH) government came into power on the promise to usher in an era of greater openness without undermining national security,” he said.

Lim specifically recounted PH’s 27th promise in its 14th general election manifesto, where it pledged to repeal oppressive laws like the Printing Presses and Publications Act 1984.

We are also aware that it was the Mahathir (first) government which brought in the 'muzzling' law in 1984 - he loves such sh*t.

Additionally, we are aware Mahathir is under pressure to win in the coming Tanjung Piai against the UMNO-PAS onslaught. He knows that the most of the 42% Chinese will play mahjung on the by-election day as they have been pissed by his resurrection of his bad old UMNO behaviour and anti-Chinese policies like UEC, khat, Lynas, matriculation etc.

He is showing off his Malay Supremacy muscles though without much 'dignity', (sorry, once more) wakakaka.

By contrast, Hew Kuan Yau, despite his vulgarity, pro PRC inclination and insensitive aggressiveness, by resigning from his CEO position in the MCBC, has shown what is meant by 'dignity' - a generation ago, Japs would have committed sepukku, though I doubt they will today. Usually the person committing seppuku would pen a farewell poem before he leaves.

O to uphold my pahlawan "dignity"
To be remembered for my heroism

I'll forego perks due me from NEP
And all kerbau from Mahathirism



  1. Hew’s comic book banned because it promotes Chinese communism?

    Communism....??? Really...???

    China’s per capita income was half of ours in 1970 because 90% of its then 1 billion population were destitute. Today it has nearly caught up with us and their economy is the second largest in the world. They are so strong economically and politically that their trade war with the US impacts every other country.

    If that is communism I am all for it. Sign me up.

    Toonsie’s dream is to have our own national car. China’s car industry grew from nothing but today their car market is the largest in the would and Geely “owns” Proton.

    Really we should be emulating China, because our 10 Malaysia Plans spanning 50 years have failed to keep up with China’s “communism”.

    We should copy their Belt and Road, call it “Sampan dan Tongkat” or something like that.....ha ha ha....

  2. Hew is acting as an agent of a foreign power -the People's Republic of China, and the book is a piece of blatant CCP propaganda.

    The book should not be allowed to be distributed in Malaysia.

  3. I never support the government banning of books, and certainly not in this case. That is exactly the sort of mentality, akin to the CCP's , that I object to.

    Its a small leap of logic from banning books to forcibly sending people en masse to "reeducation" camps.

    However, I have to make clear I consider Hew's comic book a shitty piece of propaganda.

    1. "...forcibly sending people en masse to "reeducation" camps"

      Perhaps this piece written by Ridzwan Abdul Rahman of Subang might help you from moving just a wee bit from laboring under the full sway of the West's corporate media propaganda machinery ?

      "A fairly large number of Uighur men from Xinjiang joined ISIS and fought in the Middle East. They later came back to Xinjiang to become terrorists. Between 2013 and 2015 there were many terrorist attacks in Xinjiang, killing many people.

      [Uighur Foreign Fighters: An Underexamined Jihadist Challenge]

      China then managed to round them up and placed them in a two-year rehabilitation program. (The number of detainees is about 12, 900 but the US propagandists increased this number to one million and claimed that they were innocent Uighurs who have been placed in concentration camps).

      In order to provide a job and an income to the unemployed youths in Xinjiang and discourage them from joining terror organizations such as ISIS for a living, China built many vocational training centers in Xinjiang.

      At the same time, for the safety of the people of Xinjiang, the region has been placed under tight security, to ensure that there are no more terrorist attacks. And in fact, there has been no terrorist attacks since then.

      This is why a group of 37 countries (including Saudi Arabia (an ally of the US) and 19 other Muslim countries) sent a letter to the UN to praise China’s remarkable achievements in the field of human rights. Among others, they noted:

      "Faced with the grave challenge of terrorism and extremism, China has undertaken a series of counter-terrorism and deradicalization measures in Xinjiang, including setting up vocational education and training centers".

      The OIC, with 56 Muslim member countries, has the following to say about China’s treatment of the Uighurs in Xinjiang:

      “The Council “welcomes the outcomes of the visit conducted by the General Secretariat’s delegation upon invitation from the People’s Republic of China; commends the efforts of the People’s Republic of China in providing care to its Muslim citizens; and looks forward to further cooperation between the OIC and the People’s Republic of China.”

      So there are no concentration camps in China. There are imprisoned Uighurs but that is because they became terrorists. The truth is that due to the Chinese fighting against terrorism and protecting the people of Xinjiang, the Uighurs, Kazakhs, Kyrgyzs, Han Chinese and other residents of Xinjiang and now living in safety.

      Not a single one Western media have reported on this letter to UN written by the group effort of these 37 countries commending on China's treatment of the Uyghurs ! And where did that magic ONE MILLION Uyghurs being "incarcerated in CONCENTRATION camps" came about ? This fantastic figure came from an American member of a UN committee who without authorisation spewed out the figure off the top of her head.

      The head of the UN committee of which she was an ordinary member had disavowed the figure, stressing that she (the American) has no authority to give the figure.

      However, the Western media, not unsurprisingly, went to town about this ONE million figure and "imprisoned in Concentration Camps" and then it got worse...from 1 million, it was spun to 2 millions and the latest figure finally rounded off to 3 millions ! Wouldn't that require a whole city of prisons to house, feed and 'torture' 3 millions Muslims ? "

    2. Wasted effort to 're-educating' a demoncrastic recalcitrant who only know how to regurgitate his favourite western trashes, reading from his favourite western medias to syiok his CCP hatred!

      Any clarification effort IS concentration camp material that he only read & never experienced.

      Fart is easy. Fitnah people whose ideas diagonally opposing his w/o due justfiable FACTS, IS chicken feed for this old f*ck!

  4. Wonder if LGE's "Foreword" is equivalent to Tun's officially launching Genneva’s Syariah compliant gold?
