
Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Why is HM Sultan Johor angry?

Malaysiakini - Chinese letter by Harapan councillor earns wrath of Johor sultan (extracts):

Johor ruler Sultan Ibrahim Sultan Iskandar has asked a Pakatan Harapan local councillor to resign if he does not know how to do his job.

This was after the councillor for Zon 8 Taman Bukit Indah, Chan Wei Kjhan, issued a letter in Chinese using the Iskandar Puteri City Council (MBIP) letterhead. [...]

Sultan Ibrahim said any official letters involving state government or local authorities must use the national language.

The letter was an invitation for residents to attend a dialogue with Perling assemblyperson Cheo Yee How and MBIP representatives to discuss a road divider. The letter was signed by Chan.

Prior to the sultan issuing the statement, Cheo apologised for any offence caused.

"The letter was actually written in the national language, with the Chinese and English versions only included as attachments," he said. [...]

Apart from the Bahasa Malaysia version of the letter, Chan had also written versions in both Chinese and English. Both carried the MBIP letterhead.

The issue of the letter was first raised by former Johor menteri besar Mohamed Khaled Nordin.

Cheo had accused Khaled of misleading the public by only highlighting the Chinese and English attachments

Well, HM Sultan Johor is pissed off (anyone knows palace language for this term? wakakaka) because official letters in the state have never been multilingual.

I have two questions and one observation - I'll start off with the observation, to wit:

... that former Johor MB Mohamed Khaled Nordin was the sh*t-stirrer, wakakaka. His raising of the letter being in the Chinese language sparked off HM's ire, but as an UMNO man that's right up his alley, to ganggu Pakatan in the way Guan Eng had earlier ganggu Mahathir with the FM's Chinese language media statement.

By logic, it's a trivial matter as the Chinese and English versions were only attached translations of the actual official letter which was in Malay. Thus HM's anger might have been more than just a letter, perhaps an accumulation of various earlier annoyances. Besides, his show of royal indignation on such an issue does not match his normal character.

The two questions I have are:

(a) much as Guan Eng's earlier example has set a bad precedence for Chinese translation to normally official Bahasa letters or notice, is that prohibited?

At that time PM Mahathir brushed Guan Eng's faux pas aside, saying, “It’s a minor mistake, I don’t want to make it an issue. Sometimes we make mistakes."

"I think he issued it in three languages, but for the Chinese audience he issued a statement in Chinese, that’s all.”

“We are not going to advise
[Guan Eng]. He made a mistake, not intentional. He can issue a statement where he is empowered. When the announcement should be made by him, and that’s what he has done”

So it was an administrative mistake by Guan Eng though not an earth-shaking one, unless someone like Khaled Nordin wanted to make a Bahasa mountain out of a Chinese molehill.

Thus, for Chan Wei Kjhan (Johor councillor for Zon 8 Taman Bukit Indah) to repeat a mistake was not a bright idea. But then we need to ask: is it prohibited?

(b) HM Sultan Johor is a constitutional monarchy of his state, so really, should he be involved in such an agitated state on a trivial administrative-political matter?

As we heard from Thomas Macaulay: A constitutional monarch is "A sovereign who reigns but does not rule".


  1. 1) ex-Johor MB Mohamed Khaled Nordin was the sh*t-stirrer.....His raising of the letter being in the Chinese language sparked off HM's ire, ganggu Pakatan

    2) Guan Eng had earlier ganggu Mahathir with the FM's Chinese language media statement.

    I fail to see the logic of how the 2 could be equated.

    Khaled was promoting the usual UMNO race-language shit-stirring

    Mahathir largely downplayed the incident , which before that , UMNO idiots had tried to blow it up.

  2. I believe the backstory is that HRH is extremely irritated by the Pakatan Federal Administration..
    ......especially one man....wakakakaka...ganggu his highly, highly lucrative rice bowl in Forest City as well as Danga Bay.

    So he is striking back in other ways...

  3. A blur blueblood who has been conned w/o checking first hand about the fake infos passed on to him by the ketuanan provocateur!

    This blur crown probably thought ONLY the English & Chinese versions were issued.

    BTW, as far as these bluebloods r concerned, reign goes with the rule! And the feudalistic serfs comply 101%.

    1. ask yr dap kaki learn to read bahasa la.

    2. Wakakakaka……

      No end to this 小民的智慧 conundrum!

      Oui… no problem may, there r 3 languages copies. Pick yr choose lah.

      Unless, u DON'T even know how to choose. 选择恐惧症 er?

    3. answer my simple question can all tis dap dickhead read bahasa or no? what if one choose tamil?

    4. Real dickhead stubbornness!

      When there is 3 choices, pick the one that u r most comfortable lah.

      What is it got to do with read Bahasa?

      Show off yr linguistics proficiency? Wakakakaka…


      Check the profile & demand of yr customers lah. Market dictates the demand mah. Not the same as that mfing ketuanan's take-that-one-&-only-one presentation!

      Yr spurious bleeding heart approach S just yr syiok-sendiri show of that 小民的智慧!

  4. The DAP is suspected to be a Singapore-controlled party in Pakatan. The Chinese Malaysians have voted DAP/PAP to give Singapore a backdoor into the Malaysian Cabinet. Consider themn misguided traitors. Pakatan got $15 million slap on the wrist for cancelling HSR. Suspicious leniency?

    DAP leaders thinks like Singapore: all government announcement in 4 languages. But the problem is that Singapore Constitution empowers the announcement of official documents in 4 languages. There is NO such provision in the Malaysian Constitution. Bahasa is the only OFFICIAL language in Malaysia.

