
Monday, June 17, 2019

Azmin Ali blessed by Heaven, Earth and the Moon

From MM Online:

Sodomy accusation without providing four witnesses is a ‘qazaf’ offence, says FT mufti

Federal Territories Mufti Datuk Zulkifli Mohamad Al-Bakri says the accuser must produce four witnesses to support the allegation that they clearly saw the act being committed

Bernama pic 

PUTRAJAYA, June 14 ― Accusing someone of committing sodomy is a “qazaf” offence if the sexual misconduct is not proven by four witnesses or without a confession by the accused, said Federal Territories Mufti Datuk Zulkifli Mohamad Al-Bakri.

In Islam, he said, the burden of proof is on the accuser or person who brings the claim, while the person who is being accused may take an oath to tell the truth on the accusation.

“In this way, the accuser must produce four witnesses to support the allegation that they clearly saw the act being committed.

In the case of the video recording, the offence must be proven by the testimony of four witnesses who should be impartial, not blind and are righteous Muslims,” he said when met by reporters at an Aidilfitri event held at his office here today.

Zulkifli was commenting on the qazaf complaint filed by Economic Affairs Minister’s political secretary, Muhamad Hilman Idham at the Federal Territories Islamic Religious Department (Jawi) over the dissemination of the sex video purporting to implicate the minister, Datuk Seri Mohamed Azmin Ali.

Mohamed Azmin had also vehemently denied the allegations made by an individual who tried to link him to the sex video.

Then, MM Online again:

Azmin thanks FT mufti for hoping he will weather sex video storm:

KUALA LUMPUR, June 15 — Economic Affairs Minister Datuk Seri Azmin Ali publicly thanked Federal Territories Mufti Datuk Zulkifli Mohamad Al-Bakri today for a letter supporting the former in a developing sex scandal.

Azmin posted a page from Zulkifli's letter on his Twitter account this morning along with his expression of gratitude.

“I am very touched by the message and advice from FT Mufti Datuk Dr Zulkifli Mohamad Al-Bakri to me and my family in this terrible storm of defamation,” Azmin wrote.

“The meeting yesterday has bolstered my spirits to keep serving for the good of Muslims and the country.”

In the letter posted, Zulkifli advised Azmin to increase his prayer frequency and seek divine intervention.

The mufti said he was also praying that Azmin will have the strength to ride out the scandal.

“May this eclipse pass, Datuk Seri,” Zulkifli’s letter concluded.

Earlier, the Star Online reported:

Dr M dismisses lewd video implicating Azmin

Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad has dismissed the lewd videos implicating Economics Af­­fairs Minister Datuk Seri Azmin Ali in a bedroom romp with another man.“This is done by people who have political agendas,” said the Prime Minister after attending a Parti Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia fund-­rai­sing event at Setia City Convention Centre last night.

He said people could produce any kind of pictures they wanted if they were clever enough to do it.

“Things like these are dirty. If you cannot compete with someone, don’t do something like this,” he said.

Related: Mahathir set bad example in expertism (extracts):

Prime Minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad had, at the onset, and without having watched the clips, rubbished them as fake. He even joked that given today’s technology, he himself could be a victim of the next smear video.

The video clips might have been doctored. Or maybe not. But when the prime minister openly makes a conclusion on a technical subject, based on a gut feeling or personal prejudices, he is encouraging others to do the same.

It doesn’t take an expert to know that some things are better left to the experts.

Summary of Key Points:

4 witnesses who should be impartial, not blind and are righteous Muslims or the accusation becomes a Qazaf offence

2) Mufti who stated and requires above also personally supports Azmin Ali

3) PM Mahathir, without even looking at the video clips (based on a gut feeling or personal prejudices?), has peremptorily dismissed the authenticity of the gay sex videos.

Speculative conclusion:

1) Haziq is totally eff-ed (again, wakakaka)?

2) Azmin Ali has been cleared kaukau?

1 comment:

  1. The only 4 witnesses if ever to be available for sexual crimes charged under religious laws would either be "POLITICIANS" or perverts who enjoyed seeing the show without stopping it or turning away when the participants are enjoying themselves and no violence or force is involved.

    I think when religious laws were enacted, they were made when aeroplanes and dinosaurs were not even known and discovered yet and definitely cameras, video phones, computers etc were never thought off.

    No wonder so many religious enforcement personnel like to play Hamsap games of being peeping Toms to catch couples having illicit sex. They need to so as to fulfill these 4 witnesses requirement set thousands of years ago.
