
Sunday, April 14, 2019

Rantau - watershed for Pakatan

Ethnic breakdown of Rantau's electorate for the recent by-election was:

Malay 54%
Chinese 19%
Indian 28%

(above stats rounded up)

To simplify the stats:

There were 47% non-Malay voters.
To win, the candidate needed 51%.

Thus it had been boasted that Pakatan enjoyed virtually 100% non votes, only 4% Malay voters was needed by Dr Streram to win.

The stats looked good for him. 

In less simplified stats, the turnout might not have been 100%. EC stats showed a 79.31% or almost 80% turnout which was very encouraging in a by-election. Assuming everything being equal, Pakatan still required 4% Malay votes.

Instead, Mohd Hasan of BN secured 63.22% while Streram of PH won 35.8%.

Prior to the by-election I thought Streram had a very good chance of winning Rantau as its ethnic composition, as favoured by Mahathir during his 1981-2003 reign, also favoured him, given the virtually "guaranteed" votes from the nons for Pakatan.

Thus, Mohd Hasan achieved a remarkable victory in the face of anti-BN nons. Some of them voted for him to an extent he achieved 63.22% of the total votes in Rantau.

I think Mahathir doesn't give a shit (He didn't even turn up there). But the new stats is troubling for Pakatan and especially for PM-to-be Anwar Ibrahim.

Malay Mail Online attributed 3 reasons for the Pakatan defeat in Rantau, namely:

(a) Dr Streram was a relatively poor performing candidate in the sense he couldn't 'connect' with the populace (as well as tok-kok on some issues), whilst Mohd Hasan had no problem in doing so,

(b) over-dependence on Anwar's charisma, and 

(c) Pakatan failed to address bread-and-butter issues, scarcity of jobs, its various capatis including its failure to abolish the National Higher Education Fund Corporation (PTPTN), and failure to counter the UMNO-PAS narrative on (i) Defence of the faith, (ii) Malay rights, (iii) Sovereignty of the monarchs.

While Pakatan's failure to win chunks of Malay votes is understandable, it is worrying that its faithful nons seemed to have lose confidence in it, perhaps due to its frequent capati-sations and Mahathir-isation.

Some have already lamented there's no difference between BN of the past and Pakatan of today. My answer to that, wakakaka, is they (BN of Past, Pakatan of today) have the same boss, Mahathir of Ops Lalang, Car No 3 and GLCs, wakakaka.


  1. i really hv no idea what improvement done by ph, i mean something that i can feel the impact us instantly. the voter already looked at the big picture in ge14, how long u want them to look at the same picture again n again.

    1. PH's commedy of errors hurt the larger population; gradually becoming a tragedy of commons.

    2. I love their no smoking in restaurants law. My lungs felt the impact instantly and my lifespan improved by a few years.

      Corruption has reduced.

      My children and grandchildren will not be burdened with so much taxes to pay for ECRL, HSR, Gas pipelines, 1MDB, LRT, MRT etc.

      How about you?

    3. Wakakakakaka…

      "looked at the big picture in ge14"!!!

      No. NO. NOOO!

      The result of 509 ISN'T caused by the understanding of the BIG PICTURES by the electorate. It's PURELY the unavoidable outcome, which has been penned up for over 60+yrs.

      The current bolihlanders r STILL been confused with BIG PICTURES & Maggie New expectations!

      Big picture solutions take time, possibly large sum of money & sacrifices, to resolve to fruitions.

      Big pictures r mutually exclusive with instantly impacts. Nothing good CAN come out of hasty impulsive reaction aka jibby's splashing of money in the form of cash is king. Leaving more problems for the subsequent gov to resolve while pampering the electorate into habit of expecting current & instant gratifications w/o a care of the future consequences.

      Big pictures resolution expects unavoidable delays due to circumstancial events - financial quagmires the like of tabung haji, fgv & felda.

      Only born losers r expecting improvements done via the instant impact.

    4. Since taking the office, by how much has the debt/deficit reduced? Or has it increased, huh?

    5. U should ask WHAT resources have the new gov got to quickly reduce the debt/deficit when the piggy bank of the nation has almost been squandered clean!

      On top of these, NOW also surfacing financial quagmire of TH, Felda & FGV which the current gov MUST resolve quickly due to the racial profile of those involved!

