
Tuesday, May 07, 2019

Pakatan pot calling BN kettle black!

Malaysiakini - No need to humiliate prince and his family, Zaid rues 'gutter politics' 

HM Sultan Johor & TMJ 

Johor Crown Prince Tunku Ismail Sultan Ibrahim is a young man who likes to give his opinions on numerous issues, said former de facto law minister Zaid Ibrahim.

Conceding that some of the prince's views might be wrong or wayward, he claimed that it would not affect the nation.

“Why then the need to humiliate him and his family?” he tweeted this afternoon.

Zaid also said politicians who excelled in street fighting and are familiar with gutter politics should reserve this skill for political opponents.

“Royal households don't deserve the same treatment,” he added.

In an earlier tweet, Zaid (photo) compared the current situation to the 1MDB scandal during the time of former premier Najib Abdul Razak.

Zaid Ibrahim
a DAP member totally marginalised by the DAP 

“When Najib was having a free run on 1MDB, his ministers kept mum. Pakatan Harapan then poked fun at them for their silence.

“Now the PM is having a free run at the Johor Sultanate, and his ministers are no different. Pot calling the kettle black! Sad,” he said.

now dumb as posts

Zaid's comments come in the wake of Prime Minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad's latest salvo against Tunku Ismail.

In a special media interview yesterday, the premier had described the prince as “stupid” and a “little boy.”

Mahathir was asked to comment on Tunku Ismail's statement that his father Sultan Ibrahim Sultan Iskandar's good deeds, such as giving land to the people and government, were not highlighted.

The prince's statement came in the wake of a revelation that a plot of federal land earmarked for the Johor Bahru-Singapore Rapid Transit System (RTS) was transferred to the ruler.

Sultan Ibrahim has said since that he was prepared to surrender the land without cost.

Hours later, Mahathir's communications and media advisor A Kadir Jasin requested Inspector-General of Police Abdul Hamid Bador "reopen the IP (investigation papers) which were frozen or closed,” but did not elaborate. 

A Kadir Jasin

He also asked the Inland Revenue Board (IRB) to check how much taxes Mados Sdn Bhd has paid. Mados Sdn Bhd belongs to the Johor royal family.


  1. apple n orange. tis zaid mabuk sometimes.

  2. A push back is definitely necessary to put them back in their proper place.

    Royal father and son have been pushing harder and harder against the propriety of Constitutional Monarchy.

    Fresh from their scalping of the Mentri Besar and two Exco members, the young Ciku had the arrogance of saying "Change the Prime Minister".

    1. I see - no one must ever say "Change the Prime Minister". Wakakaka

    2. A member of a Constitutional Monarchy has no Right to say that, unless he gives up his Royal Status and protection.

      Go back and study 1st year Constitution 101.

    3. For those who support the abolition of the monarchy would say it is wrong for any member of the royal family to try to take a wisecrack on the elected politicians. For those who love their Sultans, it does not matter a wee bit.

    4. Talk about morons, continue to be his blind hamba, even when one of u is been mistreated!

      At this age & time!

      This people r indeed retards, destined to be abused by their elites.

      Funny, the moment when some Nons who r trying to champion their despicable subserviency, it's the Nons that get tembak!

      It's more than feudalistic instinct!

      More likely masochism on the part of the hamba & sadism on the elites!

  3. You will never ever hear Prince Harry say "Change the Prime Minister" even if he (rumour has it) can't stand Theresa.

  4. QUOTE
    “When Najib was having a free run on 1MDB, his ministers kept mum. Pakatan Harapan then poked fun at them for their silence.

    “Now the PM is having a free run at the Johor Sultanate, and his ministers are no different. Pot calling the kettle black! Sad,” he said.

    You are comparing PM with the Johore Royals? Sure can poke fun at PM but poke fun at Royals....SEDITION...!!

  5. Since the subject of 1MDB "silence" was brought up....

    “When Najib was having a free run on 1MDB, his ministers kept mum. Pakatan Harapan then poked fun at them for their silence.

    Now we are having a free run of 1MDB money flowing back to Malaysia from USA, Singapore etc, the former "black kettle" BN Ministers have the opportunity to say sorry but they are still silent....still in denial, embarrassed...or will they say this is not stolen money being returned but "donations" from USA, SGP..? Ha ha ha...nobody gives money for no reason, not USA, not SGP and definitely not Saudi Arabia....

    Malaysia has recovered RM1.335 billion to date from the funds misappropriated from 1MDB to acquire assets in the US.

    This, plus a separate RM152.3 million recovered from Singapore, brings the total to nearly RM1.5 billion.

    Attorney-General Tommy Thomas, who confirmed this, said apart from Malaysia's sale of the superyacht Equanimity, the US and Singapore also returned or are in the process of returning proceeds from other assets allegedly acquired using stolen 1MDB funds.

    Below is the list of funds recovered:

    The Equanimity: US$126 million (RM522.6 million) - Sold by Malaysia

    Red Granite Pictures: US$57 million (RM236.4 million) - Repatriated by US

    Parklane Hotel, Manhattan: US$139 million (RM576.5 million) - US to repatriate

    Singapore accounts: S$50 million (RM152.3 million) - Repatriated by Singapore

    "Thus, Malaysia has recovered US$322 million (some RM1.3 billion) worth of 1MDB assets since the investigation into 1MDB effectively began after the 14th general election in May 2018.

    "A separate sum of S$50 million of funds traceable to 1MDB has been ordered by the Singapore Courts to be repatriated.

    “S$15 million was credited into the 1MDB asset recovery account between September last year and March this year. The balance of S$35 million will be credited shortly," Thomas said.

