
Monday, June 03, 2019

Did Lim Guan Eng's nuclear plant explode?

Star Online - Apologise over remarks on Lynas, Dr Wee tells Guan Eng:

by martin carvalho

Dr Wee & Minister Lim GE 

PETALING JAYA: Datuk Seri Dr Wee Ka Siong has called on Finance Minister Lim Guan Eng to apologise over his previous "baseless rant" on Lynas.

The MCA president made the call with regard to a video clip showing Lim, who was then Penang chief minister, berating the rare earths processing plant, saying that the then Pakatan Harapan Opposition was against the "nuclear plant".

"Now that he has been installed as a very powerful Finance Minister, does he remember the content of the speech he delivered," Dr Wee said in his Facebook post on Sunday (June 2).

He called on netizens to reflect on Lim's speech, including the hashtag #DuluLainSekarangLain (before it was different, now it is different).

In the one-minute 32-second video clip, Lim can be heard addressing a crowd, saying that Pakatan would oppose Lynas and stop its operations here.

Lim also said all Malaysians, irrespective of race, would be affected if the Lynas plant explode, as there was a nuclear plant.

"Keeping quiet? Where did the nuclear plant go? Still dangerous?

"Or the nuclear effect has vanished after Pakatan's rule?" Dr Wee questioned.

He said that Lim should apologise and retract his baseless statement.

On Thursday (May 30), Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad said Malaysia will allow Australian rare earths producer Lynas Corp to keep operating its rare earths processing plant in Gebeng, Pahang.

Dr Mahathir's comments removed the uncertainty that had been hanging over the future of Lynas' US$800mil (RM3.35bil) plant, after Malaysia halted the process for renewing its licence because of waste disposal concerns.

Australia has since has welcomed the Malaysian government’s intention to renew the operating licence of Lynas.

Wakakaka, Guan Eng Guan Eng, macam mana kau lah?



  1. Ah Wee should do his research. For a PhD graduate this is shameful.

    That speech by Guanee was made on Feb 26, 2012, ie LONG BEFORE the “nuclear plant” started operations. The opposition Pakatan Rakyat (at that time) did not want the nuclear plant to be built or Lynas given a licence to operate.

    Ah Wee was in the cabinet then, but made no protest, so the nuclear plant was built and allowed to start production A YEAR after Guanee’s speech, ie in 2013.

    On 2 September 2014, Lynas was issued a 2-year Full Operating Stage License (FOSL) by Jibby’s Government by which time Ah Wee was a full minister in the PMO. Once you grant a licence to operate it is a binding contract and permission to Lynas for the duration and the conditions stated in the licence.

    But now after 800USD million has been sunk and the nuclear plant has been up and running for 6 years and hundreds of thousands of tons of radioactive waste lie contaminating our soil and groundwater he asks Guanee to shut it down..? So easy ah?

    As usual, more BN rubbish to clean up.

    1. Q: did the plant explode?

    2. Anywhere had lge mentioned about the possibility of the plant exploded?

  2. Ah Wee was sneaky. MCA was AGAINST building the Lynas "nuclear plant" in 2012 when they were in the ruling government. MCA also wanted the wastes removed from Malaysia.

    So what Guanee said in the video in 2012 was exactly MCA's position too....but now Ah Wee gives the impression that MCA was supporting the nuclear plant back then.

    MCA's position in 2012 was EXACTLY the same as Harapan's position today.
    No nuclear plant unless the waste is sent abroad.

    But even after Chua Soi Lek presented this position to the cabinet back in 2012 and National Economic Council what happened?......Nothing....MCA boh hood (but from the infamous sex video I could not confirm CSL's hood).

    Ah Wee was MCA deputy/vice president in 2012. Yet he did not prevent the nuclear plant from being built; now six years later after it has contaminated our soil and groundwater he pushes the responsibility to Guanee. Shameful.

    MCA against Lynas plant if no guarantee waste is sent abroad

    Tuesday, 3 Apr 2012

    by loh foon fong and ong han sean

    KUALA LUMPUR: The MCA will strongly oppose the issuing of an operating licence to the Lynas rare earth refinery project if the company cannot guarantee the waste is taken out of the country.

    MCA president Datuk Seri Dr Chua Soi Lek said that, after much deliberation during the MCA presidential council meeting, the top party leaders had decided that they would convey the decision to the Cabinet and the National Economic Council.

    “As long as they (Lynas) cannot fulfil this condition, MCA will object to Lynas getting its operating licence,” he said after the meeting on Tuesday.