      Whether mamak, lge or do as a whole like it or not, it WOULD be pure political suicide to ignore!

      The VERY unfortunate thing is that the rakyat jelata r looking for quick fits for their daily cost issues.

      Somehow they have conveniently forgotten the problems they r facing NOW r the results of they not been looking at the BIG PICTURE!

      Just imagine the possibility of utilising any one of these emergency & exigency allocations to buy some toll road operations, improve certain essential subsidies for the rakyat! That would be some 'maggie need financial releases for the longing rakyat.

      Yet the fixers r been blamed for not been able to give maggie mee solutions to inherited shits that have no instant solutions!

    6. u can always pick a non smoking restaurant if health is yr concern. in a democracy, i doubt many care what happen to their next next generation. the manifesto hv many proposal for short term basis. u commit instant mee u hv to cook instant mee, if u cant do it, lets others do it for u.

    7. Wakakakakakaka…

      That's demoncracy through & through!

      "in a demoncracy, i doubt many care what happen to their next next generation."

      What a gem quote!

      "u commit instant mee u hv to cook instant mee, if u cant do it, lets others do it for u."

      Along the way, just enjoy yr narcissistic syiok-sendiri of who-cares-about-tomorrow. Me… me & now!

      A reflection of the Formosa spiritual fart, I ventured.

      Just like brexit, RIGHT?

    8. One more thing, "the manifesto hv many proposal for short term basis"!

      Another farts of zilch inconsequential rant.

      If the new gov knew the proportion of the financial mess inherited, many of these short term cost of living proposals WOULD NOT surface as they all need MOOLA to implement!

      Of course, like u so conveniently farted, who cares about tomorrow.

      Borrow more, creating more accounting acrobats to penalize the next next generation.

      After all, by then, u r long been turned into bones - no eyes see ma!

    9. democracy have tons of weakness but still allow one to choose n correct it mistake in due cource, for eg ph kick out a corrupted regime. how u wanna kick out ccp? u need a mao revolution that kill million.

      mahathir pamper the umno/pas suppoter while lge tax the middle income group wont cut it.

      if u tell me the ph manifesto is nothing but a piece of shit, then i wont argue with u anymore on this topic.

    10. Democracy allows the known to choose in order to work. It principally excludes the norms. Hence democracy is inherently an exclusive elite club formed for thinking power seekers ONLY!

      Demoncracy allows all & sundry to take part. Usually manipulated by puppeteers with ulterior motives. Its implementation equally resulting in devastating outcomes. Since NOT everyone is well informed & can act rationally. 1st world or shitholed countries alike!

      The current brexit is the best example! Similarly the series of tragedic events following the failed Arab spring r also the fraud working of demoncracy!

      How many died during those events?

      CCP has election that u want to argue otherwise.

      In Chinese socialism, party & country r one the same. So throwing out CCP means replacing the country!

      Bloody oxymoron to the nth.

      Label as u so skillfully used r just title to suit yr level of sopo understanding.

      Democracy & socialism r just the two faces of the same coin. It doesn't matter which label u claimed to used, the ultimate guideline IS good governance which u think is ONLY possible in demoncracy!

      WRT PH manifesto, just remember nothing is casted in stone as circumstances demand instant changes.

      In economics, there r black swans. In politics, there r no permanent enemies but compromises. The only honorable principle IS to make sure those under yr care r been well taking care of with the flow of the fluid situation.

      Thus, if u insist on holding fort to that piece of paper (shit, indeed) worded with limited current sopo Devon knowledge THEN u r indeed a katak under the well!

    11. msia used to be a one party state but no more, hence yr argument to ignore the manifesto in the context of a democracy polity is flaw. instead of keep on telling me one year is too short, a wise propagandist shd able to convince us what work n policy done would benefit us in a longer term. perhaps u can start with 2 item, education n economy. so tell me, dun shy, tell me what our finance minister has done, n what our education minister had done, if cant, duduk diam diam.

    12. Do tell where's the beef in this fart -"msia used to be a one party state but no more, hence yr argument to ignore the manifesto in the context of a democracy polity"?

      U died2 still want to claim credit for that manifesto to change the gov! Irrational & incoherent, right?

      Let this 'propagandist' TELL u that a new gov w/o moola CAN'T do instant mee that u r so craving for!

