
Sunday, November 11, 2018

The man who forgot (or didn't know how) to bodek

FMT - Last Testament by Zaid Ibrahim:

The world came crashing down on me after I suggested in a tweet and a blog posting that Tun Daim Zainuddin and his billionaire friends were making key decisions for the Pakatan Harapan government.

First Mr Lim Guan Eng called and said my statement was uncalled for as it was not true and not based on facts. He suggested that I make a retraction. Then my closest friends asked why I was picking unnecessary fights with so many people. Even my family members seemed unhappy. They told me we would no longer have food on the table if I continued giving opinions about powerful people in the country.

The die is cast.

I now fully retract my statement about Tun Daim’s involvement with the Pakatan Harapan government and the reference to his role in making important decisions. I regret my unfair and unjustified remarks and apologise to both Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad and Tun Daim Zainuddin for the anguish my writing has caused them both. In all my years of writing, I have taken great pains to ensure the accuracy of the information I received, but this one is obviously faulty and has crossed the line of responsible writing. I much regret it.

To my readers:

I have decided it’s best for my self esteem and my family’s welfare that I cease writing altogether. I started writing regularly nine years ago. It’s difficult to write with honesty and some courage without upsetting or hurting some feelings somewhere.

Five years before the Wall Street Journal report about the 1MDB scandal came out, I gave a speech at the Kuala Lumpur Rotary Club where I spoke of the undesirability of having Dato Seri Najib Razak succeed Tun Abdullah Badawi as prime minister because of the many financial scandals that I believed he was embroiled in although the stories were not out yet.

The reaction was fast and furious, just like it is now, and that’s why I took the step of retiring from my firm Zaid Ibrahim & Co so that it would not suffer from the association with me. Such was the heavy price I had to pay for the freedom to speak on matters that I thought were important to the country.

Having left the firm, I continued writing, on average three times a week. Sometimes I ran foul of the law, at least as perceived by the then attorney-general. I was in and out of court countless times. Fortunately for me, my friends M Puravalen, Americk Singh and Gopal Sri Ram took the cases pro bono and I was able to survive five long years of court actions.

I thought that a new country would be born from the struggles of the people against Najib Razak, and I was playing my part as a responsible citizen should. I got pats on my back for those writings and no one then said I was picking unnecessary fights. Now an opinion piece on Tun Daim has caused so much anger from so many, exacting another heavy price from me.

Not only I will stop writing altogether, I will no longer be a member of any political party. I have wasted enough years in politics, thinking I could make some difference to the country, but it’s not to be. Maybe Malaysian politics does not need someone like me and I have realised this a little too late. I thought I had given Pakatan Harapan enough in the last eight years to at least get some respect and recognition from its members, but it’s not to be.

I will now start working again to pay for the debts I have accumulated in the many years in the wilderness. To my friends who remain steadfast and support me in finding a job again, I say thank you. To my readers, I appreciate your support too. They called me all sorts of names – maverick and what not – but don’t believe them. I am just a simple man who believes in truth and justice, but I don’t have the means to fight anymore

I am truly sad that Zaid Ibrahim is retiring from politics, especially when we need a non-gullible non-bodek-ish brave voice in Pakatan. He must be very disappointed with Pakatan, and I can't blame him.

He left UMNO as a minister (de facto Law Minister under AAB) when he could have stayed back to enjoy the gravy train. He also persuaded AAB to compensate if not apologise to Tun Abas Saleh for injustices done to the Judiciary by the Mahathir regime.


Lord President sacked 

now, a certain "someone" has the rhino-skin to tok-kok about revival of democracy

My first disappointment with his action post-UMNO was when he joined PKR instead of the DAP, because PKR already had (still has) too many Malay tigers when DAP was lacking in its 'Malay-ness' qualifications, thus one more like Zaid in PKR was not practical and definitely couldn't be (indeed wasn't) accommodated.

True enough, in his competition against Azmin Ali, he experienced the effects of a naughty party poll which would have turned the former EC green with envy, wakakaka.

Without due recourse, naturally he left PKR with great disappointment. Then he joined DAP which to me was great - remember I was a staunch DAP supporter in those silly day, wakakaka again.

But alas, the DAP leaders (Lim family?) kept him in cold storage - they had no time for people like Zaid who dared/still does to speak out especially on the Truth.

mai chap ee (jangan pedulinya) 

Zaid has no choice but to leave DAP, just like Zulkifli Nor, a 26 year true-blue DAP veteran who was so marginalised in favour of younger DAP punks that he saw no further use for his previously treasured Malay presence in the once-ostracised-by-Malay DAP. T'was like Aladdin's old lamp being changed for a new lamp.

an old DAP lamp then 

Zaid is a brave soul who speaks out when necessary and especially on truth. He is overtly (not shyly or slyly) against injustice such as racism and prejudices; he left UMNO as a minister when he could have stayed back to partake of the gravy.

