
Monday, May 13, 2019

90%:10% - denying those who are more qualified

From Star Online by Siti Kasim (extracts):

Malay leaders, either for their need to champion their race or to cling to power, decided that instead of promoting the people by giving them tools to succeed on merit, to leap frog those among us who are not capable so that we can dominate the levers of society!

Therefore quota based on racial make-up favouring Malays were implemented for local universities to the point that the Malaysian-Chinese population had to build its own tertiary institution in the form of Tunku Abdul Rahman College to cater for their educational needs, which for the longest time was not allowed to confer degrees even when they merit it.

Teresa (DAP), Salehuddin Ayub (Amanah), Saifuddin Nasution (PKR), Chow Kon Yeow (DAP, Ching Eng (DAP)

all were alumni of TAR UC

set up by MCA, TAR UC and UTAR were never used for political reasons
all graduates including Pakatan graduates can verify TAR UC and UTAR were apolitical

sad that none of the above graduates spoke up when Lim Guan Guan denied their college the traditional annual government matching grants, in order to keep student fees low and affordable

The UEC (United Education Certificate) is not conferred the accreditation for domestic university entry because of pure racist politics. This is to ensure that places are primarily available to Malays, qualified and mostly unqualified – plain and simple.

When it [UEC] is accepted by foreign universities such as Oxford and Cambridge, and our Malaysian students can enter universities in the UK, US and Australia on our Malay-language based certificate of SPM, what is the issue with respect to UEC in its home country?

Even the vocational and technical school of ITM, in the misguided hubris of racial pride was turned into a university. In an instance, a once competent vocational college that took on second tier students was transformed into a university. Why? It had a real purpose and function for a real segment of the student population. Why turn qualified diploma holders who can enter the right positions in the job market into unqualified degree holders who are unemployable?

And we therefore populate our domestic tertiary student population with a bulk of unqualified majority race. Yes, I said it – unqualified by merit by denying those who are more qualified because of race.

The above issue, much as Siti Kasim has spoken out righteously, is something closed to Mahathir's biased grudging 90%:10% heart.

If one were furious and steaming with anger, one could even bring oneself to equate the Old Man's deep grudge on this issue with the old saying 'scorched earth' tactics.

Yes, if they can't have it, they'd rather burn it so no one else can get it. Dengan tingkah laku macam 'ni, orang P-Pinang biasanya kata, "Ch'ow Sim" (busuk hati).


  1. By the same standards, why is Ah Jib Gor never considered as "Ch'ow Sim" ?

  2. Wakakakakakaka

    This Siti sure makes all the male politicians stretch their hands into their own trousers/pants/sarong/shorts and check whether their balls are still around.

    Malaysians need politicians like these in Parliament to say things as they are, so that the public can see injustices created and how things cannot be swept under the carpet.

    She'll make a damn good fiery and busty politician in Parliament.

  3. Affirmative action is a drug addiction that has gone out of control, with the addicts (ie the Bumi masses) unable to kick the habit and the pusher (the government) using it as bait and weapon. It is the single biggest factor why Malaysia’s economy is suffering, because the cost of supporting this addiction is so high.

  4. The Government policy has been transparent and consistent for the last 60 years.
    For entry to Government-funded public universities, Malaysians need to have qualified via exams which are aligned with the National Education Policy.
    UEC is not consistent with the National Education Policy, because the medium of instruction is in the Chinese Language.

    What is not clear ?

    1. UEC is accepted all over the globe and in far more prestigious universities. Why not in its home country Malaysia? Only one answer - jealous racism

    2. UEC holders who choose to apply as private students to enter overseas universities may do so. No one is stopping them.

      In Malaysia, the status of the National Language must be defended.
      Allowing an alternative qualification for entry which does not use the National Language as the medium of instruction is counter to the National Education Policy and negative towards nation building.

    3. we know that's just an excuse to protect uni places for malays

    4. as far as i know, most uec holder took spm malay n many pass with credit, n many subject except maths n science r taught in bm, if mahathir idea m n s is now using english, then the medium of instructions is more or less uniform.

      the only valid excuse left is perhaps a uniform examination, if we do away matriculation, then its perfectly sound not to recognize uec.

    5. No one has ever stopped Chinese students from studying in National Secondary Schools and taking SPM and STPM.
      The UEC students willingly made their own choice to study under a Chinese Medium school system.

      The government policy is clear, consistent and rational, with the reasoning having been explained many times before.

      I consider it a racist accusation that it is a step to protect university places for Malays.

