
Friday, April 12, 2019

Kulasegaran plays despicable card in Rantau?

Malaysiakini - KJ needles Kulasegaran on 'our race must vote Streram' ceramah (extracts):

A video of Human Resources Minister M Kulasegaran's ceramah in Tamil, appealing for the Indian community's votes in tomorrow's Rantau by-election, has caught the attention of Khairy Jamaluddin.

Tagging the DAP lawmaker, he tweeted: “I hope the translation is incorrect.”

In the 58-second clip, which has Malay subtitles, Kulasegaran tells the audience that he would be embarrassed if Indian voters do not vote for Pakatan Harapan candidate Dr S Streram.

“Where will I put my face if my people, my community ... Streram who is of our community, we are of the same blood, what will happen if we do not support our own community.

“What can we tell the cabinet? 'Those fellows' will say, 'Dei, he (Umno acting chairperson Mohamad Hasan) is of a different race, different religion, but the Tamils (Indians) voted for him. Think carefully (about this).

“...When I am a minister, so many problems (facing the Indian community) can be brought to Chinese ministers, Malay ministers, but they (the Indians) don't go (to ministers of other races).

“This is because they (Indians) feel happy when they go to a Tamil (Indian) minister,” he added.

Kulasegaran also spoke about how he preferred to eat at Indian restaurants during his trips to Rantau.

“I have come to Rantau so many times, there are so many Chinese shops, so many Malay shops, but I do not like to eat (in these places)...

“We go to Tamil (Indian) shops. Why? Because this our community,” he added.

Malaysiakini has verified that the Malay translation of Kulasegaran's speech is accurate.

When I was (note 'was', wakakaka) a DAP supporter, I admired Kula very much his political stand and performance and even morally back him against the Ngeh-Nga cousins when those Perakians had an intra-party stoush some years back.

I am now disappointed with Kula's very racist appeal to the Indian voters of Rantau. There has to be a line of principle drawn on the sand, in the way Karpal's son Ramkarpal and daughter Sangeet have both spelt out very clearly. Kula should never have descended down the path pioneered by Superman Hew.

Kula as MP of Ipoh Barat should remember how his constituency has voted for him for 5 continuous terms since 2004. His majority started from a humble 598 votes win in 2004 to a humongously admirable majority in 2018 a la Teresa Kok in the old Seputeh, as follows:

GE 2004 -     598 votes
GE 2008 - 15,534 votes
GE 2013 - 28,038 votes
GE 2018 - 45,724 votes

In 2018, Ipoh Barat recorded 66,380 votes cast, out of which Kula won 55,613, a staggering 83.78%.

Bercham is a largely Chinese area in the Ipoh Barat parliamentary constituency 

His blue-ribbon seat of Ipoh Barat has an ethnic composition of:

Malays 12%

Chinese 63%
Indians 24%
Others 1%

... and yet he has said such words to hurt non-Indians, especially Chinese who have been supporting him in Ipoh Barat.

Pakatan Harapan politicians, especially DAP people, have often criticised BN people for racist campaigning. Pray tell me what sort of campaigning has Kula just done in Rantau?


  1. Of course, DAP is a racist organisation.

    As Roosevelt once said, "He's Our Son of a Bitch"...

  2. Wakakakaka

    Kula has just adopted the UMNO way of political campaigning of Race but much much milder without calling other races as Pendatang, Penumpang, Komunis etc. Furthermore his call was to his own community and not bashing other races and religions thru hate speeches.

    If he had followed PAS way of campaigning he may also say "Only Hindus should be elected as leaders as their God/Gods decided long long time ago before the Moslem God."

    Why should the Chinese be hurt in his constituency? They are already immuninised to all these types of bashings and cheap dirt politics thrown and played for 60+ years by UMNO and PAS.

    You get a big "F" for political analysis and strategy.

    1. i agree the minority have the right n more right to be racist.

      ck is one that fully understand his right, the mahathir inspired kula oso wakaka.

    2. Bird brain, u want to know about RIGHT?

      Goes & digests (fully) on this:

      Remember, not to regurgitate w/o first understand via deep thought!

      AGAIN, yr fart about "I agree the minority have the right n more right to be racist."

      Read Slavoj Zizek on how to be a racist when u r a member of the majority!

      If u still have the spare time, then translate any one of 林明正's talks on minority to fan yr zombie pals' inferiority ego.