But most of all, the irony has been his vocal support for Mahathir to join Pakatan to oust Najib, and it is now Mahathir's displeasure with him that has made him see the truth, that Pakatan with its supposedly claimed 'freedom of speech' has no place for individualism and individual speech or opinion.

Zaid, have you got ze f-o from Lim GE yet? 

Yes, today note how everyone in Pakatan ignores him - they are bloody scared of the man who dares to speak out when the norm should be to behave subserviently to the new-old Imperator.

I came, I saw & I kowtim

dei mongrels, listen and obey or bloody else

What a waste to our nation to marginalise a man who is politically solid gold, namely, the indefatigable Zaid Ibrahim.

Farewell, Zaid, but I hope not 'Goodbye'.


  1. Sad. I hope he teams up with KJ (when he finally gives up on UMNO) and makes a comeback. Nurul, Yeo Bee Yin, Wan Saiful Wan Jan and Hannah can breakaway and join them too.

  2. Zaid Ibrahim was too much of a lose cannon.
    Sometimes he said inconvenient truths which needed to be exposed.
    Sometimes he said inconvenient statements that he had no way to substantiate.
    I'm not accusing him of being a liar, just that the statements were unsubstantiated, and unsubstantiable.

    For some time now, Zaid has been more liability than asset to DAP.
    I was right that he quit on his own accord. Having to discipline him may have become necessary at some point, but very unpleasant and unwelcome.

  3. This makes me wonder whether it would have been better for my physical and mental health to have gone for a long morning walk, than to have spent several hours on this blog post, when Malaysian politics is so full of scheiss:-


    It's clear that these politicians are only interested in their own position and power and only turn to useful idiots like us for our vote to get them elected.

    BTW. I am not a PKR member and am writing and an independent observer.

  4. Does this monster (when found guilty) deserve to live or die?

    Nine-month-old girl dies after alleged rape by caretaker’s husband
    Published on 11 November 2018

    KUALA LUMPUR, Nov 11 — A nine-month-old baby girl has died due to the alleged inhuman acts of a male suspect on Thursday in Bandar Baru Bangi, near here.

    The victim was believed to have been raped, sodomised and abused before falling into critical condition.

    Kajang police chief ACP Ahmad Dzaffir Mohd Yussof said the victim died at 10.30am Friday after being admitted for two days at the Serdang Hospital, near here.

    “Based on the statement of the victim’s mother, when she was sent to the caretaker’s home in the morning, the victim was in good health. However, the victim was said to have suffered from shortness of breath in the afternoon and was rushed to the Bandar Baru Bangi Clinic, before being referred to the Serdang Hospital.

    “Further examination on the victim found a tear on the victim’s hymen, and a subsequent examination found that the victim’s anus was also torn,” he said in a statement here yesterday.

    Ahmad Dzaffir said the post-mortem by the Serdang Hospital’s Pathology Department found that the victim’s death was due to a “Blunt Impact to the Head” whereby the baby’s skull was fractured.

    “There were also bruises found on the top left and right sides of the victim’s head,” he said.

    According to him, the victim’s parents who lived in the same housing estate as the caretaker had sent their child there since September.

    Ahmad Dzaffir said the police had subsequently arrested the caretaker and her husband, who worked as a barber.

    “We arrested the 28-year-old caretaker and her husband, aged 36, yesterday.

    “Urine tests found the man positive for Methamphetamine,” he added.

    The man has been remanded for five days until Tuesday, and the case is being investigated under Section 302 of the Penal Code for murder. Bernama

  5. Your erstwhile idol the late KS never had a good word for ZI and yet you have such a glowing commentary for ZI in the contrary!

    After ZI joined DAP, we have not seen him taking part in any party activity except behaving like a lone ranger "shooting off with his press statements" at all directions. It is no longer like the days before 2008 where most oppositions (those days) were not keen to contest in the GE except in those DAP blue ribbon seats. Therefore it was only fair that he has to work or fight for the nomination and cannot expect to be helicoptered into anywhere! So why blamed the Lim's

    Nevertheless your article in relation to your admiration for the late KS, are you confused or contradictory?

