
Monday, August 12, 2019

Charles Santiago (with Biggest Balls) for President DAP

MM Online:

DAP MP demands Pakatan rein in Dr M


Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad takes a group photo with ministers and Pakatan Harapan leaders in Putrajaya May 9, 2019

Picture by Shafwan Zaidon

KUALA LUMPUR, Aug 12 — Klang MP Charles Santiago accused Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad of unilateralism today and told the Pakatan Harapan (PH) presidential council to curb the “minority party” leader.

The DAP MP blamed the Bersatu chairman for the current controversy over the introduction of khat in primary schools, insisting Dr Mahathir must have known it would trigger public dissatisfaction.

He also cited the government’s decisions in other issues including the refusal to deport Muslim preacher Dr Zakir Naik as well as the high-profile reversals on Lynas Malaysia and the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination (ICERD) as examples.

“Mahathir, by now, should be able to read the mood of the people. And he must understand that arbitrary decisions, without consultation, will not get him far.

“Therefore, there must be a review in the decision-making process at the Pakatan Harapan Presidential Council,” he said in a statement.

Charles asserted that the PH leadership must be consulted on matters relating to race and religion in government policy.

The country’s education system was also in need of fundamental reforms that were more pressing than the introduction of khat, he said.

He warned that voters were “livid and furious” with the administration and threatening to expel the current leaders in the next general election.

“Currently, it looks like there it too much power in the hands of the prime minister and so this power needs to be shared equally amongst all the component parties.

“We can’t get rid of former premier Najib Razak, only to become just like him,” Charles said.


  1. Do we recall the time when the MCA leader Liow Tiong Lai, Gerakan leader Mah Siew Kiong and MIC leader Vigneswaran telling BN to reign in the power of the PM?

    No? Because it never happened.

    Today, a mere MP Charles Santiago is doing that, and I predict he will get roasted by Bersatu leaders for it soon. But kudos, this is New Malaysia, he stands by his principles and Guanee won’t take any action against him.

    And did MCA or any other BN party stand firm on any issue like DAP is doing in Selangor, especially its brave Speaker, in defending against unilateral conversion of minors? No, in fact it was during MCA’s time that the Federal Constitution was “ammended” by a translator (not parliament ha ha ha) and now it is difficult to undo without a 2/3rds majority and we have to rely on Federal Court decision on it.

    1. Original Constitution is in English, which on stated subject says the consent for religious conversion of minors shall be from father 'AND' mother - it is the official Constitution

      the translation into Malay changed that 'AND' into 'atau' ('or') - indeed it was during Perikatan's time (Perikatan being the BN predecessor but comprising ONLY UMNO, MCA and MIC).

      Since the first change of the ruling party occurred ONLY in 2018, the translation had to be during Perikatan's time. But it has been the Judiciary which deliberately ignored the 'AND' wording to support the 'ATAU' translation, which had caused so much pain among separated couples with children-minors, eg. M Indira Gandhi

      Mahathir had been one of the UMNO PM. Did Lim KS stand up against that clause?

    2. I get it, when BN screwed up the Malay translation, with Toonsie as PM, it’s opposition LKS’s fault...!!!

  2. By the way I support Charles Santiago for the post of DAP President, as soon as they create such a position.

    1. whatever post is equivalent [there's no need to be sarcastic if I made a mistake in the position's title]

  3. Yes it’s time for Toonsie to step aside, let Anwar take over and we should have a non-Malay DPM.

    Going by the principle of proportional representation the positions should follow the parties with the most seats in parliament.

    I’m sure Bersatu will kick and will UMNO, PAS, Azmin, Zuraida, Deep State, Zakar Naik etc....but you expect that from a rollicking democracy. Bring It On....!

  4. Another “mere backbencher” MP takes a hard stance against Zakar Naik, whom Toonsie is “protecting” from extradition to India.

    So please don’t say LKS only keep quiet and play Sudoku....he dares to speak up, like Charles Santiago...ha ha ha...New Malaysia....

