
Monday, February 25, 2019

How to certify fish is halal?

MM Online - Fish reared on pork-based feed in Penang isolated case, says Fisheries Dept (extracts):

PUTRAJAYA, Feb 24 — The recent expose by the Penang Consumer Association (CAP) that pork-based feed was given to farm fish was that of an isolated case, the Department of Fisheries (DoF) said yesterday.

According to the department, it has been regularly conducting halal checks on fish and related products such as fish food and flour since 2010 to trace the presence of porcine DNA.

A total of 846 samples were taken between 2016 and 2018, and only 4.9 per cent was found to contain porcine DNA.

“To curb the problem, immediate action was taken against the fish food supplier, where the main ingredient (protein) was switched to that of a halal source,” it said

I wonder about the above as I am not a Muslim nor familiar with the Malaysian halal-regulations except only in its simplest form.

Mind, I have heard of alleged porcine DNA in Cadbury chocolates which were eventually dismissed by JAKIM as not true. Then there was the no-entry to un-halal-certified birthday cakes at MacDonald.

Most fishes including prawns, squids and shellfish, as we know, are omnivorous thus they eat "anything", especially when they are wild ones at sea. How then will such fishes caught at sea or in rivers by fishermen be considered?

Then what about kijangs (deer) which eat grass and shrubs which have been fertilised by boars' droppings?

And chooks including birds (jungle fowl)?

And even worse would be the kambings (goats) which eat anything and I mean "anything" including empty cans. And also, what if the grass and shrubs they munch on have been fertilised by non-kosher animals?

As a non-Muslim I apologise for saying this - no offence meant: I personally don't think the al Quran goes to that extent on the halal-ness of food.

Of course in the end it's the Malaysian Muslim authorities 'surveilling' (new kaytee's verb-word from 'surveillance', wakakaka) halal food who will make the assessment and decision.


  1. I would be more worried about how the fish was killed and prepared, rather than what it ate. Like this restaurant, hopefully the fish was not for “yee sang” or sushi which is served raw.

    Shah Alam restaurant owner apologises for fish-throwing incident

    Monday, 25 Feb 2019
    by priya menon

    SHAH ALAM: The owner of a restaurant in Kota Kemuning here where the 'fish-throwing' incident took place has made a public apology.

    Admitting to the error, restaurant owner Kua Siew Peng apologised and said the incident should not have occurred.

    "This has never happened before and should not have happened in the first place. We know this incident may have disappointed some of our customers and we are truly sorry," read the message posted on the Kota Kemuning Facebook page.

    Kua said all their foreign workers had gone through proper training with the Health Ministry on food handling, but the worker that day did not follow the proper procedure.

    "It is our duty as the management to check on our employees but we failed. We've taken strict action on these workers as they failed to follow the kitchen procedure briefed by our chef.

    "We understand the importance of food quality control and hygiene is the top priority in this industry. Therefore, we will continue to monitor and improve our kitchen policies," added Kua.

    To ensure proper monitoring, Kua said eight CCTV would be installed in the kitchen as well as another in the back alley.

    Kua said the incident was an important lesson for their team and that they appreciated the feedback and comments as it would help them grow.

    The statement had received 87 likes at press time with some lauding the management team for their bold move in addressing the issue.

    A video of the worker throwing fish forcefully onto the road in a back alley went viral last week.

    It was shared numerous times on several Facebook forums and pages as well as other social media platforms.

    Many were appalled by the worker's method of killing the fish while others questioned the cleanliness of the food. Some even called for a boycott of the restaurant.

  2. Yesterday morning I drove up to Genting Highland just to have breakfast. I was at The Bakery. It was 18°C and I chosed to sit at the patio to enjoy the view and the cool weather. I asked the Manager whether the food is halal. He said yes. I had smoked duck, turkey ham, salad and croissants with long black coffee. In Islam you do not have to investigate its source in regard to halal or haram. If you are assured or 'yakin' that the food is halal just eat them. Enough said.

    1. For a ketuanan-ish zombie, this MUST be a joke of the yr!

    2. Perhaps u forget this is a fart chamber!

    3. inevitable with the BIGGEST fart of all, Mr CK VAB, wakakaka

    4. Wakakakakaka…

      DON'T be shy lah for the want of a fart championship!

      Just say who built this far chamber & for what.


      Where's that teloq of yrs to explain further?

      Or u r just another one of those syiok-sendiri stereotyped labeler double up as a fart generator!

    5. no one BS here as well and as frequently as you, wakakaka

    6. Oooop……

      U forget how many (BS)postings u have showcased so far!

  3. Malaysian Moslems trying to prove to the world, they are culturally more Arabic than Arabs culturally and religiously, the food they eat is kosher/halal 100% both in raw and cooked form etc etc according to some great preachers.

    I wonder when it will reach the ridiculous level of religious compliance to even the air they breathe.

    Not yet there yet, but it's getting closer for Malaysians when it has already reach the stage of seeing crucifixes everywhere and halal/non halal laundry.

    Who nominated these great religious pretenders of regulating even a man's faith and way of living in this modern world?

  4. Lies can be certified Syariah compliant I.e. Halal
