
Thursday, May 09, 2019

Pakatan - wajah berbeza tetapi ideologi yang sama dengan UMNO

Dari FMT:

Zaid Ibrahim berkata: Kerajaan baru ini langsung tidak ada azam untuk menyatukan rakyat.

“Mereka masih bersikap seperti pilihan raya akan diadakan minggu depan,” katanya.

Walaupun sudah berkuasa setahun, katanya, PH masih menunjukkan tanda-tanda “Malaysia lama”, termasuk kurangnya kemandirian dalam kalangan anggota Kabinet.

Sebagai contoh, katanya, tidak ada yang nampak berani mengkritik perdana menteri.

“Ini mengingatkan saya mengenai masa dalam Umno. Rasa takut itu nampaknya masih wujud.

“Saya tidak kata anda mesti bersikap tidak hormat, tetapi ada dasar yang mesti diperjelaskan,” katanya.

Beliau menggesa menteri supaya memenuhi janji mereka kepada rakyat, dengan berkata ia langkah ke peringkat lebih tinggi.

“Kalau ada satu perkara yang saya bimbangi, ia adalah sikap takut mengkritik,” katanya.

Zaid mengingatkan bahawa sikap seperti ini akan mewujudkan sebuah kerajaan “yang mempunyai wajah berbeza tetapi ideologi yang sama”.


  1. Zaid Ibrahim is a bitter old man rejected by PKR , rejected by DAP.

    1. anyone who doesn't suck up like you do to your dedak bosses (Mahathir and Lims) is bitter, has an axe to grind and all your usual bullshit lies

    2. I have been hentam-ing Zaid Ibrahim from way back in 2010, those days he was still in PKR, and Mahathir was still in UMNO.

  2. zaid not mabuk tis round.

    1. shame on you - hitting below the belt (a la Azmin)

      I have never thought you would be such a person

    2. Old Zaid has been raiding his ample Black Label collection again.

    3. very nasty of you to attack ad hominem using religion - but then you're an unscrupulous mongrel

    4. Please show Where did I mention religion ?

      Most Chinese will also not trust a person who has problems handling alcohol.

    5. stop pretending - shameless

    6. Where's Rocketman's comment ?

      Ah Moc deleted Rocketman's comment ? Just like he had quietly deleted my previous comment. Following dearest Sifu's footsteps more than ever ? wakakakakaka. Perut sudah buncit dgn all the dedak you swallowed ? Still have room for more, right ? as MaluApa Bossku still harbours a grand comeback...everyone can dream, right , no matter how silly or ridiculous that dream.

    7. "Where's Rocketman's comment?"

      Wakakaka... Welcome back Rocketman.

  3. Poor Zaid Ibrahim... So bitter... unwanted by PKR, unwanted by DAP....maybe he can re-join UMNO.

  4. To be honest, Ahjibkor does shows more leadership and statesman like qualities compared to TDM and PH leaders even though it can be just mirages/make over created by image and communication consultants.

    But unfortunately, Ahjibkor and his minions are all Kleptocrats and corrupted politicians with a culture of Cash is King and outright debauchery and looting by their parties (excluding PAS before GE 14) in BN and everyone feels that is happening just by looking at the BN politicians and supporters lifestyles.

    And i think what tip the balance and won in GE 14 was that more Malaysians were patriotic enough (also fearful) and a sudden realization to think that they need to save their country from Kleptocrats and corrupters from destroying every one whether they be whatever race, religion, culture, left, right, middle ground, royalists, republicans, socialists, communists, urban or rural, East or West Malaysians.

    Was drastic Reforms the sole main agenda for all those Malaysians who decided to vote PH and change the BN Govt at the polling booths? That actually is secondary in priority.

    Most likely all those voting PH at the voting booths (due to a heavily censored and sanitised environment and media to cloud their thinking) would have opted for a simple solution of "Get rid of the BN regime first" and then see what happens next with a New Govt or New Malaysia on reforms.

    We seem to be hearing voices only from reformers on New Malaysia on the PH plate and rhetorics from BN (with UMNO-PAS unity) on the 3 Rs or whatever suit the political chameleons since GE 14 but no real information yet of whether Malaysia is already saved or still tethering on the abyss which causes consternations and worries.

    As for progress on Reforms, this blame surely goes to TDM and PH Ministers who don't possess, to the horrors of those who voted PH, that they are sorely lacking leadership qualities and Ministers who lack the necessary courage to Do what they promised and Do what is Right instead of giving excuses and Kicking the can down the Road for their weaknesses.

    How long, do politicians think, all those partyless voters/ordinary folks (who form the majority) will continue to vote and support them in any elections in this kind of situation/circumstances?

    It is just a matter of will and courage to do the Right and moral thing to become a leader and win back the votes of all these partyless voters.

    They are actually the most patient and patriotic Malaysians.
