
Monday, April 22, 2019

Will Sandakan be a loss for DAP?

FMT - After 2 decades, PBS to contest in Sandakan again (extracts):

PBS president Maximus Ongkili (right) with party leaders today 

KOTA KINABALU: PBS will contest the Sandakan by-election next month, its president Maximus Ongkili said after a meeting with top party leaders today.

However, he said the party has yet to decide on a candidate.

“We have a long list of potential candidates and names are still being submitted by our members and grassroots in Sandakan,” he said, adding that names outside the party are also being considered.

He said PBS is prepared to work with other local or national opposition parties. [...]

Nomination day has been set for April 27 while polling is on May 11.

The constituency has 39,777 voters, 49% of whom are ethnic Chinese, 44% Muslim Bumiputera and 6% non-Muslim Bumiputera.

In GE14, the late Stephen Wong defended the Sandakan federal seat with a 19,094 votes win, beating BN candidate Lim Ming Hoo, who received 8,996 votes. That's a staggering 10,098 majority in a 72% turnout.

after 56 years in Malaysia, Sabah still has such roads 

Sandakan has more or less the same ethnic mix as Rantau, to wit, 50% bumi and 49% non-bumi (mainly Chinese).

However, there are significant differences in ethnic outlook. The Sabahans, even the Muslims, are not as rabidly anti-DAP as their Peninsula compatriots, thus if DAP is standing, as I assume it will, the odds are not so stacked against the Rocket Party.

papa, do you think the Sandakanians will be aware we are now cronys of Mahathir? 

Even if the Muslim voters in Sandakan were to play to the parochial gallery as their Peninsula counterparts would do, and those Sabahans won't, then it'll be a case of only 44% Muslims versus 55% non-Muslims, as not all bumi are Muslims.

Thus I did say if DAP were to lose in the coming by-election, Lim Kit Siang must make a bungee jump from Petronas twin Towers, mind, with sweet naive innocent Kaytee supplying him the gunny strings for that wonderful moment, wakakaka.

But having said all that, the DAP may not have a smooth waltz in the by-election, because there has been growing disenchantment with the "new" Pakatan government. No doubt DAP supporters in Sandakan would have noted the deafening silence of their leaders in Putrajaya whenever Mahathir (and his Pribumi Party cohorts, known as UMNO III) "reverted" to his old naughty ways.

Then, the economy has been sliding down the 'gurgle'. And to add on to Pakatan woes, there are warnings that 75% of PKR party members in Sabah could leave the party if their welfare continued to be ignored.

While PKR is only an ally, and at times a foe (wakakaka), it'll still be a great loss of votes to the DAP if the Sabah PKR people were to abandon the one-eyed party.

With PBS contesting, I don't think it would be wise for MCA to have wet dreams, though admittedly, Maximus Ongkili did say that names outside the party are also being considered.



  1. Errr...44% Muslim Bumi..that's what their IC says as per Project IC, but in reality....???

  2. Methinks all West Malaysian political parties should not be involved in East Malaysian elections and should be banned from entering Sarawak or Sabah.

    Let the East Malaysians decides themselves who they want to govern themselves and be elected to be their State Govt. and which West Malaysian political parties they wish to form as a coalition to be the Federal Govt.

    Why must West Malaysian political parties also be present in East Malaysia if not with an idea to be lord over them or to behave like a Taikor? Would West Malaysians allow East Malaysian political parties to be set up over in West Malaysia?

  3. How the mighty have fallen. This is really a sad state of affairs for UMNO and BN. Sabah used to be their "fixed deposit" today in their state assembly they have only one seat left, out of 64....Musa Aman the former CM who kuai kuai finally slithered into the state assembly sitting after nearly a year of being elected (win still being contested and facing charges corruption). Now in Sandakan Parliament by-election BN don't even dare to stand.

  4. BN will not stand in Sandakan.

    PBS is a shadow of its former self, caponised years ago , rot starting from Pairin Kitingan.
    What is Jeffrey Kitingan doing these days ?

    Sandakan has never been a PBS seat. Neither is it a DAP stronghold, BN has won there many times, alternating with DP.
    Will Sandakan vote PBS ? Rumour has it there will be a strong protest vote, but will it be enough to unseat DAP ?
