
Saturday, April 27, 2019

Mahathir just not doing job as Pakatan PM

From Malaysiakini:

An open letter to Dr M by Fairplayer

LETTER | Dear Dr Mahathir Mohamad,

With due respect to you, I hereby wish to speak honestly and truthfully what I have seen and observed, prior to, and since GE14.

First and foremost, I am a believer in fair play - righteousness, truth and justice. I had high hopes in Pakatan Harapan and in you being made the prime minister after the historic victory on May 9, 2018.

I believe all Harapan supporters wanted you to clean up the mess you created in the person called Najib Abdul Razak. You were the right man for that job. However, there are many things that you have done, that are not what we voted for.

We did not vote Harapan for you to sing and dance to Umno and PAS' tunes as could be seen in your U-turning on the signing of Icerd and the Rome Statute. We did not vote Harapan for you to fortify Bersatu by welcoming Umno "frogs" and "toads" into Bersatu.

We did not vote Harapan for Bersatu to infiltrate Sarawak and Sabah. We did not vote Harapan for you to appoint incompetent greenhorns from Bersatu to key portfolios and to saturate the cabinet with them.

The fact that Bersatu won only 13 seats (the lowest percentage) at GE14 is a testament that the Almighty did not want to give you or Bersatu more power than necessary.

Since Bersatu only achieved the lowest percentage of seats won at GE14, it is therefore against fair ethics when Bersatu started to welcome Umno "frogs" and "toads".

Instead, an anti-hopping law should have been put in place and firmly enacted to show that Harapan is serious about abiding by good, fair and sound standards and ethics!

We never voted Harapan for you to venture into another national car project. We did not vote Harapan for you to continue Najib's and Ahmad Zahid Hamidi's legacy of harbouring Zakir Naik (and granting him VVIP immunity), a fugitive wanted by India on alleged terror-related and money-laundering activities.

How many sugar in your tea? 

We also did not vote Harapan for you to ban the Paralympic swimmers from taking part in the Paralympic swimming meet scheduled to be held in Kuching (Sarawak). Your banning them has resulted in Sarawak losing millions in revenue.

We did not vote Harapan for you to reinforce a race-based agenda. We wanted you and Harapan to save Malaysia. You and Harapan pledged to save Malaysia but you and Harapan are doing the exact opposite of your GE14 manifesto.

We wanted Harapan and you to keep your promises to all Malaysians (not just to the some Malaysians of a certain race). Must Harapan put some Malaysians on a higher pedestal than other Malaysians?

We did not ask you or Harapan to champion that, did we? It is the Malaysian agenda please, my dear PM and Harapan. Yes, a Malaysian Agenda! That was in your GE14 manifesto.

Then there is your jumping at lightning speed to defend the police against Suhakam's findings on the "enforced disappearances" of Pastor Raymond Koh and activist Amri Che Mat. How sure are you that the police were not involved in their abductions/disappearances? I won't be surprised if it is the same with Pastor Hilmy and his wife Ruth.

Justice and truth demand that they are found as soon as possible. And besides these four unfortunate souls, is Harapan doing anything towards getting justice for Altantuya, Teoh Beng Hock, Hussein Najadi, Kevin Morais, etc.?

Regarding Sarawak and Sabah, you and Harapan must work at righting all the wrongs done to the Borneo Partners (not states). As long as Sarawak and Sabah are still regarded as 12th and 13th states, as per the parliamentary bill presented on April 9, 2019, this is incomplete and inaccurate.

Sabah and Sarawak never entered into an agreement with the 11 individual states of Malaya. Therefore a new and more complete/accurate bill must be drafted and presented in Parliament again. Harapan must show genuine commitment, credibility, sincerity and strong political will to right all the wrongs done to Sarawak and Sabah.

Pointing fingers at GPS does not achieve anything fruitful except gaining political mileage, perhaps. MA63 clearly shows Sarawak and Sabah are equal in status to Malaya but why are there so much fewer parliamentary seats allotted to these two partners of MA63?

Another question: If Sarawak and Sabah were equal partners to Malaya, why is it that the PM and his deputy must always be from Malaya only? Did it say so in the original MA63? If it did, then what kind of equal status are we talking about?

By the way, didn't the exit of Singapore in 1965 nullify MA63? Did Malaysia exist legally after Singapore left? Perhaps the Borneo partners should go for a legitimate referendum.

I am a believer of and an advocate for righteousness, truth, fairness and justice. Righteousness, truth and justice must stand tall together if we truly intend to save Malaysia. Be reminded - we have to give an account to our Maker in due time.

I expect to hear mature and responsible responses from the PM himself and the Harapan partners, especially the leaders in the cabinet. In conclusion, I write this letter not just to the current PM or government (though specifically, yes) but also to every subsequent PM and government-of-the-day.

