
Monday, September 03, 2018

Whipping up the divisive rhetoric AGAIN

Selected extract from Malaysiakini YOURSAY:

‘I will bet that 61 years down the road, we will still be talking about this problem.’

Bumis failed to seize NEM opportunities, says Dr M.

David Dass: It is the same rhetoric all over again. It is not by speeches like this that Malays are helped.

PM Dr Mahathir Mohamad may not realise it. But these speeches have the effect of suggesting that non-Malays benefit from Malay programmes because the Malays do not know how to use them.

Most non-Malays are not businessmen. About 70 percent of Chinese are fixed income earners. And probably 95 percent of Indians. So it is never a non-Malay versus a Malay thing.

It is about being good as a professional and about being successful in business. Do not make the successful non-Malays look bad because they work hard and succeed.

Eliminate corruption. Have open tenders for all contracts with government. Make business and finance part of the school curriculum. It is in the interest of all Malaysians that Malays succeed in business.

We cannot be singing the same song forever. There was a time when some Malay politicians felt that the way to advance the Malays was to slow down the non-Malays.

Does that really make sense? Slow the whole nation down so that the Malays can advance? Does the rest of the world also slow down?

And does it make sense to collect less taxes during the period of slow down? Think of new solutions. Involve the non-Malays in the process.


  1. Wakakakaka……

    Haven't u forgotten about this too?

    Same old stories to the same old audiences?

  2. It's good to know that such comments are now allowed to be freely discussed under the PH Govt. by everyone in forging understanding of each race and religious worries and concerns playing in the minds of generations of Malaysians.

    Previously, such critics would have invited strong backlash from goons of the BN regime intending to shut up any voices of critism and dissent against the Govt. and perhaps even the shutdown of Malaysiakini website itself.

    Welcome to New Malaysia.

    Now everyone has a chance to voice their opinions on Govt. policies and the days of being ruled by the Govt. and a future determined by parties of racists and religious bigots for their own self interests instead of for all Malaysians is doomed.

    Polticians who prefer self glorification and power by deceitful lies based on them championing their race and religion instead of the common good for all Malaysians based on factual facts and data are doomed in the long run.

    Malaysians need a lot more honest and truthful politicians instead of self glorified politicians playing deceitful games with their future to succeed in this globalised world.

  3. I went through the speeches at the forum in detail, seeking indications showing Pakatan Harapan was morphing into UMNO Redux, especially Ketuanan Melayu.

    There was no anti-Chinese rhetoric. There was no rhetoric on Pendatang usurping the Malays rightful economic cake.

    Article 153 remains part of the Malaysian Constitution, and nobody is going revoke it.

    Mahathir was more admonishing the Malays on how they were giving away the special privileges that had been accorded them to improve their economic status.

    The real hateful divisive rhetoric occurred at the UMNO perhimpunan in Pasir Salak.

    "At Malay rights rally, Lokman calls Dr M a 'mamak', 'demon'"....

    I guess They and ChaBor are on the same side.