      Right now, if u really CAN read the ecrl news between the lines, then u should know what the current gov has done so financially to benefit the next next generations of M'ians that u so despitefully dismissed!

      U know WHY in all the 3 by-elections, the current gov gets less than 3% of the police/military votes?

      It's bcoz these 'mercenaries' have been told point blank that there would be no bonuses & salary increments this time round!

      Compare with the cash-is-king jibby era, these handouts come so readily to them. They know who can butter their breads even when the country is broke. Damned the financial health of the country!

      Now do u understand WHY in the failed states, the military always side with the power to be?

      Mamak2.0 knows this fact too well. But he still persist not to give in to these irrational handouts to win supports, perhaps under the advices of lge/to this time round.

      The country CAN no longer spend as there is no tomorrow. Anymore unnecessarily 'opulent' spending by the gov will spell disastrous for the well-being of the country.

      Just a while ago, the M'sia bond rating has been put under watchlist to be downgraded to 1 by global index provider FTSE Russell.

      Know the seriousness of such downgrade! Tak tau mah, bcoz u r not economist! Go & ask our zombie pal & see whether he can enlighten u, instead of a trashy report from Samsung asset management!

      OK, these r not yr solutions BUT definitely instant mee financial problems mah.

      Is that taking care of yr blurred farts about the state of economy, further out than yr tempurung?


      Well, blame the bleeding hearts like u who voiced to refuse mamak2.0 to be the education minister lah.

      Perhaps, mamak can pushes through all the obstacles associated with the farts of alifbata, ketuanan agenda etc etc that have been inflicted upon the education system.

      Instead, just bcoz of the manifesto declaration, mamak has to put in a technocrat who is now proven to be a useless 'PhD' who is more interested in sunna dakwa than real education.


      Now, go play dead at the corner, wagging dog!

  2. Toonsie didn’t dare to show up in Rantau because he knew Harapan would lose. Let Anwar do the campaigning and lose face.

    But Allah the Merciful granted Toonsie a by-election every 6 weeks or so after GE14, Sandakan to come. Three straight defeats means three warnings to withdraw gracefully. Toonsie’s 20th century ideas won’t work in the 21st century. The rakyat will soon run out of goodwill for a 94-year old. Tick tock tick tock.

  3. Toonsie's latest 20th century solution to fix the value of the Ringgit is to peg it, like he did during the Asian Financial crisis 20 years ago. He said this in answering a question at a forum recently. Pegging won't work now because we don't have an AFC. Other affected countries at that time have booming economies today, South Korea, Indonesia, Thailand etc. Malaysia's economy today is not bad, but needs some major overhaul due to BN's mismanagement. But we don't need another peg. Don't spook the markets. Guanee will have nightmare fixing your roundabout ideas. Instead fix the economy and the value of the Ringgit will sort itself out.

    Time to go, tick tock tick tock....

    1. Time to go, mamak??!!

      Politically, u should read Mariam Mokhtar's piece:

      Should Mahathir go now? Certainly not!

      She raises a collateralized fact that many know but refuse to acknowledge!

      Mamak’s 20th century ideas won’t work in the 21st century?!! The rakyat will soon run out of goodwill for a 94-year old!!

      If mamak REALLY want to buy goodwill from the rakyat, his 20th centuary economic idea would be to raise more fund/money to pamper for their craving for instant reliefs.

      He could get lge to sell more bonds (maybe in the likes of what Goldman Sachs did for 1MDB), play accounting acrobats with EPF's money, aka KWSP, TH & Felda & 1MDB's double, treble account entries.

      He CAN utilities all these monies to placate the instant daily reliefs of the demanding rakyat.

      Then what?

      Ain't u the one saying something like:

      My children and grandchildren will not be burdened with so much taxes to pay for all these Maggie gratifications.


      So far, he has NOT done so.

      Perhaps, meaning he knows his 20th centuary economic idea CAN no longer apply (maybe with lge/tp's advices)!

      No so sure after mamak retires at the end of his 2yr term.

      The royal hand kisser manmanlai would be very tempting to use these financial acrobat to create funds to placate the shortsighted rakyat. After all he is a confident talker with zilch proven financial competency (cf financial crisis of 1998).

      Perhaps, bolihland DOESN'T deserve to have mamak 2.0 as the second term PM.