    Kit Siang accuses Zakir Naik of incitement, urges action against preacher

    Published on 12 August 2019


    KUALA LUMPUR, Aug 12 — Authorities should review the permanent resident status of Muslim preacher Dr Zakir Naik over his remarks allegedly inciting racial and religious tension in Malaysia, Lim Kit Siang said today.

    The DAP federal lawmaker said Dr Zakir’s remarks in Kelantan over the weekend portrayed the local Indian community as ungrateful to the prime minister despite the benefits they enjoy.

    In these, the preacher allegedly claimed the local Indian community was more supportive of Narendra Modi, the prime minister of India, than their own country’s leader.

    “Zakir Naik cast baseless aspersions on the Malaysian Indian community who have made great sacrifices and contributions to the building of present-day Malaysia and made a most mischievous and deplorable attempt to create inter-racial and inter-religious tension, misunderstanding and conflict in Malaysia.

    “The Malaysian authorities should act on the most mischievous and irresponsible statement by Zakir Naik,” Lim said in a statement today.

    1. I don't wish to say this but since you have raised it, I believe LKS is so under pressure now, he just has to distract wakakaka

    2. At least when dap or its leader(s) is in crisis, u WOULDN'T get a sotomee series going round town!

  5. DAP balls grow larger by the day, after last week’s cabinet meeting where the six DAP ministers made clear to Toonsie their displeasure over the khat issue hence the concession made (3 pages, optional etc), Guanee will again raise khat issue at next week’s cabinet meeting because feedback from grassroots still not satisfied....Toonsie must be put in his place, not like during Toonsie 1.0 time, Maszlee too must yield....ha ha ha....New Malaysia strikes back.....

    I’m Lovin’ It, this rollicking democracy...

    Guan Eng to raise khat issue at Cabinet meeting again

    FMT Reporters - August 12, 2019

    PETALING JAYA: DAP secretary-general Lim Guan Eng says he will again propose to review the implementation of khat in the Year 4 Bahasa Melayu syllabus at the coming Cabinet meeting.

    In a statement, Lim, who is also the finance minister, said this initiative was not linked to reports of a fellow minister’s purported remarks that many in the Cabinet disagreed with the introduction of khat in Chinese and Tamil schools.

    He said that at last week’s Cabinet meeting, it was agreed that the introduction of khat was not compulsory, that the topic will be reduced from six to three pages in the textbook and that there will be no examination.

    “DAP ministers had voiced in the Cabinet meeting last week the strong sentiments of the non-Malay community that were unhappy with the education ministry for proceeding with the implementation when it was done without prior consultation with stakeholders of Chinese and Tamil primary schools.

    “Following this latest development and further consultations and feedback from the public, I will raise up the matter again in Cabinet this week,” he said.

  6. After strong pushback from the non-Malay assemblymen, and especially with the 16-strong DAP elected representatives firmly against the unilateral conversion of minors His Highness the Sultan of Selangor is re-looking at the amendment Bill.

    I suspect His Highness may have been wrongly advised (manipulates?) by the Deep State wanting to shore up support for a certain “happy” leader?

    Last year His Highness already agreed to set the minimum age for marriage at 18 years (good work by Hannah Yeoh who had an audience with the Sultan) so it is kind of strange and inconsistent that His Highness would support unilateral conversion of under 18s.

    My fingers crossed that this stupid Bill will not see the light of day. Kudos for DAP’s hard stance. The state Speaker too No compromise.

    Yeoh lauds Selangor Sultan for initiating efforts to raise minimum marriage age to 18

    Tuesday, 07 Aug 2018
    By Bernard Cheah

    PETALING JAYA: Deputy Women, Family and Community Development Minister Hannah Yeoh has lauded Selangor Ruler Sultan Sharafuddin Idris Shah's effort to raise the minimum age for marriage to 18 in Selangor.

    Yeoh, who had an audience with Sultan Sharafuddin at Istana Bukit Kayangan on Monday (Aug 6) morning, said she was happy to be back at the palace to thank the Selangor Ruler for initiating the effort.

    "I have enjoyed every conversation with Tuanku, understanding the whys behind Tuanku's decrees.

