
Saturday, November 17, 2018

Malaysian Law - GUILTY until proven innocent

FMT - Everyone charged with graft must wear MACC’s orange garb, says Kadir (extracts):

KUALA LUMPUR: Special adviser to the prime minister on media and communication A Kadir Jasin finds it puzzling why some of the leaders probed for graft never wore the Malaysia Anti-Corruption Commission’s orange lock-up attire.

He said everyone charged in court, including former prime minister Najib Razak, must be made to wear the uniform.

“I’m sure there’s one in his size. It’s made using a stretchable material. I believe that we should insist that everybody be treated fairly.

“Justice must not only be done but must be seen to be done. I think it’s not too late to get them to wear the garb,” the veteran newsman said.

Kadir was answering a question on why former leaders like Najib, Ahmad Zahid Hamidi and Tengku Adnan Tengku Mansor were not spotted wearing orange when they were charged in the Kuala Lumpur courts

amazing Malaysian legal doctrine - GUILTY until proven innocent

Do you think Pak Kadir was tokking-kok? Is being charged for corruption the same as being proven-found GUILTY of corruption?

I thought the doctrine still in existence in Malaysia is that 'a man is innocent until proven guilty', so such is the case, why should a person being charged wear the demeaning MACC’s orange lock-up attire?

Mind, I have read the new PM saying in October (last month) that Ahmad Zahid Hamidi, who faces a multitude of charges, must show proof that he has not done anything wrong.

Such is the new fCk-up Malaysian law under the old dragon. The old fox was then denying Zahid was charged for political reasons, whilst Zaid claimed that when he met Mahathir, the PM told him to disband UMNO, and that had he done so, he said he might not have been charged.

Anyway, I know the orange lockup uniform for serious criminals is in the USA, but when the fCk did this American procedure came into the Malaysian legal system?

I am sure most of my readers would love to see Najib and his wife Rosmah clad in prange uniform, but read on before you make up your mind, wakakaka.

Today (Singapore) 30 June 2016 - Penang's Lim Guan Eng charged with corruption over house deal (extracts):

in orange lockup uniform? 

GEORGE TOWN ― Penang Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng and businesswoman Phang Li Khoon were slapped with charges at the Sessions Court on Thursday morning (June 30) over the allegedly corrupt house purchase deal they struck last year.

A sombre-looking Mr Lim garbed in a dark suit and red polka dot tie claimed trial to two charges, one under the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission Act and another under the Penal Code.

He was first charged with using his public office or position to obtain gratification for himself and his wife, Ms Betty Chew, by approving an application by Magnificent Emblem to convert agricultural land to residential purpose during a state exco meeting on July 18, 2014.

Section 23 carries a jail term of not more than 20 years and a fine of five times the value of gratification or RM10,000 (S$3,000) whichever is higher.

The second charge was under Section 165 of the Penal Code, the same section used to convict former Selangor mentri besar Khir Toyo

So guppies, what do you think? Was Pak Kadir tokking-kok when he insisted that everyone charged in court, including former PM Najib, former DPM Zahid and Ku Nan must be made to wear the uniform, but didn't include new matey Lim GE?

still valid??? 

Of course we know that the graft charges against Lim GE has since been dropped after Pakatan won the election, wakakaka.



  1. What a cockaroo from a jibby ass-licker!

    U r probably so drown in yr farts that u forget about the temporal effect in kadir's recommendation!

    Lge's case happened before kadir's while there were already multitudes of leniency in applying that wearing orange cloth SOP for accused.

    Jibbys' r on-going!!!

    It has zilch, nothing to do with the doctrine of "a man is innocent until proven guilty"!!

    Yr tail IS showing lah such that not even yr sifu would want to put his dirty pen on this issue!

    1. your incompetency in reading comprehensively is only exceeded by yoru stupidty in bullshitting

    2. Let the readers decide WHO has the rd lah!

      Big fart, u want to play judge & accused?

  2. Najib's title of (Pahang) nobility is only "Orang Kaya Indera Shahbandar". Lim is "Tokong Orang Cina" - definitely higher rank - what's the problem?

    1. The problem is one is hereditary (silver-spoonfed) while the other is nominated by yr kind (who r u? The sekawan junk?)

    2. You mean like when your bapak is leader of a party and then you take over?

    3. Yup, like Jibby took over from his Bapak Razak, both for the posts of UMNO President and PM.

      Betul DAP sekarang sama dengan UMNO.

    4. Wakakakakaka……

      These sekawan junks r DEFINITELY the ultimate products from the rd cesspool!

    5. Sekawan? No la..not kawan...kahwin...

      More precisely Kahwin Cina Buta versi DAP.

      Cannot kahwin UMNO or UMNO Baru directly. Must jadi UMNO Lagi Baru (Pribumi) first then only boleh kahwin.

    6. DAP belum lagi sama dengan UMNO.

      Need to wait for another change of govt and we get an AG who is not LGE's lawyer.

      But if the next govt is PAS then still not sama because tangan kena potong.

    7. "Betul DAP sekarang sama dengan UMNO."


    8. Wakakakakaka…

      Strings of irrelevancies coming from a rd fart!

      That's HOW one lures a non-thinking small-minded worm to wriggle out from its comfort lubang cacin lah!

  3. chabor where does it say that wearing orange detention garb means that one is already convicted and therefore guilty? is this your attempt to imply that najib should not be unfairly treated

    In December last year, Zahid thumped the tables to assert that uniform worn by criminal detainees are proper and legal, citing the powers vested in the inspector-general of police (IGP). It empowered him to issue Standing Orders under Section 97 of the Police Act which state: The Inspector General may issue administrative orders, to be called “Standing Orders”, not inconsistent with this Act or rules or Police Regulations made thereunder, for the general control, direction and information of the Force and of all bodies established or raised for police duties under this Act.
    are you trying to say that your idol (good lord) should have preferential treatment

    1. you choose to read ONLY what you wnat to read - did Lim Guan Eng wear orange lockup uniform when he was charged in 2016 for corruption (graft)? That was the thrust of my article, namely, what's good for the goose should also be for the gander

    2. C.F. selective 'leniency' in applying court SOP!

      Lge's case was just the tip of that iceberg!