    So the answer is : No, official documents in Malaysia must be in Malay and ONLY Malay. No other languages are allowed. And that means no translation printable on official documents/letter pads.

    So, Yes the Sultan is right to be angry.

    1. Ya betul tu..biasa la dapigs nih
      Hidup di bumi orang melayu tp x sedar diri
      Masyarakat yg suka mengasingkan diri dan memandang rendah bangsa lain terutama orang melayu
      Ini la namanya kaduk dh naik ke junjung

    2. Rpuki members Kiet and Sadar has left the Sifu mothership and have come on board to little brader Ktemoc, wakakakaka. More moronic power to Ah Moc !

      Both your vomits of Ketuanan shits takde resonance here la...hobble away in your crutches and golden wheelchairs and play far far away, boleh tak ? Sudah makan kenyang kenyang on others' sweat and tears having to support your lepak lifestyle sekali dengan keempat empat bini isteri and a dozen brood of little ketuanans.....cukup la tu....don't bite the hands that were forced to feed you useless bunch....sendiri yang tak sedar diri, given 100 miles, but now demanding one million miles... macam kaduk dah naik junjung. Wakey wakey up, kepala bapak kau.

  5. I thought Johor wants to attract half a million mainland Chinese to Forest City. Will they have to pass a BM test then, so they can understand Johor government notices.

    1. No need for that...they just have to show their China passport...the local Chinese are useless in Johore, overseas Cina are the ones bringing in the bacon, yum yum sedapnya.

  6. Fa Abdul articulates it well. What we do in private should remain private, LGBT or otherwise. If Anwar and Kak Wan says we should not victimise LGBTs, that they should be allowed to do what they do in private, then we should not have morality policemen either, no more raids on tangkap basah, zina etc between consenting straight adults. Morality is for Allah to judge.

  7. Typical Chinese pukimak have to show off and present it in 3 language. All along in 1 enuff now work harder also kena tiao. By the way why not in tamil too? Better be careful all u Cina Pukimaks our esteemed blog host has a number on u guys!!

  8. y angry? bec provoke by dap, who is oso the ori shit stirrer.

    1. Ori shit stirrer, as in providing adaptive customer orientated services?

      Moron, u r really going to the dog liau!

      What's wrong in going extra mile in customer service as in additional language translation copies?

      Only mfing ketuana freaks who have xenophobic siege-mentality & blur-sotongs who have zilch extra linguistics skill would cry father mother about top skill customer services as such!

      AND U?

  9. According to the Federal Constitution and State of Johor Constitution, all Official Govt. letters must be written in the National Language (Bahasa Melayu). Period.

    If I am not mistaken, only in the Borneo States where English Language can be used instead of Bahasa Melayu.

    Why must PH Govt. officials create controversy by using other languages using Govt. official Letterheads? Can't they just provide translations without using Govt. official Letterheads?

    I believe they are done on purpose by BN Trojan Horses in the PH Govt. to create trouble to destabilise the PH Govt. after the faux pas by LGE as Finance Minister very much earlier.

    It is obvious most Malaysians were not taught about the Constitution and thus are ignorant.

    1. Look at it from the point of services to the people, who elect them lah!

      Ain't there a original Bahamas melayu copy. The English & Chinese translations r just the reflection of the level of servitude!

      Based on what yr fart about translation shouldn't be using Govt. official Letterheads. Is that yr rule or the ketuanan rule? Is the rule clearly stated in the FedConst?

      Look further afield lah to other REAL service orientated countries where multiple copies in various languages r been provided to the users. Aint these countries, which might have a singularly defined oficial national language, doing with a clear defined servitude to their citizen, whom might be of multiracial composition?

      Like that 小民的智慧 bleeding heart, u r going to the dog too!

  10. Much as I would like to agree to your common sense of servitude to the electorate in the use of language as a means of communication in a multi-lingual society, unless the Federal Constitution and State is changed or amended to accommodate it, it will remain a political issue to those proponents of Ketuanan Melayu.

    1. Bloody hell!

      Another sign of rd infestation.

      Where does the the Federal & state Constitutions prohibited the use of other languages in translation of the Official Govt letters using Govt official Letterheads?

      Translation copies without using Govt. official Letterheads bears no legal statutory power.

      FYI, I have seen tons & tons of official govt translation letters in official letterhead in many developed & developing countries. The prints in official letterheads provide the legal status of the announcement!

      WHY care so much about the blurrish bodoh-sombong rants of the ketuanan freaks?

      The more one takes note of their chicken little farts, the more these type of farts appear!

      Just bloody do the job with par excellent service lah as demanded.

  11. "Translation copies without using Govt. official Letterheads bears no legal statutory power."

    Isn't it already officially legal when the official Bahasa Melayu version is also there?

    Do you think that Malaysian courts will consider not understanding another language (like the previous ex-MB of Selangor charged in Australia for carrying suitcases of $$$$ exceeding the permitted amount) a valid excuse for anyone not complying with official Govt. instructions/laws not written in a language they understand?

    I would love to see how our Malaysian Courts interpret such cases where perpetrators of laws ignore such regulations due to ignorance/understanding of the law/rules made in a language not to their understanding.

    1. Ain't this a legality requirement that ANY official documents MUST be printed on an official letterheads for it to be considered legality binding, copies &/or original?

      Now, u r diverting the subject!

      The M'sian court's outcome is pending someone raises the case. The ketuanan freaks' xenophobic siege-mentality is well documented.

      How could u relate the two er?