    1. Zaid Ibrahim, when acting as Law Minister under then PM AAB, took the courageous step of resigning his position to protest against the ISA-incarceration of Teresa Kok (DAP) and a Sin Chew lady journalist, both of whom were/are Chinese

      Ask yourself whether any DAP (or PKR) minister today has the balls and courage to resign to protest the incarceration of a Malay man recently charged for insulting Mahathir on FB?

    2. What a fart about zaid's inconsequential political suicide!

      Ask yrself what his resignation had done to the sysyem he so despired?

      Zilch, nothing! He wasted his popularist potshot game plan & he wasted the high expectation of his supporters.

      Thus, he achieved nothing then. & nothing NOW!

      If any dap/pkr/politikus of any hue worth his/her salt WOULD play the same game, then they r not meant to serve the people, period.

      They r short-sighted 儒痴, ie bleeding-heartish blur Samaritan. 成事不足,败事有余。Historical rubbish bin should be their final place!

    3. Some inconvenient facts.
      Teresa Kok was detained under ISA for days.

      The man arrested by police for his Facebook post after a police report was made against him was never charged, and was released from remand after 3 days. The AG Chambers have not pursued any case against him.

    4. doesn't hide the fact that Zaid took action to protest Teresa's detention - in the other case, which DAP minister spoke out?

    5. Some inconvenient facts.

      DAP supremo Lim Kit Siang called for the man’s release and said: “Let us not embark on this path”.

    6. In Teresa Kok's case the alleged Azan incident used to justify her ISA detention was completely false, concocted from thin air by people aligned to the ruling party.
      That was the basis of Zaid's objections.

      In the recent incident , the Facebook post against Mahathir was real and it was intended to be insulting.
      There is though a strong argument that while the Facebook post was nasty and objectionable, it does not qualify to be a criminal case.

      True enough , the authorities have not pursued any criminal charges against the man.

    7. you're argumentative whilst avoiding the core issue, that of a Minister willing to resign to protest against wrong doings against an opposition politician. Which DAP politician or minister (other than TSG tho's he didn't resign but was terribly ostracised by his own party leaders) dare/dared to speak up for an UMNO politician

    8. Wakakaka... still bitching over TSG.

      If Malaysians had listened to Tan Seng Giaw, Malaysian Official 1 , his wife and band of cronies would still be in power, free to cook up new kleptocracy schemes , and cover up his past misdeeds.

      Tan Seng Giaw paid the price for his poor judgement and will not be missed.

    9. Well LGE protested on behalf of a Bumi grandmother and her family until he went to jail, forfeited his pension, banned for 5 years from holding public position, how about that?

    10. I know that - I used to boast about that as a DAP supporter, but will Guan Eng do that now as a minister, as Zaid did so for an opposition lady and a Sin Chew journalist?

    11. Lim Guan Eng continues to pay the price of his 1998 jailing.
      The criminal conviction means he can never again practice as a Chartered Accountant, the profession that he trained for.

      I suppose Lim Guan Eng has no choice but to make a living as a professional politician for the rest of his life....wakakaka.

  6. What a pity this Zaid is cast out of every political party due to his sometimes bigger ego than the size of his shoes.

    Sulking ain't going to change anything in Malaysian politics.

    He should consider joining an NGO instead of a political party to enjoy his freedom of speech without being shackled by his political masters.

    1. He did.......You too.....Together with motherfucker kaytee, you guys can have 3some

    2. dei I haven't and will not fCk your mother lah

  7. He changed political parties like t-shirts and has exhibited a lack of political maturity. My sincere condolence to him.

    1. Zaid Ibrahim would be a good NGO activist, similar to the role Ambiga has taken on.

      He's simply not suited to be a politician , especially an office bearer, and worse for a Ruling Party, as he simply cannot accept the compromises necessary to function with power and government.

  8. Bodeking... take the form of actively praising or flattering people you want to get something from, or passively refraining from criticism of faults.

    In Malaysian circles, whether government , private sector , civil society or personal family situations , it is more or less a survival skill.
    In Asian society, up to a point, it is expected you pay due respect to elders or those more senior in the hierarchy . It is considered good manners and necessary to avoid conflict.

    Up to a point, of course....if the elders or seniors are doing serious wrong, you need to tell the truth.

    Malaysian Official 1 used the full force of Malaysian state power to destroy those who dared to speak up about his misdeeds.

    The full Bodek culture was in force under Malaysian Official 1.

    The Pakatan Harapan government has its faults and blind spots, but so far, I do not see equivalent evil being perpetrated.

    As I pointed out, detaining someone under ISA using a concocted pretext is not in the same degree as the police investigation of a real highly negative Facebook post.