    "Here is a Ruler who is concerned about the best interest of children. Proud to be a Selangorian," she wrote on her Facebook later the same day.

  7. Guanee is showing balls too by taking the bull by the horn (ha ha ha), after getting more feedback from the grassroots, he will confront Toonsie, Bersatu and the cabinet again, isn’t this what participative democracy is all about, bottoms-up approach, not top-down like in the past. Hopefully next week the cabinet will yield some more to the will of the people, through the efforts of DAP.

    Guan Eng to propose cabinet review khat introduction once more

    Finance minister Lim Guan Eng has vowed to once more propose the review of Putrajaya’s plan to introduce khat (Jawi calligraphy) art in Standard 4 Bahasa Malaysia textbooks for vernacular schools next year.

    Lim said he will raise the matter in the coming cabinet meeting on Wednesday.

    “I will raise again... a proposal to review the implementation of Jawi illustrations or seni khat in the Standard 4 Bahasa Malaysia textbooks.

    1. what "showing balls"? Guan Eng has been forced by grass roots' anger and the likely loss of support to do something, something he ought to have done earlier but which he failed cowardly to do

  8. More rubbish from the previous gomen for the Harapan gomen to clean up. Like Lynas, 1MDB, ECRL, Gas pipelines, HSR, Felda, 1Trillion debt...... screw up big time then wash hands and pass the problem...

    I re-quote the last paragraph:

    “Junaidy said he left it to the new government to handle the matter after the 2018 general election”

    Ha ha ha.....typical, so the new Harapan minister please click the “undo” button and this problem will go away like in Disneyland. It’s been 15 months, stop blaming the previous gomen....

    Former minister uneasy over Carcosa deal

    Monday, 12 Aug 2019

    A FORMER minister from the previous Barisan Nasional administration said he was uneasy upon hearing that the Asian Heritage Museum (AHM) had not paid rent since the iconic Carcosa Seri Negara was tenanted to them.

    Former Natural Resources and Environment minister Datuk Seri Wan Junaidi Tuanku Jaafar said he tendered his resignation as AHM’s honorary advisor when he learned of the matter six months after AHM moved into Carcosa Seri Negara.

    Wan Junaidi was instrumental in helping AHM secure tenancy for the property.

    “I immediately tendered my resignation as the honorary advisor of AHM, as I felt uneasy about the whole thing, ’’ Wan Junaidi told The Star.

    “I was approached by AHM a few years ago because they wanted a location to open a museum and promote artefacts.

    “They pitched the idea of a museum exhibiting Chinese artefacts secured from a shipwreck, with a value of RM500mil.

    “I was naturally interested in that, although I had not seen the artefacts myself.

    “I advised them to look at Melaka (as a location for the museum) but AHM was keen on Kuala Lumpur. At that time, I was the Home Affairs deputy minister and was not able to help, ” said Wan Junaidi.

    “When I was appointed Natural Resources and Environment minister, the idea of Carcosa Seri Negara as a museum was mooted.

    “So I thought why not give AHM a chance to carry out their plan.

    “I knew the founder and he was a good man, so I told my KSU (secretary-general) to look into it and draw up an agreement, ” he added.

    An agreement was drawn up requiring the company to pay a certain amount of deposit and monthly rent.

    “I was confident in him and issued an offer letter which gave him access to the property” Wan Junaidi recounted.

    He said six months later he came to know that AHM had not paid the required sum nor signed the agreement.

    “Which means they do not have any standing (to be there).”

    When asked why was AHM not asked to vacate the premises then, Wan Junaidi said AHM was running a Merdeka exhibition at that time so he decided to give the company another chance.

    “I was also not happy when I found out AHM was renting out Carcosa Seri Negara to other companies and heard the place was not kept in good condition, ” he added.

    Junaidi said he left it to the new government to handle the matter after the 2018 general election.

    1. I wonder which party Santiago is from, for him to voice his disgust

  9. The majority of voters are very angry at what they see as minority views taking over the government.

    1. Mfer, u should be more precise - it's the majority of the ketuanan freaks & zombies!

      This time now, the heartland blur-sotongs have more worry on the falling palm oil price than it usual all farts!
