
Sunday, June 02, 2019

Malaysia between USA and China

From MM Online:

We love America, and China, Mat Sabu says amid Sino-US tensions

Minister of Defence Mohamad Sabu said the uncertain relationship between the US and China will remain as an explicit factor in shaping the stability of the Asia-Pacific region, particularly that of Southeast Asian countries

Picture by Sayuti Zainudin 

SINGAPORE, June 1 — The United States warned China today against threatening its neighbours’ sovereignty and said Washington is investing in new military technology to defend its Asian allies.

Washington and Beijing have been vying for influence in the region, which hosts potential flashpoints such as the South China Sea, the Korean Peninsula and the Taiwan Strait.

Mat Sabu has said the correct words, and to eff with China and the USA. We and Mat Sabu also know the current tension between the two giant superpowers have to do with mafulat-ish personality of Donald Trump than anything. If Trump is not re-nominated for the presidency, and the GOP will be mad to do so, the tensions will settle down.

How's the pussies here, and what about selling me your Great Wall?

Let me answer your 2nd question - you are so much in debt you won't be able to afford it, so eff off

Besides, Mahathir has indirectly voiced his intentions to side China. But alas, Singapore has long since sold its soul to the Yanks so the poor Ah Bengs will have to just dance to the tune of Yankee Doodle.

Furthermore, if we note what's happening around the world, the USA has been the main trouble-maker, causing unrest and even minor wars in the entire Middle-East (principally to control the oil there), Venezuela, and marshalling its allies (Japan, a reluctant South Korea) and new clientele (eg. India and bizarrely Vietnam) to encircle China in its usual favourite besieging of Apache land a la a reverse-circle-the-waggons.

It send its various aircraft carrier fleets (11 of them) hither thither to threaten nations who are less than obedient to its dictates and desires.

7th Fleet (in Pacific) threatening China 

5th Fleet (in Gulf) threatening Iran 

6th Fleet (in Mediterranean Sea) threatening Syria  

Thus it's ironical and hypocritical for the USA to warn China against threatening the latter's neighbours when it has been the far bigger culprit, threatening more its mere neighbours. For example, so long as the USA exists, Israel will continue to arrogantly oppressive, defiant and domineering against the Palestinians.

Israel the neo-Nazis 

For the USA and Israel, despite the former's claimed Christian-ness, it's eff justice and righteousness; for them they follow the Mao dictum, "Political power comes from the barrel of the gun".

Yesterday, the South China Morning Post published
Chinese general tells US to stop using Taiwan, South China Sea to stir up trouble, extracts are as follows:

A senior Chinese military officer has accused the United States’ top defence official of using sensitive issues like Taiwan and the South China Sea to promote instability in the Asia-Pacific region.

Speaking on Saturday at the Shangri-La Dialogue in Singapore, Lieutenant General Shao Yuanming, deputy chief of the Joint Staff Department, said that acting US defence secretary Patrick Shanahan, in an
earlier speech at the same event, had sent a “terribly wrong” message to independence-leaning forces on the self-ruled island.

“The one-China principle is the political foundation of Sino-US relations and the common consensus in the international community,” Shao told a press conference.

“[But] recent words and deeds released by the US side have sent terribly wrong signals to Taiwan’s independence forces, which could undermine regional peace and stability.”

Indeed, Lt Gen Shao Yuanming has been spot on, and also precise in using the phrase 
to stir up trouble.

And it's also good to remind the USA which is currently under a politically-uneducated Trump that 
“The one-China principle is the political foundation of Sino-US relations and the common consensus in the international community.”


  1. Venezuela's economy collapsed from self-inflicted Hugo Chavez, then Maduro policies.
    The socialist policies needed oil above $90 a barrel to sustain, and when oil prices collapsed, instead of living within their means, Venezuela printed money instead.
    US actions have added salt and spice, but it is a dishonest analysis to say their crisis was US created.

    1. I have been working in SA for closed to 5yrs now.

      The situation in Venezuela is more complicated than an outsider looking in based PURELY on US news media.

      Go there & take a long look-see & mingle with the locals of all strata for a few months (don't just be a sightseeing loopie), perhaps u will see the truth picture!

      Someone adequately says that SA gives the world failed sopo adventurism.

      Why failed? R the SAmericans not good enough to mould their own ways of sopo administration?

      Most of the time is bcoz they have a northern egoistic big brother who not only think that his way of sopo practices IS the best BUT also ofttimes intervene, forcefully & uninvited, in the internal governing processes of his weaker southern partners.