    2. mahathir shd go after he make clear of his succession plan, or else its turmoil all over again. any sign he do that?

    3. More turmoil when yr royal hand kisser takes over.

      Marked my word!

    4. so what do u propose, do like shi huangdi seek for eternity kah? lu understand apa itu succession plan kah?

    5. Wakakakakaka…

      U didn't read my recommendation on WHY Socrates hates democracy!

      Thus, yr proposed succession plan WOULD be the clone of those from Formosa - narcissistic hedonists leading the short-sighted bleeding hearts, seeking their own version of utopia!

    6. until u find a way to let mahathir live eternally, succession plan is necessary. whether u or socrates hate democracy is irrelevant. can u debate on something i said instead of beating around the bush?

    7. U dare to say beating round the bush!

      Just proving how inadequate is yr understanding about things outside yr tempurung.

      The PH succession plan is ALREADY there !

      Yr royal hand kisser will take over in about ONE year!

      Read my take w/o yr rd lens lah - "More turmoil when yr royal hand kisser takes over."

      It's EXACTLY the same type of outcome when Ma Ying‑jeou was replaced by Tsai Ing-wen. Thus, my Formosa comparison.

      Haven't u blindly worshipped a fake utopian idea/place?

      Tsk… tsk… f*ck lah!

  4. A clear and unbias observation would have seen what happened in Rantau, Semenyih and CH whereby PH lost whilst being the Federal Govt. and even though with all the UMNO, PAS and BN bashings and all those sordid and debauchery tales of corruption, mismanagement, abuse of powers etc.

    What are those factors? Of course, if you ask any politician/political writers/bloggers or their strategist and masterminds, you'll end up having a myriad of more questions than answers. You'll also end up politicians giving all sorts of justifications for their losses or winnings since they always think they are always right while the majority of ordinary voters are all lambs, lembus, lemmings, stupid, emotional, racists, bigots, corrupted etc to be lead and ain't got no brain matter.

    Now, what are the real factors which determines winning elections for any candidate in battles? Back to Sun Tzu's Principles of War whereby:

    1. The leadership capabilities of the candidate/general is of utmost importance. You just can't prop up a slave to look like a General to give confidence to your supporters/troops.

    2. Strategy of consolidating first your own hardcore supporters/troops followed by creating confusion, fears and false perceptions towards your opponents/enemies.

    3. Knowing the terrain and it's people where battle is going to take place. Creating issues to demoralise the opponents/supporters especially where there is hardships undergoing periods of hunger, drought, high taxes, deprivations, civil wars etc among them.

    These 3 major factors alone represents the gist of the outcome of the battles in the recent by-elections won or lost.

    Guess who is an avid student of Sun Tzu's "Principles of War".

  5. HY more details about the improved ECRL project. Billions of ringgit of savings. Unfortunately Malaysians have been brought up eating too much instant noodles, they want instant filling of the stomach but get no nutrients.

    Syabas to the Harapan government. Corruption and incompetence at the very top has certainly been reduced.

    The following are the key points of the renegotiated deal:

    CCCC agrees to refund part of the RM3.1 billion advance payment

    CCCC agrees to increase local participation in the civil works for the ECRL project from 30 percent under the original deal to 40 percent.

    CCCC agrees to form a 50 percent joint venture with Malaysia Rail Link (MRL) to operate and maintain the ECRL. This means CCCC would bear 50 percent of the risk should the project run into trouble.

    Malaysia was initially to take an 85 percent loan or RM56.7 billion from China-Exim Bank to finance the project. It has signed for a loan of RM39.1 billion, but another RM17.6 billion has not been signed. The loan can now be substantially reduced and is being negotiated. This will save the government on repayment, interest cost and fees

    Etc etc etc

    1. its great, but how many can afford to take train? negotiate for a highway la.

    2. So, support national car 1.0, 2.0 & 3.0.

      So, support giving more AP to import used luxury cars.

      So, create more tolls for the connected fat cats.

      Etc… etc…

      Induced selective amnesia - just to prove yr inconsequential fart!