Thank you.

God bless Malaysia and all Malaysians!


  1. Eh...since we are now quoting random opinions condemning Toonise then in fairness may I quote another opinion from a while back by a very (in)famous person, on Toonsie's performance when we was PM 1.0.....

    Dr Mahathir's enormous achievements basis for prosperity

    Bernama, September 07, 2002 12:12PM

    Dr Mahathir's Enormous Achievements Basis For Prosperity

    PANGKOR, Perak, Sept 7 (Bernama) -- Defence Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak has said that Prime Minister Datuk Seri Dr Mahathir Mohamad's enormous achievements have provided the basis for the country's continued prosperity.

    "Much if not all of Malaysia's present success must be attributed to Dr Mahathir. He has turned Malaysia into an advanced developing country and there is much enthusiasm for the future," he said.

    Najib said Dr Mahathir's vision of making Malaysia a developed nation had broken the mental barriers of the population and had given much confidence to Malaysians in their ability to transform society.

    He said this in his keynote address "Malaysia: Building a Modern and Stable Multi-racial Nation" at the opening of the "Asian Global Leadership Forum: The Pangkor Retreat" here.

    He said Dr Mahathir's eventual successor Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi would no doubt provide mature and experienced leadership as he had served under previous Prime Ministers.

    Abdullah, who is the Deputy Prime Minister, will take over the helm when Dr Mahathir retires in October next year.

    Najib said one cannot stress enough the critical role of leadership in determining the success of a nation and Malaysia "was fortunate to have leaders who emerged at the right time."

    "It is, if they are destined to arrive during a particular time of the nation's history. From the Tunku (Tunku Abdul Rahman Putra Al-Haj ) to Dr Mahathir, these are leaders that have placed the country on the world map," he said.

    He said the Tunku's affable character, displaying much diplomatic dexterity, was ideal for the road towards independence. Najib said Malaysia's second Prime Minister, Tun Abdul Razak, (Najib's father), was there from the beginning to ensure that the seeds of the equitable distribution of the country's wealth were sown.

    His successor Tun Hussein Onn was there to provide a smooth and reassuring transfer while Dr Mahathir arrived at a time when the country needed a leader who was both a visionary and an achiever. -- BERNAMA

  2. Jibby say Toonsie's government always make U-Turn, but he...?
    Ha ha. I'm Lovin' It...!

  3. Aiyoh, so many open letters/blogs have been written but all elucidating the same principles of what they wanted and hope for when they voted in GE14 whether it is for or against the person/parties and the unmerited and undeserving positions of power, leadership held by some politicians.

    Sometimes, you wonder whether it is politiking in disguise, letting go frustrations, disenchantment with their own personal hopes, a Dedak driven output or just like religion, preaching and chanting about the virtues and righteousness of what a holy, devout human being should be and what to believe.

    However, compared to others, at least this letter, on the bright side does not look like hate speeches nor religious bigotry.

    The simple fact remains, most writers/commentators are naivete about politicians and their thinking so long as most politicians hold to their axiom of "The Ends justifies the Means".

    Wouldn't it be better to ask the politicians "What are the Ends especially their Ends" they are aiming for? I bet, it won't be the same as what they say in their campaign speeches, interviews, blogs, proposed manifestos etc. You think, there are politicians in Malaysia honest enough to say that?

    To determine/belief whether a politician is thru to his words as spoken to be believed and to avoid great disappointments when they don't turn out as great leaders/statesman, one can only rely upon their past history and their actions/inactions throughout their careers.

    Not all politicians can migrate the path to be great leaders/statesman and to leave their political/personal interests aside, for there is the inherent fear of losing their personal wants, power, wealth and office more so when elected as the Govt. of a Nation.

    When politicians are voted in by blindsided voters not on merit but solely on rhetorics or political jostling among themselves during elections to be leaders/statesman of a Nation, the end products and results are generally disappointing.

    It takes hell of a lot of sacrifice/courage for a politician once voted into power, positions or office to migrate to be a true leader/statesman and govern a Nation and it's citizens forward to a brighter future. That is, of course, if the politician himself/herself is first of all not corrupted, fair minded, not racist, not a religious bigot, humanistic and possess leadership qualities etc

    Seen any yet?

  4. Ah Mok sneered at viewpoints contrary to his standard worldview as "and some letters to MKINI by whoever".

    Looks like he quotes the equivalent "whoevwr", as long as they are condemning Mahathir.

  5. Yea..'God bless Malaysia and all Malaysians'.

  6. “Toonsie not doing job as Harapan PM”

    Of course he’s not, he is bigger than that.

    Toonsie is PM for ALL Malaysians, not just Harapan supporters who voted for him. He has to make decisions that benefits those who support him as well as those who didn’t.

  7. Ode To Joy
