
Sunday, April 07, 2019

Ravana in Granny's Thai backyard

Just posted Grandfather's stories (4) - Ravana in Granny's backyard in my other blog KTemoc Kongsamkok. But don't read it if you are a staunch Judeo-Christian or Hindu, wakakaka.


  1. I have always found fascinating the account of the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah and what happened to Lot and his family in fleeing the city.

    For centuries, the account in the Old Testament had either perplexed readers or got dismissed as ancient fables or fantasies.

    There was no known natural or man-made phenomenon that could destroy an entire city in one moment in a Pillar of Fire, or turn a person into "a pillar of salt"

    Until August 6 1945, when Hiroshima was destroyed in "A pillar of fire" and many were turned into ashes right where they stood.

  2. I do not understand why you said a staunch Hindu should not read it. I read it and it was an excellent piece. Thanks for a balanced version.

    1. wakakaka Rajan, you're one of the few Hindus who would tolerate a less than devoted description of Rama

    2. A large portion of Hindu religious art depicts scenes of War and violent conflict because they are taken from the pages of the Mahabharata or Ramayana.

  3. "Religious books like the Bible are also notorious for their redactions and revisionisms."

    Certainly, NOT the Holy Al' Qur'an.

    "Indeed, it is We who sent down the Qur’an and indeed, We will be its guardian." (Al-Hijr 15:9)

    1. Read the "Satanic Verses" wakakakakaka...
      Easily available just 5 minutes across the Causeway.

      Very Educational.

    2. Salman Rusdie became a kafir and now lives in USA.
