
Sunday, January 06, 2019

Kelantan Sultan & the “black spot” in Kelantan's history

Malay Mail Online - Sultan Muhammad V steps down as Agong (extracts):

KUALA LUMPUR, Jan 6 — Sultan Muhammad V has stepped down as the 15th Yang di-Pertuan Agong.

In a statement, the Comptroller of the Royal Household Wan Ahmad Dahlan Ab Aziz said: “The Palace would like to inform that the Seri Paduka Baginda Tuanku has resigned as the 15th Yang DiPertuan Agong effective January 6 in accordance to Article 32(3) of the Federal Constitution.”

Wan Ahmad said His Majesty had officially informed the other rulers by writing to the secretary of the Conference of Rulers

I am just waiting for some pompous patronising condescending moron to tell us to "keep calm" (or "remain calm"), wakakaka. Standard fare in Malaysia.

Hey, I do like the resigning King and have been humoured, yes, tickled pink by his cheeky "Sila duduk, jangan lari" advice to the motley batch of politicians in the 14th Parliament, wakakaka again. But alas, HM didn't follow His own advice.

I wonder why he left? Was it because he was told to, or that he was uncomfy with 'someone'?

Back in 1990, there was a powerful politician who was alleged to have meddled with the affairs of the Royal House of Kelantan. As we all know, 'powerful politician' in the 1990's could only mean an UMNO person.

At that time the father of the current or rather the just-resigned Agong, was the reigning Sultan of Kelantan. He was former Sultan Ismail Petra.

The alleged interfering 'powerful politician' was then alleged to have 'sponsored' a pretender to the Kelantan throne in the person of the then-Sultan's brother, Tengku Ibrahim Petra.

Another royal brother, Tengku Muhammad, was said to have supported the naughty plot - Tengku Muhammad is also said to be a current member of Amanah.

Star Online reported that (edited by kaytee, wakakaka):

The naughty plot to put Tengku Ibrahim Petra on the Kelantan throne was sparked off by the then stand-off between a certain 'someone' (wakakaka) and the Malay Rulers, who were up in arms against the then alleged 'unconstitutional' bid to amend the Constitution to curb the powers of the royal.

The then (previous) Sultan of Kelantan was an adamant opponent of the alleged 'unconstitutional' move, thus as it went, the state was punished over issues pertaining to oil royalty, allocations for water treatment as well as the relocation of the gas refinery plant to Songkhla, Thailand, instead of Kelantan. Thus was the modus operandi of a known dictator.

Politically, Kelantan had just fallen to PAS in 1990 and the stage was ripe for a battle royale between the then ruling federal government and the Kelantan royalty/PAS government.

Yes sir, the then federal government pulled everything out of the hat to embarrass the Kelantan palace and state (PAS) government.

The situation was so dire at one point it was said that Proton Saga's were barred from entering the Kelantan palace gates, wakakaka.

The Kelantan royals have not quite forgiven that 'powerful UMNO politician' (wakakaka) and his Kelantan cohorts for what is known as the “black spot” in the state’s history. 
It might also explain why someone had his Darjah Kerabat Al-Yunusi (DK) award stripped off.


  1. No issue, whatever happened between Toonsie and His Majesty is between the two of them. Looks like Toonsie won.

    Hopefully another public holiday (coronation). Yay.....?

    I’m keeping calm and happy because I hope Sultan Nazrin takes over. He will be a better Agong, PhD, Oxford, Harvard. Even the Permaisuri is a Chemical Engineer. Toonsie can’t push them around.

    I’m lovin’ It.

  2. Kalau mengikut giliran, the next Agong should be from Pahang, and followed by Johor. But will the Majlis Raja Raja breaks tradition and appoint Sultan Perak to be the Agong instead? A battle royale between the ruling government and the Sultans? No?

  3. "I wonder why he left? Was it because he was told to, or that he was uncomfy with 'someone'?"

    perhaps we oso have our version of edward8, thats all?

  4. don't act ignorant and as usual try to insinuate maddy is behind this, for someone who spend every waking hour trolling the net i'm utterly gobsmacked you missed the edward and wallis simpson wedding, you know he was told by his peers and yet you have to give it a spin

  5. Wakakajaka…

    Bloody crownish cur!

    "why someone had his Darjah Kerabat Al-Yunusi (DK) award stripped off."

    Then, how do u explain that someone got awarded Darjah Kerabat Al-Yunusi (DK) in the first place by the current sultan's father !

    Patronizing? Right?

    Ooop…… same camp as that mom who gets nothing better to say than "been a monarchist of mixed blood" er!

    At least he gets to make some dubious rightful blue blood connectivity claim. What's of u?

  6. When a senior figure is "forced" to resign, it is usually for cause and combined with influential figures who want them out.

    Despite the bad blood between Mahathir and the Kelantan Royalty, he does not have the actual ability to force the Agong to resign without due cause.

    The due cause is probably related to Sultan Muhammad's recent 2-month absence for "medical treatment"..

    Then THIS news broke in the international media

    Former Miss Russia Oksana-Voevodina woi....

    Aiyoyo...what's the difference from your common malingering employee who feigned sickness for an M/C and got caught on Social media shopping and partying ?

    I can just imagine Mahathir thundering to the other Rulers about people who cheat for Medical Leave.....whether it is false indignation or not...
    Tut...tut...we can't be condoning this with the Head of State of the country...wakakakaka... careful what you ask for...

    The new Agong may end up being the Sultan of Johore....and THAT is going to be fun and games with Mahathir to deal with....

  7. Now, we know who really is Ceasar where lesser Kings would have to bow even to him.

    Nobody slights Ceasar or cross his path, for Ceasar then bids his time to castrate those he remembers who had humiliated and bruised his ego.

    The beauty about how Ceasar does it is that all those who fell under his wrath and ordinary citizens have no clue it was coming directly from him. Anyone remember all the royal bashings by his underlings as a plot finely tuned and executed for Ceasar's?

    When Kings can even fall under Ceasar's wrath, what more mere mortals like politicians, warlords and ordinary citizens.

    The stupidiest(unsangkarable) statement to ever come out for these victims of Ceasar's wrath/plots must surely go to the King's State whose Chief Minister says "The Sultan was never interested in becoming the King in the first place". It sounds more of a "Couldn't care less attitude when their own Sultan is being humiliated".

    I hope the rest of the Royalties remember that in Malaysia, the only way the country ever becomes a Republic or the Royalties disappear will be the day when religious parties and bigots takes over the Federal Govt.

    Malaysians generally love and respect their King/Kings/Sultans/Rajas whether they are good or bad. It has become part of a truly Malaysian culture and history for all the races.

    Will Ceasar in his wrath again try to cross the Rubicon?

    1. that is the most disrespectful, biadap and insulting statement of the king by the mb, taking up the position of a king is never a frivolous consideration and he just incurred the king unnecessarily public odium