    6. how could you say "No one has ever stopped Chinese students from studying in National Secondary Schools" when successive UMNO Education Ministers f**ked up the once-good standards our education system had.

      Chinese parents were "compelled" to send their children to vernacular schools and private Chinese schools for standards.

      As I've written often, Education is one of the central pillars of Chinese civilisation, culture whereever they might/may be, Malaysia, USA, Britain, Aus, etc, and Chinese parents will do their utmost (almost anything) to ensure their children get the best. UMNO Ed Min f**king the national education system for their own political interests wasn't/isn't the best

    7. and you must also ask Salahuddin Ayub and Saifution Nasution why they both went to TAR UC

    8. quota is already a protection, would the quota change if we increase the matriculation intake or do away with it? so what racist r u talking abt?

      u r one that argue on the point of language medium, i just tell u the fact that cis is not a pure chinese medium school, they learn chinese on top of national language.

    9. Nothing is more frustrating than arguing with a person who doesn’t know what he is talking about.

    10. everybody is a genius, but if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid

      there is a message in there, I hope it doesn't take another generation for you all to get it

    11. For these morons 60yrs r no demarcation for a generation!

      So what another generation for them to get it?

      Mimpi lah.

    12. "the fact that cis is not a pure chinese medium school, they learn chinese on top of national language. "

      Don't delude yourself - Chinese medium education is the very core reason for Dong Zong's existence.

      From Wikipedia
      Medium of teaching
      Majority of the Chinese Independent High Schools uses Mandarin as the medium of instruction. The official textbooks are written in Mandarin and exam papers are set in Mandarin. However, there are also a number of schools that developed English teaching materials and uses English as the medium of teaching.

      (a few CIS are now offering UEC English as well as IGCSE Cambridge syllabus, mainly as a survival path because of dwindling demand for Chinese medium UEC, but the core is still the Chinese medium UEC).

    13. as I mentioned before, you're grossly incorrect in saying "Chinese medium education is the very core reason for Dong Zong's existence"

      UMNO Ed ministers have been the core reason for Dong Zong's existence

      Read this

    14. yes u r partially right to assert chinese medium is the core for cis, however if china could adopt capitalism, n mahathir is fine with eng for m&s, what make u think cis dont or cant evolve? its a fact most urban cis adopt pmr n spm subject as part of syllabus (which i not necessarily agree) so how could u claim its a pure chinese medium school? that said, there r still quite a number of cis thet insist on uec alone, however the justification is very different from the past ie chinese medium, they are now more into the argument that education is about education, and shd be inclusive for all especially the rural poor. urban cis is nowadays the first choice for many, however its the last choice for rural area especially east malaysia, hence i guess the main contention is we cant have a same policy n approach for all, in a way, i am perfectly all right with affirmative action.

      i am not a strong proponent for uec recognition, i believe cis could provide a good alternative for mainstream education, however i hope the ph govt, if they choose not to recognize uec, the reason shd be like u said : clear, consistent n rational, n not solely resolve this issue base on the emotion n fear of who n from who or to who.

    15. Wakakka.. that Ah Mok article was one of the worst he had written.

      "Ah Jib Gor has certainly just brandished his pro Chinese credentials "

      What a deluded fellow.... fortunately the overwhelming majority of Chinese voters are wiser than Ah Mok.

  5. Wakakakaka…

    "In Malaysia, the status of the National Language must be defended.

    Allowing an alternative qualification for entry which does not use the National Language as the medium of instruction is counter to the National Education Policy and negative towards nation building."

    What kind of jamban excuses!

    Cuba jawah:

    1) yr f*cked argument is medium of instruction in the school.


    Kalau macam tu, what about itm(dulu) Dan uitm (sekarang)?

    What's its medium of instruction?

    Or in yr f*cked-up mind, pommie England is always the de facto national language!

    2) university entrance via alternative qualification such as matriculation is complying with the National Education Policy and positive towards nation building?

    Jawah er! Jangan lari!

  6. Bloody fitnah of no brainer!

    "(a few CIS are now offering UEC English as well as IGCSE Cambridge syllabus, mainly as a survival path because of dwindling demand for Chinese medium UEC, but the core is still the Chinese medium UEC)."

    Have u seen the statistic for uni enrolments to China, Taiwan & the rest of the world using Chinese medium UEC (??)?

    Perhaps, under our cozy ketuanan tempering, that's the piece of shit (fitnah) perpetuate by morons alike!
