
Thursday, July 04, 2019

International school anti palm oil show - hiding behind kids' diapers for free speech

When the students involved in the anti palm oil show were Year 3 children aged 7 to 8, what does that tell you?

Who scripted and choreographed the show?

The kids?

Using children entrusted to the school for a balanced universal education does not necessary require educating them with a one-sided view (the Western view) on palm oil plantations. Au contraire, that's against the very objective of a balanced education.

We know Westerners don't talk about their own desecration of their woods and wildlife, but hypocritically, they to talk down on non-Westerners and rave about the welfare of the orangutans and the survival of their rain forests. Yes, you never hear them speak of the palm oil workers, but apes? they just go ape shit!

It's misusing those lil' kids, biasing their education to be one sided, the Western side, and quite inappropriate for Malaysian nationals of a nation whose economy depends on palm oil products contributing to at least some RM100 billion or so to the national GDP (approx. 6%). It's to say treasonable at the worst.

And for any expatriate teacher/principal, it's non-sensible and inappropriate discourtesy to the host nation at the best.

As for freedom of expression, those teachers are free to express themselves BUT they should NOT misuse children entrusted to their educational care to mutter Kerbau about freedom of expression. Don't hide behind the kids' diapers.

I support Teresa Kok.


  1. It's not free speech. It's sly indoctrination of innocent minds.

    If you insist it is free speech then please allow Tiger Teresa to send her staff from the oil palm industry to go to your schools to give their side of the story. The right to rebuttal is a fundamental aspect of free speech.

    And to these foreigners, when we Malaysians visit your country we do not criticise how you manage your forests or agriculture, it's not polite, so when you come here please don't do the same. And worse still don't teach our children the same.

    1. All education involves indoctrination of young minds.

      Teaching children courtesy, discipline, obeying rules, discipline, morals, ethics - all are necessary indoctrination to ensure they are able to contribute to a properly functioning society when they grow up.

      And , yes, that includes caring for nature, the environment, and being aware of acts that destroy the environment.

  2. The destruction of Western Europe's forests mostly occurred more than a century ago, by the current inhabitants' forebears.

    To be fair, they are doing a reasonable job preserving their existing environment.

    Caring for the environment and awareness of destructive actions is a necessary education and socialisation of children's values, just as much as teaching children courtesy and respect for basic rules and ethics.

    1. Wakakakaka…

      R the West willing to convert some of their humongous farms/plantations back to forests, as the Chinese DO now?

      NO… No… no…

      They want to keep that heirloom while bad-mouthing the latecomers to enhance their incomes by 'raping' the natural resources!

      Basic rules & ethics?

      To whom & for what?

    2. 28% of China is desert. Another 30% of the non-desert area is mountainous.

      Only 15% of China's land area is capable of supporting agriculture.
      For all of China's impressive economic growth, that is the greatest long-term threat to China. They had no choice bit to turn to planting trees to try to reverse the desertification.

    3. Only in the Northern & Northwestern parts of the China where reforestation efforts have been successfully in reversing the desertification caused by past misguided policies.

      However, in many mountainous parts of Western & Southwestern China, many hillside/riverine agricultural lands have been reversed back to forest & wetland reserves.

      These locals r been educated for sustainable income activities, such as tourism, that r been in tune with natural conservations. The opening up of these regions through the highways & high-speed trains play a tremendous role.

  3. "We know Westerners don't talk about their own desecration of their woods and wildlife"

    Cina can make themselves believe anything for their own self image.

    1. Mfer, there r more such shits if only if u can read Chinese!

      Too bad for a rd ketuanan freak!
