
Friday, February 08, 2019

Does Parti Pribumi believe it's OK to lie?

Channel NewsAsia - Bersatu leaders defend Malaysian deputy foreign minister accused of having 'fake Cambridge’ degree:

Face of a "Cambridge" graduate 

KUALA LUMPUR: Senior figures from the Parti Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia (PPBM) on Thursday (Feb 7) defended Deputy Foreign Minister Marzuki Yahya, after a police report was filed against him over "fake" academic qualifications.

It comes after political activist Muhsin Abdul Latheef lodged a police report against Mr Marzuki for giving the impression that he graduated from the prestigious University of Cambridge in the United Kingdom.

The deputy minister later clarified that his degree was from the US-based Cambridge International University, sparking calls from the opposition for his resignation.

On Thursday, PPBM supreme council member Tariq Ismail said the deputy minister should not be judged solely on his degree.

Tariq Ismail
Parti Pribumi supreme council member

“From his humility and hard work, I’d hire the one from fake Cambridge. The real Cambridge, I'd throw them in the river because they think they own the world and the world has to continuously chase them,” he was quoted as saying by The Star.

“A degree is just a piece of paper that gets you into the workplace. The rest is up to you,” he added

For a start, let's get the Parti Pribumi masking (deceptive) BS out of the way. No one is judging nor would have questioned Marzukli Yahya on his qualifications or lack of.

It has been his MISREPRENTATION that we are pissed with and now questioning, namely, that which has compelled political activist Muhsin Abdul Latheef lodged a police report against Mr Marzuki for giving the impression that he graduated from the prestigious University of Cambridge in the United Kingdom.

Muhsin Abdul Latheef 

Only when under pressure, probing and persistent questioning did Marzuki Yahya 'fess up much much later, admitting that his degree was from the US-based Cambridge International University, alleged to be a dodgy diploma mill and one not accredited by the US Department of Education.

Why BS in the first place which led people like Muhsin Abdul Latheef to probe and probe and probe?

Muhsin revealed that he queried Marzuki only because many people who knew Marzuki wondered and talked about how said deputy minister was able obtain a degree from the UK Cambridge University when he hadn't even left Malaysia.

is Cambridge University in Yan, Kedah?

If Marzuki had been frank and truthful in the first place, no one would have bardy bothered.

And Tariq Ismail, Parti Pribumi supreme council member, has the outrageous temerity, shameless audacity and brazen thicked skin to proclaim, “Having a dubious degree or not having graduated can be a stigma, but as long as people don’t rape or steal, it is fine.”

So this is THE standard of Parti Pribumi?

My FaceBook matey, Loong Wong, wrote (his FB posting slightly edited by me for my Blogger post):

So it's OK to lie, says Pribumi.

It's OK to be NOT accountable, says Bersatu.

It's OK to lie to the rakyat that you are a graduate from Cambridge Univeristy UK.

It's OK to tell potential cronies that you are well-qualified and they will then court you and appoint you to future boards of directorships.

Tariq Ismail says it is not stealing. But yes, it is - by promoting yourself as eminently qualified, you are bumping people off and stealing their seat. Would Marzuki be considered a qualified person had he not touted his dubious credentials?

Tariq Ismail in a BS show of nonsense and defiant defence of the indefensible had even said pompously:

“From his humility and hard work, I’d hire the one from fake Cambridge. The real Cambridge, I'd throw them in the river because they think they own the world and the world has to continuously chase them,”

Wakakaka, for another start, if Marzuki had shown humility he would not have misrepresented his so-called Cambridge degree. So Tariq Ismail, what eff-ing humility were you talking about?

Then I must ask Tariq Ismail why would he throw the 'real' Cambridge graduates into the river?  And where was it that showed the 'real' Cambridge graduates think they own the world?

Hasn't that been a pathetic pitiful pariah-ish demonstration of jealous resentment against the 'real' Cambridge graduates? ... such resentment would usually be from people who don't have 'real' Cambridge degrees.

O, beware, my lord, of jealousy!
It is the green-eyed monster, which doth mock
The meat it feeds on.

Shakespeare, Othello Act 3, Scene 3


And the Perlis Mufti, Dr Mohd Asri Zainul Abidin, has roasted the Pakatan Harapan government for its integrity in appointing a Cabinet minister with fake academic qualifications.

Dr Mohd Asri Zainul Abidin

Dr Asri said, not so much about a lack of degree but about claiming to have a degree which is not as presented (to wit, fake), that: “Any capable government in the world will not allow those among their leadership to possess fake degrees."

