
Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Pakatan cakap ayam on 'deep state'

From Malaysiakini readers Kim Quek and David Dass on Khalid Samad's 'Deep State' conspiracy:

Kim Quek: Correction, Khalid. Malays make up 50.8 percent of the Malaysian population as of 2015, and not 70 percent as claimed.

Secondly, your analogy of the Egyptian coup after Arab Spring is false. This is because Egypt has a tradition of continuous dictatorship by military generals ever since the toppling of its last king in 1952.

In contrast, the military in Malaysia has been completely non-political since Merdeka, true to the British parliamentary tradition.

So, don’t cook up a cock-and-bull story to justify the Harapan government’s shameful retreat from the noble Rome Statute in the face of opposition on irrational and nonsensical grounds.

David Dass: Khalid's statement must be understood correctly. Yes, he was wrong about the Malays being 70 percent of the population. But he was not wrong about the army and police being 'fundamentally Malay institutions'.

His statement that a coup was a possibility if Malays perceived their rights to be in danger should not be interpreted as a threat. It was, nevertheless, a statement that should not have been made.

We are not like Egypt. We are a democracy. We are a constitutional monarchy. Civilians rule this country. And the military has always served the government. All are sworn to uphold the constitution. It is important that we keep things that way.

The idea of possible military coups or interventions should not enter our discourse. If there are issues concerning the Rome Statute, they should be addressed.

The government has decided to withdraw their accession to the treaty. Many are unhappy with what appears to be a U-turn made because of unreasonable objections.

But because the objections came from the rulers, the government had no choice but to withdraw from the treaty. It is embarrassing for us.

The positions of the Malay rulers, Malay rights and Islam were never an issue. No Malaysian, whether Malay or non-Malay, is going to push for something that is going to be detrimental to the Malay rulers, Malay rights or Islam. Indeed, our constitutional position remains as it is.


(1) Government, stop scaring Malaysians with coup d'etat ogre.


  1. What do you mean Cakap Ayam?

    The events of the past week, involving the Treaty of Rome, the forced removal of the Johor MB, the Suhakam conclusion on Amri and Pastor Koh's enforced disappearance shows more clearly than ever before there is a powerful Invisible, Unelected, Unaccountable State
    that exerts authority, either carries out illegal activities or protects those who do so.

  2. The 3Rs (Race, Religion, Royalty) has always been like a "Sword of Damocles" over the heads of anyone in power in Malaysia since Merdeka.

    These has always been the ills of politics being played by most racists or religious bigotted politicians whether they chose 1R, 2Rs or 3Rs to be elected instead of their leaderships/skills capability.

    Those in power have permitted, this sickness/disease to be permeated/spread/condoned into every aspects of governance/administration whether it be Govts, Semi Govts, Religious Institutions, NGOs, societies, private sector etc.

    It creates/gives loopholes to those unworthy to be leaders or promoted or given opportunities to go in thru the backdoor at the expense of other talented Malaysians who are less vocal in espousing the 3Rs. The signs of such a disease/sickness being played for so long is clearly seen in Malaysia's leaderships, governance, administration, brain drain, migration, business failures, corruption, thefts, blatant lies, close one eye etc and to the extent in some cases of murders, kidnappings, extortions etc.

    The ones perpetuating these disease/sickness which extrapolated during the BN regimes to remain in power are in actuality destroying Malaysia and Malaysians of a democratic, Constitutional Monarchy, civilised, multi-racial, multi-religious, multi-cultural society and their hopes of a brighter future for all Malaysians and their generations.

    These unworthy leaders/actors/perpetrators/supporters belong to "The Deep State" thru their quest to remain in power at whatever cost and enjoy their life of luxuries and backdoor gains and continue the 3Rs as their tools at the expense of the Country and general populace wellbeing.

    Democracy, Meritocracy, Good Governance, Ability, Civility, Human Rights, Moralities, Freedom, Leadership, Humanity etc will never be in the character nor morals of such people and in place are instead how to attain power, benefits and wealth thru backdoors by playing up the 3Rs to cheat all Malaysians of a better and brighter future for all.

    Isn't that how Coup de Tats happen when the democratic system fails them when the voters become no more lembus, lambs, lemmings to their causes?

    It will be the only road for their own survival.

