
Thursday, May 02, 2019

A Mother's Distress

MM Online - ‘Don’t worry Mama,’ TMJ tells Johor Permaisuri after she defends him on Facebook (extracts)

HM Raja Permaisuri of Johor
Raja Zarith Sofiah Sultan Idris Shah

The Raja Permaisuri of Johor, Raja Zarith Sofiah Sultan Idris Shah has come to the defence of her son, Johor Crown Prince Tunku Ismail Sultan Ibrahim, following a deepening row with Putrajaya.

In a Facebook post, Raja Zarith Sofiah said she cannot bear to see Tunku Ismail being lambasted by a multitude of parties over his comments that his father, Sultan Ibrahim Sultan Iskandar, has absolute authority to choose the state’s mentri besar.

“As a mother who had excruciatingly witnessed one of her children drawing his last breath and subsequently laid to rest, then it is not wrong for me to feel distressed to see one of my children being insulted, ridiculed and become an item of entertainment for those who think they are smarter and have never committed any wrongdoing.

“To these people, I pray that Allah bless them with his divine help and guidance,” she said.

In response to Raja Zarith Sofiah’s post, Tunku Ismail comforted his mother, stating that God will always protect the Johor Sultan.

“Don’t worry Mama. Everything is going to be alright. No matter how dark the storm may be, there will always be sunlight. I Promise you. Allah Peliharakan Sultan,” he said in a Facebook posting.

I have the deepest respect for Her Majesty, Raja Zarith. Daughter of the late Sultan Idris Shah, the saxophone-playing jazz-loving (Almarhum) Sultan of Perak who sadly passed away too swiftly, she is a wonderful lady with an immense heart. I adore her greatly.

Her kind graciousness is such she would say,“To these people, I pray that Allah bless them with his divine help and guidance,” even to those who ridiculed her son TMJ.

Almarhum Sultan Idris Iskandar Al-Mutawakkil Alallahi Shah

Yes, I am not surprised she has come out to defend her son TMJ, especially as she has sadly just lost one recently, Almarhum Tunku Abdul Jalil.

Almarhum Tunku Abdul Jalil 

The TMJ has recently become very unpopular because of an unpleasant unsightly undignified spat with PM Mahathir, a long time foe of the Johor Royal House. Both have much to reflect unto themselves for their behaviour.

During BN's reign TMJ was nearly voted into becoming President-PM of Malaysia by the Pakatan Hell-Hounds for telling Minister Nazri Aziz off.

Now, under PH's reign, he has gone from hero to zero in the eyes of the Pakatan Hell-Hounds for telling Mahathir off.

Such is the fickle wobby capricious mentality of the Pakatan Hell-Hounds.


  1. Mama should advise anak to respect elders. Let Atuk do his job. Fight someone his own age.

  2. In fact your "Hell-Hounds" are showing a level of maturity far beyond you, because they have shown themselves to be issues-driven and not beholden to childish personality cults such as the Bossku train.

    TMJ as popular back in 2017 when he appeared to supporting those fighting against the Corrupt system.

    These days, when he is pushing against the Constitutional Monarchy towards an absolute monarchy that has the power to sack an elected Menteri Besar or even an elected PM, he is being hentam left and right.

  3. y other royal mothers yet to come out? its pakatan fan problem or the son problem?

  4. Once, many years ago, I was in a Hainanese Kopitiam in Penang, when I realised that the two people at the next table were Malays.
    To my surprise, I recognised one of them as the then Sultan of Perak. Sultan Idris. No retinue.
    Just one plain clothes police bodyguard, no official car, just an ordinary unremarkable car.

    Head of Islam of the State of Perak, drinking coffee in a non-Halal Chinese Kopitiam.

    Ah, I salute the man.

    1. very unpretentious sulatn - pity he died too early, could have been the agong

  5. It's natural a mother's love knows no bounds whatever a son/daughter may be expected to conform by others or society in general.

    Some call it blind love or a natural mother's instinct in their DNA.

    It's because most mothers (unlike men) have the tremendous amount of patience to know however bad, society says of their sons/daughters, there is always a hope that their son/daughters will one day change and become a better person.

    Most mothers also know and hope their sons/daughters or even fathers/mothers/husbands grows wiser with age to fit into the expected norms of society.

    Men should understand never to let their Mother's/Wives hopes and love die with a broken heart.

  6. Pakatan Hell-Hounds???

    Why no a group of people WHO can think & analyse with the logic of the issues raised?

    Unlike u & the zombies & those ketuanan freaks!

  7. When Ibrahim Ismail married Zarith , I always thought of it as a beauty and the beast type of union.

    Unfortunately it appears the marriage produced another beast , so unfortunate from a woman of such a superior qualities.