“Lying about possessing a degree is a sign of self-dishonesty."

“If any government retained such a member, it means the said government does not really care about integrity.”

Marzuki Yahya is not only unfit to be minister but also unfit to be a senator. He should be sacked from both positions.


  1. Marzuki misrepresented his education credentials. Like Najib misrepresented and misled everyone by deliberately keeping quiet about his Nottingham U Economics degree while being in charge of Malaysian budget as Finance Minister and in the meantime accumulate a 1 TRILLION debt?

    Marzuki should be sacked and replaced by a REAL Cambridge Uni graduate. I suggest Ong Kian Meng, the current deputy minister for Trade and Industry. Not only does he have Econonics degrees from LSE and Cambridge but he is also a Fulbright scholar in Duke with a PhD. How do you beat that?

    Yes he is from DAP but so what?

    Tony Pua, himself an Oxford graduate can be made deputy minister to replace Ong KM in Trade.

  2. Best to blow the smoke away first.

    Did he originally formally declare his qualifications as "University of Cambridge" or "Cambridge International University" ?

    If the 1st case it would be an official case of lying about one's qualifications, and in any position, it should be a firing offence.

    If in the 2nd case, the institution may be of questionable standard, but it would not amount to lying.

    I have hired people from No Name colleges before, based on a good assessment of the person's attitude and character, which have in the end turned out well. I have also hired graduates from University Malaya and well known Auta-Li-Ar universities before, wakakaka, who have turned out to be duds in the workplace.

    Needless to say, some people with impressive academic abilities have poor work attitudes. And some people with modest academic performance have turned out very well in the business environment.

    So it is really up to the discretion of the person who did the appointment , on the fitness for the position.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I’m waiting for Najib to mock Marzuki about misrepresenting his education credentials.

  5. Is the post of a Minister/Deputy Minister/Govt/GLC/GLIC/Statutory bodies/Universities/Companies board dependent on a person's qualifications as submitted to the rightful authorities to check?

    If it were, then once caught, the person must be sacked for being dishonest.

    Nowadays, cases of not only fake degrees/ fake universities etc are being used but also alteration to the grades one obtained are prevalent.

    Even name cards of certain individuals bearing fake honours, qualifications, titles etc are being bandied about.

    Why must it be caught out and then mitigated for all these self serving individuals who have not work their way towards achieving what they want?

    Maybe the product of the NEP/DEB policies have produced too many cheaters when they know they are not qualified (on merit)for certain post/jobs/licence/contract/scholarship and learnt from the Govt. that this close one eye is acceptable even when caught for being dishonest in their qualifications?

    1. Wakakakakaka…

      Good point!

      Maybe the product of the NEP/DEB policies have produced too many cheaters when they know they are not qualified (on merit)for certain post/jobs/licence/contract/scholarship and learnt from the Govt. that this close one eye is acceptable even when caught for being dishonest in their qualifications?

      But, yrs of tongkat infusion & btn indoctrination have created a large group of shameless cheaters, bs-ters & maruah-for-hirers that cut across all sectors of the community.

      The saddest part is none of them THINK such behaviours r wrong.

      When caught, most of them just took an umrah flight to that holy land. Then come back, clean as a new born!

    2. no need go holy land, pray to dap dad n son oso can cleanse one sin.

    3. Yup, no doubt about it.

      The NEP has cultivated a culture of dishonesty and entitlement in Malaysia.

      It has also infected the Chinese and Indians as well, as many opportunists fed off the corrupt system.
      Even those who did not partake in the corrupt system turned to focus on short term ventures for quick returns.
      Few Malaysian Chinese now venture to build long term organisations.

    4. No, those far sighted M'ians built their visions outside bolihland.

      But deep in their hearts, they still have M'sia.

      Just like RK!

      Only the pathetic 狗奴才 types make their fortune in bolihland by teaming up with the blooding sucking tongkat elites to exploit the business opportunities.

      Once outside, they r nobody but silver spooned 暴发户!

  6. WILFUL misrepresentation/falsifying of one's qualification can indeed be considered a fraud. But for politicians the emphasis is not on their literary/intellectual aspects; it is more on their social and political and oratory skills or know-how required for the performance of their duties.

  7. Marzuki should honourably resign....!!!

    1. he can always get help from dap the very principled party, dap magician like okm can turn black into white. najib shd work with dap instead of pas, what a waste.
