
Friday, October 26, 2018

Another senseless brutal act of State murder

MM Online - Malaysian drug courier dies on Singapore gallows, family's lawyer confirms:

KUALA LUMPUR, Oct 26 — Malaysian Prabu Pathmanathan, 31, was executed at dawn in Singapore’s Changi Prison today, lawyer N. Surendran said in a statement.

Surendran who represents Prabu’s family also confirmed that they have collected his body for cremation later today, but called the hanging by Singapore a lawless act that disregarded the due process.

“The execution was an unlawful, and brutal act, carried out in breach of due process and in defiance of the appeals made by neighbouring Malaysia,” he said

A senseless brutal act of state-approved MURDER by a barbarous authority.

For ending an
unreplicable life

What gains did Singapore obtain


Its hands carry a murdering knife
To kill, it cares not society's pain


  1. I have a particular hatred for Drug Traffickers, having seen close-up the lives that have been destroyed.

    Singapore's laws on the particular crime are long-standing, well-publicised and transparent.

    I have not followed the case closely, but all indications are that the trial due process was carried out properly, and the person was correctly found guilty.

    The person knew what he potentially was getting into, he just made a wager that he could get away with it, in return for a lucrative gain.
    He lost the bet.

    Ranting and Raving AhChee, AhChoh after the sentence is passed is of no use.

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