    Dr Chua said that earlier, MCA had said that it would not support the Lynas project if there was scientific evidence to show that it would be harmful to the people and the environment.

  3. I wonder who wrote this is in May 2012, just a few months after Guanee's video in February.

    MCA True To Form In Lynas?

    Don’t ever harm the reputation of MCA; it’s okay with the health of residents in Gebeng but never ever the reputation of MCA.

    KTemoc Konsiders (yes, a giveaway)

    Recently RPK pinpoint 3 major issues or problems for Najib in the coming elections, which the PM should resolve or face the consequences of adverse public (voters) reaction. One of Najib’s problems was mentioned as Lynas.

    Apparently poor Najib inherited those problems but as the saying goes, with authority/power comes the sh*t as well – excuse kaytee for substituting ‘responsibility’ with a scatological replacement wakakaka, because the new word fits the headache Lynas is giving the PM.
    RPK also regaled us with insider’s knowledge on why Najib has found it virtually impossible to stop Lynas unless he is prepared to dole out billions of ringgit in compensation for contractual breach.

    Needless to say, as per the well-known standard modus operandi of BN, the component parties have to not only toe the coalition line but support Tai-Koe as well. No independent thinking or conscionable action would be permitted for lesser parties.

    Some time ago, our dear remarkable MCA in the amazing person of deputy president Liow ‘my beloved PM’ Tiong LIE proposed setting up a National Committee on Rare Earth issues to supervise the Lynas Advanced Materials Plant (LAMP) in Gebeng.

    ‘Wunderbar Kid and beloved by UMNO’ Liow (he of ‘my beloved PM’ fame) roped in the Federation of Chinese Associations Malaysia (Hua Zong) and seven other Chinese associations, to form a committee which would collect and convey the public’s views to the International Trade and Industry Ministry, the Science, Technology and Innovation Ministry, and the National Economic Action Council. Good boy!

    But alamak, PKR sweetie Fuziah Salleh gave Liow (and MCA) the pordah, stating “That message is stop Lynas, not supervise LAMP. By setting up this supervisory committee, MCA is trying to show that it is the champions of the rakyat. But it is making a fool of the rakyat’s intelligence and concerns.”

    Sweetie also excoriated Liow for enlisting only Chinese associations and ignoring the Malay communities in Balok and Gebeng, all of whom have concerns over LAMP as well.

    She taruh Liow kau kau, “Are the lives and well-being of the Chinese community more important to the MCA than that of other communities. This reflects the typical BN chauvinistic thinking and a crude example of its divide-and-rule mindset.”

    Dearest Fuziah, at this stage with your sweet permission, maybe I ought to provide an excuse for MCA. Liow (beloved by UMNO) could only get those it had enlisted (and they bloody well ‘participate’, of course for the good of UMNO the nation) because no one else would bother to listen to him. So please cut him some slack wakakaka.

    Anyway, sticking to their principal role of always supporting Tai-Koe, we have just read in The Malaysian Insider (TMI) 2 days ago that MCA suspends Pahang youth leader over anti-Lynas stand. The TMI report said:

    The MCA disciplinary board has suspended Indera Mahkota Youth chief David Choi for three years over his open criticism of the Lynas rare earth refinery, Sin Chew Daily reported today.

    The disciplinary board hauled Choi up for his deviation from the official party stand on the Lynas rare earth plant issue.

    Poor bloke, didn’t he know that SOP doesn’t permit independent thinking or conscionable action by lesser parties?

    Read more at:

  4. I highlight the paras that says it all.

    1. Jibby could not cancel Lynas back in 2012 because he had to pay billions in compensation but now Ah Wee wants Guanee to...?

    2. In BN, the component parties must toe the BN line...and OBEY the Taikor Jibby....MCA Boh Hood...

    "RPK also regaled us with insider’s knowledge on why Najib has found it virtually impossible to stop Lynas unless he is prepared to dole out billions of ringgit in compensation for contractual breach.

    Needless to say, as per the well-known standard modus operandi of BN, the component parties have to not only toe the coalition line but support Tai-Koe as well. No independent thinking or conscionable action would be permitted for lesser parties.

    1. before GE14 UMNO 70-something MPs, MCA 5 or so
      after GE 14 Pribumi 13 now 18 MPs, DAP 40+

    2. Wow…

      Now u r into sectarian politic!

      Just like the ketuanan chant of each racialist party MUST look after its race, irrespective of the causality!