      For whatsoever reason if u CAN'T do such thing then go play dead far far away lah!

      U r no difference from that serial liar known as mom.

    3. Tiu lei!!!

      Bcoz u DON'T know who Slavoj Zizek is.

      Definitely u know nut about 林明正. Maybe, too that wagging dog of yrs.

      Go read more Kosmo to deepen yr understanding of sopo-econ farts, on top of the (mis)guidances from yr syariah compliant liar tg!

  3. kula is inspired by mahathir, nothing to do with dap.

  4. I wonder why TMJ is meeting the UMNO and PAS Youth chiefs of Johor D.T and not other Youth Chiefs of PBBM, PKR, DAP, and Amanah? Even the Youth Chiefs of MCA, Gerakan and MIC are not included. Why meet State opposition parties and not the ruling parties Youth Chiefs of PH in Johor? It definitely can't be about a new MB replacement that's for sure.

    Are the Youth Chiefs emissaries of the The Deep State players in a plot gone wrong and now seeking protection?

    Or is it to form a new political party headed by Royalties since the leaders of UMNO and PAS in Johor are already debilitated and most of them facing persecution for corruption, debauchery, theft, robberies and abuse of powers?

    How come the Bloggers Alliance are not mentioned? Meeting via Video Conferencing?

    1. Wakakakakakaka…

      Maybe, just maybe, he wants to take up the challenge offered by mamak!

      Be a member of a political party, so he can farts around w/o undue accusations of being free from any legal obligation as been a blue blood!

  5. After Nurul's infamous comments about Toonsie to SGP's press Hadi says he also talks bad about DAP to SGP High Commissioner and SGP Prime Minister.

    I told Singaporean envoy DAP is an extremist party, says Hadi

    Faiz Zainudin - April 12, 2019 7:43 AM

    SEREMBAN: Abdul Hadi Awang says he told a Singaporean envoy that DAP was an extremist and fanatical party when explaining to him PAS’ decision to cut ties with its one-time ally.

    At a ceramah last night, the PAS president spoke of his conversation with Singapore High Commissioner to Malaysia, Vanu Gopala Menon, during a recent visit by the latter.

    “We could not work with DAP because they are extreme and fanatical,” he told a crowd of about 3,000 at Taman Angsamas here.

    Barisan Nasional’s candidate for Rantau, Mohamad Hasan, was there as well, along with MCA vice-president Ti Lian Ker and MIC president M Saravanan.

    The fallout between PAS and DAP over plans to introduce hudud in Kelantan caused the collapse of the Pakatan Rakyat coalition, a loose pact formed between PAS, DAP and PKR in the aftermath of the 2008 polls.

    Hadi, the MP for Marang, also said he had told former Singaporean prime minister Lee Kuan Yew the same thing about DAP on two occasions.

    He said he had stressed the importance of appointing a leader who could helm a multiracial country like Malaysia during his one-hour meeting with Menon.

    “In a multiracial country like Malaysia, we can’t focus on just one race. We have to cater to all, regardless of the colour of their skin.”

    1. What a pack of syariah compliant lies, AGAIN!

      1st, dying to hear the version of the story from the southern suanku's High Commissioner to Malaysia, Vanu Gopala Menon.

      This guy never learnt, even after the UK legal back firing.

      2nd, coming out from a zombified nationalist of the extreme kind, one MUST takes this:

      “In a multiracial country like Malaysia, we can’t focus on just one race. We have to cater to all, regardless of the colour of their skin.”

      With a ton of salt!

    2. Ti Lian Ker is a hypocritical, opportunistic Bastard.
      All smiles and clap hands as the UMNOPAS speaker calls Chinese Penumpang.

      In other words, typical MCA.

      And Ah Mok's buddy too.

    3. yes, proud to be a matey of Ti. And as for your bullshit that UMNO/PAS speaker calling Chinese as "Penumpang", you're still at it with your lies, just to earn dedak by spreading hatred

    4. "Tok Mat says too many ‘penumpang’ as ministers in Parliament"

      No lies, only MCA and Ah Mok ostriches and hypocrites.

  6. Guess who wins Rantau?

    With high voter turnout at 74% as at 4.00 pm, it ain't looking good for UMNO/BN.

    Most have skipped playing mahjong, watch indian tv dramas, korean dramas etc to come out to vote this round at Rantau.

    It maybe the Battle of Waterloo for UMNO/PAS in Rantau!