    To cleanse a society of such evil men after so many years of such disease/sickness of debauchery, only a great purge of such politicans/masterminds/strategists and their supporters is sorely required to start afresh.

    Will TDM do it or not?

    Sun Tze says "You need to slay some as an example to others"

  3. What a bunch of self-righteousness moronic distribes!

    "…your analogy of the Egyptian coup after Arab Spring is false. This is because Egypt has a tradition of continuous dictatorship by military generals ever since the toppling of its last king in 1952."

    Look at it this way lah - not happening before DOESN'T imply it won't happen!

    Besides, bolihland has a tradition of continuous positive discriminative government guided by the ketuanan agenda since 1957.

    "In contrast, the military in Malaysia has been completely non-political since Merdeka, true to the British parliamentary tradition."

    Bull lah - non political BUT racially biased!

    In the coming anniversary of 513, do give a prayer to those Nons who were killed by the racially selective military force (regiment melayu) during that riot.

    Or r u pretending not to know?

    "a coup was a possibility if Malays perceived their rights to be in danger should not be interpreted as a threat."

    The blur-sotongs, the ketuanan freaks & the zombies WHO r more than ever NOW been psychologically reminded & provoked as their alifbata r been threatened! Their irrational amokish tendency makes such scenario VERY likely to occur.

    "It was, nevertheless, a statement that should not have been made."

    So, just keep quiet & let that racial simmering turns to boil?

    U r, indeed, that proverbial suanku who is turning yr other cheek?

    "We are a constitutional monarchy. Civilians rule this country. And the military has always served the government. All are sworn to uphold the constitution. It is important that way."


    As u wrote, there r more OPEN evidences to show that the blue bloods r working hard in overstepping their given privileges into govt administrative procedures that r not the least within their well defined role as in Westminsterian constitutional monarchy!

    Indeed, bcoz bolihland IS not like Egypt that those highly alerted administrators that we have elected to govern us MUST work HARD to preempt any attempts to turn a large section of the blurred M'sians into those frenzied Egyptians!

    So, WHO r not upholding the sanctity of our FedConstitution?

  4. Don’t worry, in the event of a coup attempt who do you think our brave and loyal soldiers will obey? His Majesty the Agong, the Supreme Commander in Chief, a Five Star General or Defence Minister Mat Sabu? No contest....ha..ha..

    1. As proven in 513, our 'brave and loyal' soldiers will obey the skin colour to the end!

    2. not Recce or Sarawak Rangers or Police - don't smear their good names

    3. Do read together with the piece @ 11:54 am, April 10, 2019!

  5. Ibn 1975 , Australian Labour Prime Minister was ousted through the agency of Royalty (Queen's Representative - Governor-General).

    To this day, many Australians characterise the event as a Coup d'état.

    And many still suspect it was the product of the machinations of a Deep State - with the secret support of Britain and the United States, who were hostile towards Gough Whitlam's leftist policies.

    1. BS - the GG dismissed him and called for a re-election because of blocked double supply - to wit, both House of Rep and Senate blocked his Supply Bill which would have brought the government (running) to a standstill


      BS - there was NO "blocked double supply " .
      Labour held a small but real majority in the Lower House.
      The Liberals blocked Supply in the Senate, which was a real crisis, but there was and is no straight line to the dismissal of an elected Prime Minister by the Queen's Representative.

      The Guardian, no tabloid rag, still calls Whitlam's dismissal a Coup d'etat decades latter.

      Every Governor General since then understands very clearly another stun like that will be an instant ticket to Republic Australia.

    3. you are correct - my bad. There was no double block by both Houses, but rather a doule (twice) block by the Senate

      There's no evidence of a coup d'etat but rather a feisty and biased (pro Liberal Party) GG who was influenced by a pro-Liberal judge

  6. Hi Hy.. musical interlude. Forget politics. Let your hair down. You just look perfect. Just to share with you one of my evergreen. Dengan izin KT..

    1. thats my evergreen too, my auto youtube list:
      dont give up on us, torn btw 2 lovers, alone again, aubrey, goodbye girl, ive never been to me, it might be u, its sad to belong, when will I see u again, dancing queen, sometimes when we touch, how deep is yr love, make it with u, clair, leader of the band n of course, living next door to alice.

      btw, just finish reading sir vidias shadow, not really grasp whats the message, lack passion of literature from the west, but their music of the 70s n 80s is really nice.
