
Monday, September 02, 2019

It's now anarchy in Hong Kong

Star Online:

'How to kill Hong Kong police' and what comes next

Police investigate the scene where an off-duty officer was attacked on Friday night at Kwai Fung MTR station

Photo: Handout/SCMP

I find it deeply troubling that someone just tried to murder a police officer in Hong Kong and hardly anyone seems to be bothered much, as we all move on to the next cycle of news about mass protests and anti-government campaigns.

Three masked men ambushed the 45-year-old officer at Kwai Fong MTR station late on Friday night while he was heading home after work. They knifed him repeatedly in a vicious, cowardly attack, inflicting bone-deep wounds, and fled the scene.

Over more than 12 weeks of relentless guerilla warfare waged against police by rioters, radicals, hooligans, juvenile delinquents and common criminals sheltering under the broader umbrella of a supposedly peaceful people's uprising, frontline officers have been felled by bricks, burned by petrol bombs and acid, beaten unconscious with sticks and metal rods, stabbed with spears, and hit by ball bearings fired from catapults.

But the attempted murder of this policeman takes it to a whole new level. If the perpetrators are indeed part of the protest movement, it's terrifying that they no longer feel the need to be confined by its narrative. No heat-of-the-moment violence here – just calculated, cold-blooded crime.

And if the culprits turn out to be triad gangsters disguised as protesters to settle old scores, the wider implications for law and order are just as terrifying.

None of this should come as a surprise, really. Just look at all the hate forums online, particularly LIHKG, Hong Kong's version of Reddit, with page after page of discussion threads and tutorials on how to maim and kill police officers, when and where to lie in wait for them, what weapons to use. It's all there, in plain sight, and absolutely nothing is being done to muzzle it because any attempt to shut it down feeds right into the mass hysteria about repression and diminishing freedoms here. Our government is too timid to bite the bullet.

Look at every police station and government office across Hong Kong these days, barricaded like Masada under perpetual siege, because they're such magnets for arson attacks and vandalism.

Have you noticed you hardly see police officers around the city any more? That's because they've suspended foot patrols and scaled down regular policing. Can you blame them? Warriors of freedom have been openly discussing plans over the popular messaging app Telegram to ambush officers by luring them into traps with fake emergency calls.

So great is the hatred against the 31,000-strong police force, so deep the animosity, that officers are handing out rape alarms to their children to protect them from bullying and physical assaults when they return to school for the new academic year.

As I write this, I'm watching television footage of our police officers in action right now, battling another rabid mob baying for their blood. Their dinky little shields and batons seem as ineffective as their pepper spray and tear gas against the alarmingly expanding arsenal of makeshift and real weapons that protesters are armed with.

How much longer can police keep this up and hold the line while our government cowers behind them and makes little bleating sounds about not tolerating violence while doing exactly that? After three months of carnage and anarchy, there is no hint of a political solution to a crippling crisis that the government itself started, no whiff of a remedy, only whiny, pathetic rhetoric.

We all know what comes next if our police force is defeated in this great "revolution of our times". Beijing is making no bones about the nuclear option of deploying Chinese troops in the city, and yet the message from the rioters is, "Bring it on."

"If we burn, you burn with us," they keep telling the rest of us. This is going to be one inferno that those shiny, new, police water-cannon trucks will not be able to put out. Talk about a damp squib.


  1. This is the expected result of a pussyfooting administrator trying to resolve a sopo impasse with bleeding-heartish approaches.

    The riots wouldn't end while the rioters r getting more rulelessness & violences in displaying their emotions at the expense of the peace & usual carima lifestyle of the ordinary hkies!

    The saddest part is the hkies r been polarized into 3 distinct categories - don't care, going all out to achieve the goal & pro China! With the 2nd been the most violence & vocal, yet in minority!

    Looking forward, the violent mobs r pushing for the PLA intervention so that the pommie would somehow convert the British Overseas citizen (BOC) holders into a normalised British citizenship!

    Most of the rioters have forgotten that most of them r NOT boc qualified except those instigators. With violent rioting police records, their immigration dreams r also been built on air.

    At most they can only apply for political asylum if & when the Chinese readily playing the hardball to crash these riots & they manage to get out of HK.

    That's only possibly if the Chinese do intervention cold-bloodedly.