    2. its a wasted 5 years.

    3. Wakakakakaka…

      When or where did I ever see yr fucking face anywhere in SA?

      Perhaps u have NEVER ever set a foot in SA!

      Then what makes u qualified to comment on things SA?

      Oooop… CIA dedak? CIA deep state in exchange for the green card that Formosa trained f*cks like u r so eager to get?


  2. Mahathir's clear pivot towards China is unwise.

    A lot of Malaysia's economic activity is still related to good economic ties with the West.
    A measured neutrality, keeping good relations with both China and the US would be a lot smarter.

  3. ccp is like umno, must go.

  4. In the US , you can fuck and curse Donald Trump as much as you like, no consequences.
    In China, you get a visit from the police just for posting Xi Jingping's photo alongside Winnie The Pooh.

    That's the difference between the two countries.

    Both countries have deeply flawed systems, but in general, I do not like authoritarian regimes.

    1. In Thailand if one is found insulting/tarnishing the name of the Royal households, the penalties r severe.

      In the birth place of zombieland or zombie hellholes (Pakistan/Indonesia etc), one can be beaten to dead by nonthinking zombies if their religion is been slighted.

      In the USofA, depending on how one fucks and curses Donald Trump as much as one likes, one might get litigations throwing at u, left right & centre. The result could be horrendous if one doesn't have the fund to engage legal entities to defense oneself.

      There r MANY differences, based on multitudes of references, be they cultural, religious or just personal preferences, between various sopo systems!

      Yr preference IS purely yrs ONLY!

  5. Even Africans are learning Mandarin while in Malaysia we refuse to recognise UEC and want to shut down vernacular schools.

    China's influence in Africa grows as more young people learn to speak Mandarin

    Aanu Adeoye and Idris Mukhtar, CNN Updated 11th April 2019

    (CNN) — Inside a brightly-lit classroom, around 20 schoolchildren are enthusiastically singing the Chinese national anthem. That song is followed by another tune in Chinese -- one typically sung during the Lunar New Year. But this scene is not taking place in a Chinese school but at Lakewood Premier school, thousands of kilometers away in Nairobi. Here, schoolchildren are learning Mandarin, a language spoken by nearly 1 billion people almost 8,000 kilometers away from their home. Sandra Wanjiru, 13, is one of hundreds of African schoolchildren who are increasingly proficient in the Chinese language. More will join their ranks in 2020 when Mandarin will be officially taught in all Kenyan schools alongside French, Arabic and German, which are already on the curriculum. Lakewood Premier School, where Wanjiru studies, has begun the program a year early to give its pupils a head start. "I chose to learn Chinese first because it's interesting to learn a foreign language but also because I would want to travel and do business in China," said Wanjiru. Julius Jwan, CEO of the Kenya Institute of Curriculum Development (KICD), told Chinese state-owned Chinese news agency Xinhua: "The place of China in the world economy has also grown to be so strong that Kenya stands to benefit if its citizens can understand Mandarin." China has become increasingly powerful and prominent across Africa over the past two decades. Through President Xi Jinping's flagship Belt and Road Initiative, China has loaned money to African countries to build highways, dams, stadiums, airports and skyscrapers. The Asian powerhouse has given out more than $143 billion in loans to African countries since 2000, according to the Johns Hopkins SAIS China-Africa Research Initiative. Kenya is not the only country teaching its youngsters Chinese; in South Africa, Mandarin has been an optional language course for students since 2014, and in December 2018, Uganda introduced Mandarin to secondary students in selected schools. Henry Adramunguni, a curriculum specialist at Uganda's National Curriculum Development Centre, said Mandarin was included in the curriculum because it is one of the United Nations' languages of work. Ugandan students also have the choice of learning French, Arabic and Latin or German in school. "We want to give the opportunity for our young Ugandans to have access to jobs, education, and business beyond our borders. That's why we've given them this opportunity to learn Chinese," he said. Teachers in the program were trained by tutors at the Confucius Institute, a non-profit organization, working to promote Chinese language and culture around the world. Confucius launched its first outpost in Africa at the University of Nairobi in 2005 and has since expanded to 48 centers across the continent. They are run by Hanban (the Office of Chinese Language Council International) and are part-funded by the Chinese government and the universities that host them. China ranks second only to France as the country with the most number of cultural institutions in Africa; a remarkable rise given China has no colonial ties with any country on the continent unlike France and the UK, which have traditionally used cultural institutes such as Institut Français or the British Council to wield influence abroad.
