
Wednesday, September 19, 2018


MM Online - Something strange in neighbourhood? Don’t call your MP, says Lip Eng:

KUALA LUMPUR, Sept 18 — DAP’s Lim Lip Eng and his office was left baffled today after a woman sought government funding to perform an exorcism against persistent “hauntings”.
The Kepong MP said although the centre has received complaints about paranormal activity from the public, this was the first time a constituent had asked for money.

“Since the general election, my service centre has been filled with people. It opens at 10am but even before that, people will be queuing up to see us about different issues,” he told Malay Mailwhen contacted.
Lim said the woman, whose identity is unknown, had previously owned a “haunted” terrace home in Kepong, before moving into a condominium in the same area.
But that did not apparently solve her problem.
“This morning, this woman came and said her previous home was haunted, so she moved out to a new condominium, which she said now has more ghosts.
“So she asked for government funding to perform an exorcism,” he added.
Lim insisted that the government does not allocate funds to resolve issues of a supernatural nature.
“There was a time someone asked us to perform an exorcism on a road because it was accident prone. But it wasn’t to ask for funding.
“We just laughed and we said we would consider it, but we won’t do anything,” he said in reference to today’s incident.
“If she comes again, we will tell her the government has no such allocation and that it is something she has to sort out (on her own),” he added.
Earlier today, Lim tweeted about the incident and received various responses, including some who sympathised with him when dealing with the public.


  1. Wakakaka.....
    I know a retired government servant - State Engineer, quite senior - who was once posted to one of the more rural states.
    The Colonial-era quarters allocated to him was a large house and well maintained, but his wife was convinced it was haunted.

    His children hated the house. They each could have their own rooms in the spacious house, but they insisted to sleep together in the same room.

    He got a Hindu priest to perform prayers, his wife got a Taoist priest to perform some ceremony (she's Chinese).
    It offered temporary respite, because the "spirits" liked the house, and came back.
    The disturbances continued until the day he got transferred away. Years later , he asked the officer who was assigned after him about the house, the guy said Ya, its haunted.
    He in turn got Muslim Ustaz to perform prayers, and Bomoh as well, but nothing worked. As far as they know, the house is still haunted....


  2. Wakakakakaakkakakakkaka

    As an MP, he should have advised her to seek medical help. If only she is seeing such paranormal things, lend her a handphone and videotape it as evidence. I am sure with evidence, lots of quacks will willingly step in to solve her problem for the glamour and fame.


  3. Eh YB LLE.. can use pro bono ghostbusters mah!

    1. Yup, there are.
      They will do one or more cases for Free. If successful, they can use it as foundation for charging future clients.

  4. I think LLE should refer these types of complaints to the political party claiming to have connections with the afterworld.

  5. Just last week Wee Ka Siong teased the government, asking where is the RCI on 1MDB. What a joke. We have moved way beyond investigating if there was wrongdoing. Looks like Najib has been arrested by MACC and will be charged over the 2.6B tomorrow. As for the 600 people Najib paid via checks with this money they may have a sleepless night wondering if their names will be in the charge sheet.

    1. For criminal money laundering, paying and receiving illicit funds are both crimes.

      Hint...Apart from UMNO, there are MCA, Gerakan and PUS leaders also rumoured to be among alleged receivers.

      A lot of people will be shivering in their balls.

      Or, like so many of Trump's associates, they will offer to turn State witness to save their arse.

      Najib will hang by his cock...wakakka..

    2. This subject of AhCheatKo being arrested and to be charged very soon will not be touched on by our dear blogger, hehe. He will pretend to be deaf, dumb and blind again and train his sight on another bashing to distract us from news that really matter.

  6. The strange thing is Najib's defence for misappropriating and laundering the 2.6B.

    His defence is the money was a donation from the Saudi Royal family for the purpose of ensuring BN victory in GE13. That to me is treason, selling our country to a foreign power. That's a worse crime.

  7. Khairy is mad. Effing mad. UMNO is doomed. But as I said before the party he espouses UMNO to be already exists, and it is only 10 feet away across the aisle. TDM had accepted Anwar into UMNO back in the 80s, despite not liking him one bit. He can do the same with KJ. He's just waiting for a signal.

  8. When the big WHALE is too difficult to catch you go after the small fish first, they are not as lawyered up as the big WHALE. The likelyhood is some of the small fish will squeal and tell on the WHALE. In the 1MDB case there are many small fish. Get them first, they will lead you to the big WHALE.

  9. To all the folks who wrote:

    "If they still can't find whatever shred of evidence, they will probably charge him for the crime of sitting at the same table as Hadi. And then they will go over and charge Hadi too, for sitting at the same table with Najib! Nothing is impossible in New 'Old' Malaysia! Hohohoho!"


    "I am still waiting for the evidence on the stolen 42B. Where's the evidence? Show it to me, please. Thanks very much ya."


    "Hello TS and CK.. there's also a book Malaysian Maverick by Barry Wain. But there's no evidence on that 100B? Wakakaka..."

    Please do read the charges against Tua Tiow Sai carefully and when the court case starts please don't be lazy, read and understand the prosecution evidence ya...

    1. But please make it clear at least for me ya: how much was squandered/kleptocracied? 42B or 2.6B? Was the donation element true or not? How much of the 2.6B was returned to sender? Why did BNM allow the pie to go into the country and then to go out of the country? Was BNM aware that the pie was indeed in contravention of AMLATAF and also MACC law? If not why not? The 54M fine on AMBANK was charged only a few years later; why? Was there any pressure or 'gempak' or coercion made by anyone on BNM and AMBANK?

    2. Wakakakaka…

      R u joking?

      Asking a chronic rd patient to read & understand!

      He might end up doing more incoherent cut&paste within his "understanding" le.

    3. Typically blur (maybe intentionally)!

      1st, the money raised by 1MDB was not 'deployed' as stated in the bond exercise manifesto. This is BoT crime.

      2nd, there were money launderings within 1MDB's money traces. This is aganist international financial rules.

      3rd, the quantum of the dirty monetary transactions r HUGE - into billions. So whatever final figure, waiting to be completely dissected, has not bearing to the crime committed.

      4th, legal disclosures all over the world, wrt 1MDB, r NOT international collaborations to cook jibby. They r facts based, with some criminalities concluded while others still ongoing in the various judiciary courts.

      5th, wrt how&why BNM behaved, zeti SHOULD be hold accountable, being the governor then. Arm twisting/threat, jaga periuk, call it what u want. She is lucky that mamak still remember her effort in the ringgit peg during the 98 financial crisis.

    4. Where is the rule of law that we all harap from HARAPAN then?

    5. mahathir dun believe in rule of law. we got to wait.

    6. Wakakakakaka………

      Another 小民都的智慧 gem discovery!

      From wikipedia

      rule of law

      the restriction of the arbitrary exercise of power by subordinating it to well-defined and established laws.

      Read carefully, OK?

      Where r those well-defined and established laws in bolihland?

      Go & read 乱世治国论 & f*ck tyr blue&green rubbish down the toilet lah.