    What if there r other ways that the Chinese can crash the current riotings while preventing most of these rioters to leave HK?

    A sad but necessary bloody end to the favour of the mainland China WOULD be the ultimate ending with many blurred & idealistic cannon ashes paying for the prizes they were convinced to be their utopia!

    Burn & burn with u!

    HK isn't irreplaceable in the eyes of the central China administrators. Their uppermost & ultimate consideration is territory integrity as a whole - NO more territory lost in whatsoever form!

    People can be replaced as long as the land is still within control. The demoncratic West would still doing whatever businesses that they can squeeze some profit out of China.

    HK? Too bad! A non event in the overall scheme of world politics!

  2. HMRHKP Her Majesty's Royal Hong Kong Police was one of the most respected institutions in Hong Kong, especially after the ICAC cleaned out institutionalised corruption in the 1970's

    They were seen as upright, impartial and honest upholders of law and order and protectors of the public.

    The high esteem with which the law-enforcement officers were regarded continued for many years after 1997.

    All this has changed into a deep and dark mistrust.

    Today,Nobody is going to make popular dramas showing HK cops as heroic defenders of the would get laughed out of the room.

    1. hk police is now no diff with the pro beijing faction, a yes man n eunuch. ccp operative alraedy infiltrate the hkpf since 1997, its no diff with our pdrm, both r just dog of their respective master.

    2. U better start a K9 nursery¡

      But then, who do u want yr tail to?

  3. the malay ultra said the same, people can be replaced. go back to yr motherland, please.

    1. In the current geopolitical climate, what with Trade War, Hong Kong protests, South China Sea artificial island disputes,
      I have seen many Chinese Ultras, people who unthinkingly defend and promote
      "Chinese Race" positions. Essentially copies of Beijing official pronouncements.

    2. If u can claim & prove

      "many Chinese Ultras, people who unthinkingly defend and promote
      "Chinese Race" positions. Essentially copies of Beijing official pronouncements."

      Then, where's yr beef?

      How about people who unthinkingly defend & promote hk youths' riotings, SChina islets baseless claims w/o historical facts & the best of all - who started the trade war?

      Chinese race ISN'T the question! Perhaps, u refuse to understand the unmentioned guidelines underpinning yr favourite demoncracy.

      More likely u r in the same class as that白眼狼 favourite pick-from-the-mouth labelling, just bcoz u have a personal biasness towards CCP!

    3. Mfer, based on what that those ketuanan freaks can ask the Nons to go back to the motherland (wakakakakaka… why not 祖国 - ancestral land)??

      R the Nons r rioting to demand an independent territory?

      What kind of f*cked logic u want to paraphrase the situation in HK vis-a-vis the Nons in m'sia?

      Over yr toast of jack Danial during our zombie happy hour!

    4. suddenly or intentionally u seem to forgot what mcp did.

    5. What had MCP did?

      & what had MCP suffered?

      I want to understand/know yr f*cked perspective!

      In a 你死我活 sopo idealism conflict often times both sides committed atrocities by their own railtracked silo-minded moronic faction.

      Haven't yr uncle Sam told u about collateral damages?

      Or in yr f*cked mind, just like those ketuanan freaks, u r the real victim. They other side is the oppressor!

    6. hker wan democracy, msian wan democracy, ccp insist communism, mcp insist communism, its a war of ism. as usual u hv diff std to diff people.

    7. in name only, as its now a very capitalist china though still not a democracy in the sense of the latter word

    8. So u know it's the war of ism!

      Thus, to massage yr ego u have totally blamed communism, typically CCP. Could it be yr spilled Formosa dye infilled yr silo-ed mind?

      Along the way conveniently ignore what capitalism has done to the down&troddens!

      "as usual u hv diff std to diff people" - look that up in yr demoncratic Bible lah.

    9. Wakakakaka…

      Capitalistic China! Why not socialism with Chinese characters - the outcome of years of fine tuning the sopo process of feeling the river stones to cross the river!

      Wow!! Is yr demoncratic bible states that capitalism has a sole monopoly on marketing economy?

      Ain't many so called capitalistic countries NOW trying hard, very hard indeed, on planned economy, which yr Bible would clearly state is the ultimate aim of socialism/communism?

      Back to the basic of these two ism - the neverending quest for societal perfection in humanistic grouping lah!