    The AG also confirmed that the US repatriated the first tranche of the US$57 million forfeiture sum from Red Granite Pictures, which has been deducted for cost by US enforcement agencies.

    The sum is from a US$60 million forfeiture settlement between Red Granite Pictures and the US Department of Justice, which had accused the company, co-founded by former prime minister Najib Abdul Razak's stepson Riza Aziz, of financing films with stolen 1MDB funds.

    Among the films was "The Wolf of Wall Street", which starred Leonardo DiCaprio. Red Granite did not need to admit liability and wrongdoing as part of the settlement.

    "The DOJ is in the process of remitting a further sum of US$139 million, which is the result of the sale of Jho Low's interest in Park Lane Hotel, in Manhattan.

    "All costs incurred by the DOJ and Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) in investigating, seizing, litigating and securing a settlement for the Park Lane asset will be deducted from this settlement sum, and the balance is expected to be credited into the 1MDB asset recovery account soon," said Thomas.

    The repatriated funds are on top of Malaysia's sale of the superyacht the Equanimity, which was allegedly commissioned by fugitive businessperson Jho Low using stolen 1MDB funds, for US$126 million last month.

    The superyacht was seized off the coast of Bali in February last year in a joint operation between Indonesian police and the FBI and subsequently handed over to Malaysia.

    "Such recovery could not be achieved without the assistance and excellent cooperation that the Malaysian authorities enjoy with our counterparts in the US and Singapore.

    "We express our gratitude to them. 1MDB asset recovery efforts across the globe are still ongoing, and Malaysia is optimistic of recovering further monies in the coming months," said Thomas.

    The sum repatriated from the US is part of the US$1.7 billion (RM7.05 billion) in assets that the DOJ is trying to recover.

    1. what is the issue in this post?

    2. For the simple minded.....the black kettle is still silent, despite all the evidence laid bare....

    3. TK, you are cutting too close..for the comfort of Ah Moc...1MDB is taboo la in this blog...his Malu Apa Bossku di buat malu, hehehehe.

  6. it must be killing you realising maddy is the only one who could nonchalantly characterise a royal brat stupid, anyone else said it and the umno pas primates would be jumping, see the hypocrisy? or maybe you are secretly admiring the steely gonads but too bashful to admit

    zaid should realise that the Prince is highly regarded by some and influential, his views whether wrong or wayward DOES affect the nation, if he wish to express an opinion he should be fairly accorded a reply or rebuttal otherwise the ignorant will assume he is right all the time, but he is only the Prince if every Prince from the other states starts making statements and expressing their worldly views where is it going to end

    1. In this particular post the issue is not so much about TMJ;

      it is about the hypocrisy of Pakatan ministers who as opposition MPs once used to condemn BN ministers for not saying anything about Najib's errors and/or sins, yet now remains silent on Mahathir's excoriation of TMJ publicly

    2. The Najib Cabinet's silence in the face of , even at the time, strong suspicion of wrong doing, cover up and obstruction of justice related to 1MDB and SRC was clearly a case of failing to stand up against a great wrong. They paid the electoral price.

      The situation today with regard to Johor is totally different.

      The Johor Constitutional Monarchy's blatant interference in the Johor elected government, including removal of the Mentri Besar and arbitrarily getting rid of two duly appointed Exco members just 1 year into their term.

      The elder Royal is constrained to speak up as much as he wants to , but the young Ciku is acting as his mouthpiece.

      Mahathir is very right to push back strongly.

      The Cabinet supports Mahathir on this issue, as has been made clear yesterday by DAP and also Anwar Ibrahim. They have kept largely quiet in order not to inflame the sensitive issue further, but their support for Mahathir's insistence on Royalty to keep within their Constitutional role is Correct.

      I have always found Zaid Ibrahim dubious as a leader because of his poor judgement.

      His latest outburst, showing an inability to differentiate between the serious issues of 1MDB and , today, on Constitutional Monarchy, just confirms my doubts about Zaid Ibrahim.

    3. why would pakatan ministers say anything if what maddy is doing is correct and appropriate whereas in najib's case he is abusing gomen institutions to cover a crime, by staying silent would be condoning the crime, zaid ought to know the difference

    4. yes, you might be correct, as it's usual for PM to publicly chew up a royal - they do that every day in Britain and Europe

    5. Has Prince Charles ever tried to get a Minister sacked ?
      Has Willem-Alexander of Holland or the previous Queen Beatrix ever openly interfered with Dutch government policies ?

      There's your answer why the British or European PMs have not in modern history publicly chewed up a royal.

    6. Wakakakakaka…

      What a twist in news assessment!

      U said:

      "it is about the hypocrisy of Pakatan ministers who as opposition MPs once used to condemn BN ministers for not saying anything about Najib's errors and/or sins, yet now remains silent on Mahathir's excoriation of TMJ publicly"

      1st, the target was pm vis-a-vis royalty.

      Members of jibby team remained as church mice not to voiced out about jibby's errors and/or sins CANNOT be equal to members of mamak team keeping out of mamak's spar with blue blood!

      There IS no hypocrisy!

      Can twist yr story better ke?

  7. Obviously The Rukun Negara does not apply to politicians and Royalties for they will have a different set of rules for themselves?

    The rest of Malaysians do not have such privileges and subjected to The Rukunegara code of conduct/behaviour ie:

    1. Kepercayaan kepada Tuhan

    2. Kesetiaan kepada Raja dan Negara

    3. Keluhuran Perlembagaan

    4. Kedaulatan Undang-undang

    5. Kesopanan dan Kesusilaan

    So, how? Will this Rukun Negara be helpful?