      Or do u mean there were NO such misuses of court SOP prior to lge's case?

      Real moron trying his pen on temporal twisting of ongoing events!

  4. [ "Before any evidence has been presented in any court, including in the United States, these reporters have passed judgment, supporting a Mahathir regime that has proven its utter disregard for anything resembling a fair legal process."

    "It is little wonder Mr. Low believes there is no jurisdiction where he can get a fair hearing in this matter. To reiterate: Mr. Low will not submit to any jurisdiction where guilt has been predetermined by politics and self-interest overrules legal process."

    "The U.S. Department of Justice specifically states that the charges in the indictment are allegations, and that Mr. Low is presumed innocent unless and until proven guilty. Mr. Low simply asks that the public keep an open mind regarding this case until all of the evidence comes to light, which he believes will vindicate him." ]

    1. Wow!

      Trying to play words from a pr company?

      R u sure, u r up to it?

  5. Lim Guan Eng's case was in 2016, long before Kadir came into this case. So your bringing it up as an argument point against him is irrelevant.

    All charged detainees should be treated the same way. Either all of them appear in orange garb or do away with it altogether.

    It has no bearing on presumption of innocence, irrelevant.

    You are forgetting another vital legal principle, equal rights and equal treatment for everyone under law.

    1. Kadir's statement was irrelevant to equal treatment for both BN and Pakatan's political leaders because the stupid orange uniform procedure existed in 2016. Whether Kadir said anything or not did not deny that LGE should have been cladded in that "guilty-until-proven-innocent" uniform

    2. Lim Guan Eng was arrested and charged in 2016, but not remanded.

      That's the simple explanation why the orange remand suit is irrelevant to Lim Guan Eng's case.
      I know Najib sycophants are incensed about the charges against him, but please do your homework first.

      As to why MACC never requested remand for Lim Guan Eng may be a valid question, but that is not for Kadir to answer, neither the current government administration.

    3. He spent overnight in a remand cell... which Lim Guan Eng did not.

    4. Jibby refused to enter the dock as an accused!

      So, he think he is still the PM that even DoJ dared not to mentioned name, but with a clear-as-a-sky tag of MO1¡

  6. I have to agree that the MACC is selective and playing politics too with regards to the uniform to be worn by persons brought in and charged in court whether guilty or not guilty. Their SOPs are just administrative guidelines and thus exercised according to the whims and fancies of the MACC officers in charge. It does inadvertently shows biasness in treatment accorded to high profile persons charged compared to the ordinary layman.

    However, since when an accused being charged in whatever court are not put in the dock (Kandang) but allowed leeway by the judge in their Court Proceedings SOPs?

    What a mockery of the judicial system when political considerations are also being played out in courts.

    What's next? Accused persons being allowed to even sit on the Judges Bench or have a Mannequin representing them in the docks?

  7. Talking about dress code Senate President Vigneswaan say it is ok for him to wear slippers in VIP area of KLIA because he was sending his daughter who was flying off to UK for the first time (so what, she is a VIP too?) and he had a wound on his foot (hmmm, in the video he was walking fine). The security folks in KLIA were just trying to do their job but were clearly intimidated by a Tan Sri. He sets a very poor example indeed.

  8. Comparing just the Guanee and Jibby cases, the former was never remanded in jail over his Pinhorn case but Jibby was actually arrested and spent a night in custody but the following day appeared in court in formal coat and tie.

  9. Don't u all think it's a REAL saihe to 'educate/explain' to a jibby ass-licker about misuses of court SOP by nincompoops enforcers, who has a long history of selective leniency against crooks, especially those of power/wealth?

    He has long drowned himself in rosmajib fart lah!

    1. You mean like when your lawyer becomes AG and then you get acquitted?

    2. Wakakakaka……

      How do u 'teach/explain' the use of the best brain to do a job to a rd fart?

      All he knows is his abang-adikism via his colour skin - hence the messes bolihland r facing!

  10. dun quite understand whats the argument here, if najib not wear the uniform, whose problem is that? najib or the new govt?

    1. The problem?

      The problem is that feudalistic instinct that u so patronizing to lah!

      Didn't yr bastardised Confucianism teaches u about 'fear' for the nobility, irregardless of the characters of the subject?

    2. learn how to stick to topic. y najib not wearing the orange uniform?

    3. c.f.

      Don't u all think it's a REAL saihe to 'educate/explain' to a jibby ass-licker about misuses of court SOP by nincompoops enforcers, who has a long history of selective leniency against crooks, especially those of power/wealth?

      He has long drowned himself in rosmajib fart lah!

      Sticking to topic?

      How about unable to see further than those first in front of yr nose?

    4. the one tat brought up tis issue is from the new govt, n u again blame it on the old govt? u r funny.

    5. Final stage of rd cum syiok-sendiri syndrome!!!

  11. I love how Malaysian politics has turned out.

    It used to be one side was practicing corruption and the other campaigning against it.

    Now it's each side shouting "no, your side is more corrupt"!

    Syabas Pakatan supporters! You have now grown up to be exactly like the people you despised!

    Before, you could not understand how anyone can support a corrupt government. Now, you have first hand understanding.

    Alamak! Aiyoyo!

    1. Alamak! Aiyoyo!

      Early days lah!

      Remember 6months+ in power?

      U ain't see nothing yet lah!
