
Thursday, May 02, 2019

What happened to those missing in jungle?

I have just published a new post over at Kongsamkok titled Missing in jungle.

Extracts from that post: Many Malaysians, particularly Malays, suspect (and still do) that the runners-hikers-trekkers who went missing were probably 'abducted' or lured away by 'orang bunian'.

What or who is an 'orang bunian'?


  1. Nowadays, a fast increasing number of urban residents or even rural dwellers with no jungle-craft are intruding into deep forested areas for recreational purposes.

    As Spencer Chapman described so well in "The Jungle is Neutral", the Malayan jungle can be a very alien and inhospitable place for the unprepared and untrained.

    Just a 1/2 minute off the beaten track and you may easily panic as you find yourself in an unrecognisable and hostile environment.

    After a while, panic, fear, discomfort, thirst, hunger, hopelessness can easily lead to hallucinations and seeing things.

    A spiritual person can accept that there may be unseen sentient beings in the jungle.

    But an Atheist like Ah Mok believes in ghosts as well ?
    I thought Atheists only accept physical forces and objects they can see and touch, rejecting the idea of an invisible spiritual world.

  2. 1stly, as usual you didn't read my post comprehensively or at least to make intelliegent objective remarks thus I won't bother to answer your silly lats paragraph

    2ndly, when Spencer Chapman said in the title fo his book "The jungle is neutral" he was referring to how the jungle would favour the govt forces or the CT, not what you described.

    1. You obviously haven't read his book in its entirety.
      He did write about how hostile the jungle can appear to be for the untrained.

  3. few days back i try to hike gunung keriang, after i arrive then only realise i am alone, perhaps bad timing at afternoon 1.00pm, I ask the crystal seller would take how long, she said from 15 to 45 minutes depends on stamina, i decided do it.

    its not really a tough one, but alone is no fun at all, a bit scared as well. halfway i cant find the way up, it pretty odd the step seem going downhill the other side, i tell myself just proceed, 10 meter down i saw a big monkey (i am sure not ck wakaka) coming my way, both of us stop and staring at each others, now i betul betul takut bec its quite big size n i dun know if he got any partner (that could be ck) nearby, i quickly turn back n cabut in max speed.

    i chk web there is this species call macaques in kedah, i could be missing as well if i go head to head with tis macaques.

    1. HY.. next time, jangan lari. Just blow your fart man.. The smell will force that big size macaques to cabut lari. Wakakaka.. BTW I have hiked Gunung Jerai. Hope to hike Gunung Crystal one day.

    2. See… even yr zombie pal knows u as a fart man!

      What more to say for a born loser of one-liner, 5 sec fame seeker.

    3. whenever i see a monkey, i got to fart...

    4. Gunung Keriang is an accessible piece of nature close to Alor Setar.

      However, you should know Gunung Keriang has steep , gravel slopes. Climbers have suffered nasty injuries , especially on the way down.

    5. That's WHY 庄子 used monkeys in his morning-3-evening-4 acorns fable.

      Monkey sees & monkey does mah!

      Perhaps, u should reread 周庄梦蝶!

      Another teaser for spurious sinologist - WHY butterfly?

      Better still, WHY 庄子 likes to used animalistic morphology to describe ideas?

      But it's too much for a one-liner mfer to think w/o regurgitations of his own shits!

    6. keriang trail is quite similar to ampang bukit saga, i think gunung is overstated, both r steep n mainly rock. though i lived once in kuala woh, but i still wary towards jungle, snakes n insects.

      alor setar nasi lemak haji ali is the famous one, but is no diff with kl pricing, one pc chicken n one telur cost almost rm8, a teh o ais 1.8, its very expansive but crowded, i am thinking to myself am i the poor one, or its really that good. tbh, its not better than kayu, just extremely hot.

      i saw both tunku n mahathir house, not far from each other, did their family know each other? the entire city centre is like a royal city, more apparent than any other msia city that i visited, even negara johor dun give me the same impression.

      its my first time to alor setar. a very clean n tidy township. the people r courteous n friendly, only problem is i cant grasp bahasa kedah.

  4. Can't even find his shoes or perhaps a python with a bloated belly, huh? After such a big feast, I don't think the python can escape in the wilderness too quickly. It will drag slowly as it will take a few days to digest the large prey. Even, just to swallow the whole body will take a couple of hours. Enough time for rescuers to find the snake and cut it open. Anyway, a good theory though. It gives me goosebumps.

  5. Wakakakkakakaaka. The human frailty of mankind/communities/societies thinking/fears when it comes to the unknowns.

    "Bunians" are just another similar name created/imagined by human beings just like all those who believe in God, Gods, Dieties, elves, goblins, jins, ghosts, pontianak, angels, fairies, heaven, hell, sixth dimension, super natural beings/power etc.

    You either believe in them or you don't and almost always the element of Fear playing in the minds of not knowing the unknown or seeking solace/hope from fear will convince/cajole most mortal human beings into believing such things have to exist and to be believed.

    The existance or non-existance of such unseen supernatural beings only gets debunked as time rolls by and as the human intellect continuously expanded by knowing more of such unknown thru science and evidences discovered.

    As the human intellect slowly expanded and evolved, so has most religions based on such beliefs and science has slowly been incorporated into even religious beliefs to make them more relevant to the human beings in the current century compared to the past centuries where human beings were mostly dumb dumb and leave the thinking to others like those self appointed Rulers, Pharoahs, Emperors, Philosophers, Priests, clerics, shamans, witch doctors, Prophets etc.

    As an example of believing in the existance of Bunians, it only gets debunked when those found missing due to this folklore are finally found in the stomach of some animals/reptiles or are dragged far away to be eaten, from the place where they are expected to be lost/found. It could be also premeditated incidents by the victims for reasons only the victims will know.

    The problem here is, those who are staunch believers of "Bunians", just like religions, will always come out with some other concorted explanations/tales/folklores to continue their beliefs eg the Bunion has now turned into a Python or Tiger. That's because of the continuous fear adoption principles of "Better be safe than be sorry" and "Better believe than not to believe" or "There's no harm in believing if there's no loss".

    Ever come across anyone saying "I believe "Bunians" exists because I love them?"