    3. ecrl is operate similar to airasia model? so najib is the wise one that started it? mahathir give up on national car, flying car n ap? if not, whats yr point? just argue for the sake of arguing?

      msia due to distance n relatively low petrol price, its still much cheaper to travel by car unless one is a single traveller or passenger. its common sense, which u r lacking of in most of yr rebut. but of course if its a service n benefit to the east coast msian, i dun oppose, but people like u might cry mama papa tuan tis tuan tat later on.

    4. Based on study & projection, ecrl is mainly designed for cargoes, not passenger. Operate similar to airasia model? Does AirAsia run a now every cargo can fly services?

      Mfer, what's the use of highway w/o cars running on it?

      & yet u r crying mama papa tuan tis tuan tat for national car lah, AP lah.

      So u want to built a highway that no cars r using. Ooop… maybe just for yr syiok-sendiri weekend cruise to visit the zombie hives.


      "msia due to distance n relatively low petrol price, its still much cheaper to travel by car unless one is a single traveller or passenger."

      1st part, cheaper to travel by car as in parity in purchasing power? Perhaps, u r using those moronic umno argument of using countries ranking below M'sia as a comparison!

      BTW, msian car on the road is ALWAYS occupied by a single traveller or passenger. Buat tak tau ye?

      Banyak common sense of farts too!

    5. whose study? show me. all i read is both, its common for most rail that link city to city. so my question is for the passenger part, is ecrl operate on a budget model, or else its a bit tough for the east coast msian that r generally poorer. whats yr logic rail got cargo n passenger while highway no cars?

      car can fetch 4, msian like suv mpv van so can have many, bus lagi many many. simple mathematics, no need talk ppp la.

      one on the road is city drive when cari makan, intercity is diff. duh.

    6. btw, would u argue the same if najib/umno still in power?

    7. If u DON'T know about the feasibility study of the ecrl, what the fart r u criticising about? 2sec fame seeking?

      Or like usual, u r either ben selective in yr reading or yr RD syndrome is been playing on u!

      "whats yr logic rail got cargo n passenger while highway no cars?"

      Wakakakakaka… r u really don't get the hidden message? Do goto the above deduction for yr clarification.

      Based on this fart:

      "car can fetch 4, msian like suv mpv van so can have many, bus lagi many many. simple mathematics, no need talk ppp la."

      All the benefits on the studies of mass rapid transportation over conventional car mode of transportation r bulls.


      Economic & transportation studies, within cities or intercities, all over the world point to the efficiency & sopo benefits of rail links.

      Yr bolihland raillink model must be in the same plane as the thinkings of the zombies, since ecrl work to uplift them to modern time, which many of them refuse to comply!

      Like them, u r marching together with them back to the 14th century when that zombieic idea was first been pilfered!

      BTW, my takes on ecrl has NOTHING to do with najib/umno. Don't bulls & beat around the bush lah!

      The contextual argument here is "but how many can afford to take train? negotiate for a highway la."

      Remember what u wrote? Or u simply CAN'T remember what had u been farted just 2sec ago even though the smell is still polluting the surrounding air!

    8. i remember what i wrote, but u havent tell me how many could afford, n zero evidence this is mainly for cargo.

      just compare our north south highway n ktm, which one have the number?

      yr take have everything to do with najib mahathir, u no diff with lks, everything suddenly become okay, even mahathir fart is sweet wakaka.

    9. This is WHAT I have written:

      "Based on study & projection, ecrl is mainly designed for cargoes, not passenger."

      Here's the latest FACT u r so dying for:


      "comparing north south highway n ktm, which one have the number?"

      Why not saying ktm, just like many of the gov linked companies, is been operated by nincompoops to shake legs after the long & frequent coffee breaks?

      If ktm will to be effectively operated do u think the people moving load of the ktm would be any less than that of NS highway!

      Let me give u a brain twister - why USofA can't develop an efficient HSR. Instead car transportation reigns supreme?

      Mfer, if u can exercise yr tempurung cultivated 'common sense' perhaps u can find some similarity in why KTM can't match NS highway in people loading factor. (BTW, don't be unduly frightened by the tech jargons. Google it, if u don't understand!)

      So, u r indeed TRYING to beat around the bush, regardless of the contextual argument u itself raised!

      Jibby ke, mamak ke, or lks ke, they r all yr syiok-sendiri targets within that flatulent setting u so created & enjoyed!

      This wagging dog is so superficial. Worst than that mom fitnah factory.

      Take my advice, go play dead far2 away lah.
