
Thursday, September 05, 2019

Lim Kit Siang - Stop stirring poo

Extracts from Malaysiakini:

Lim Kit Siang revealed that he received two letters yesterday, one in Chinese and the other, penned in English.

The DAP veteran said both letters were replete with venom and invectives, the hallmarks of those behind fake news and hate speech.

The Chinese letter, among others, accused the Iskandar Puteri MP of being a “running dog”, “charlatan” and “shameless political cheat.”

Whereas, the English letter addressed him as “YB Ular Osama Lim KS bin Abdullah” and described him as a “running dog”, “Chinese traitor”, “Malaysian conman” and Prime Minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad's “filthiest parasite.”

According to Lim, this was in stark contrast with the allegations hurled against him in the past.

“As for the past half-century, I had been falsely accused of being anti-Malay, anti-Islam and being a Christian, a communist even a relative of (late Malayan Communist Party leader) Chin Peng.

“I was even accused of being Mahahir's puppet-master. Now I have become a running dog and a charlatan betraying Chinese and non-Muslim rights and interests.

“But this is the stuff of fake news and hate speech to incite inter-racial and inter-religious suspicion, doubt, animosity, fear and hate in Malaysia,” he added in a statement this afternoon.

yes, that's him 

Why must Lim KS reveal the contents of those letters to the public? He should just quietly report them to the police.

By revealing and thus publicising them he in fact has publicised and inadvertently(?) promoted hate speeches even though those might have been directed at him. He should just inform the police for actions and not stir sh*t amongst us, those for and against him.

And why should it be strange that where once he was criticised for being anti Malay, communist, etc, he is now criticised for being amongst other things a running dog of Mahathir.

Hasn't that been a true about-turn of his character?

From criticising Mahathir and the latter's alleged scandals, cronyism and piss-poor governance of Malaysia for more than 30 years, what is Lim KS doing now regarding his earlier condemnations of Mahathir?

He now has a new job:


  1. when tis parasite going to retire? we hv enough dog.

  2. He promised to make Mahathir accountable. Yet once in power absolutely did nothing but continue to spin, spin , spin. Even top China leaders refused to meet him. He has lost all moral standing since GE14 and I concur with those remarks made in the English and Chinese letters. A shameless charlatan. Malaysian Chinese voters no longer believe him. His constituency in Johor is probably livid after Johor announce Jawi as OFFICIAL writing system by Johor Govt...It is the beginning of CREEPING Jawisation of Bahasa Malaysia just to spite the Chinese voters.
