
Thursday, September 20, 2018

Wan Azizah accused of 'breathtaking irresponsibility' as Women Minister

FMT - No child can consent to marriage, Latheefa tells Wan Azizah (extracts):

PETALING JAYA: PKR’s Latheefa Koya has continued grilling Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail over the issue of underage marriage, taking the women, family and community development minister to task for saying the 15-year-old child bride in the latest case in Kelantan had consented to her marriage to a 44-year-old man.

Calling the statement “unacceptable” and “breathtakingly irresponsible”, Latheefa, who heads rights group Lawyers for Liberty (LFL), said it was a fundamental principle that children were incapable of consenting to marriage.

“Criminal law regards consensual sex with any girl below 16 as rape precisely because a child is not capable of consent,” she said in a statement today.

She added that Wan Azizah, who is also deputy prime minister, appeared to have overlooked the “pressure, persuasion or coercion the child may have been subjected to by the perpetrator and other persons over the period of several months prior to the marriage”.

She also accused Wan Azizah of drawing “slapdash conclusions” from a “one-day investigation by some random officials from the women’s ministry”.

she has let lil' Muslim girls down 

“The 15-year-old victim needs urgent care, counselling and support. A public statement from the minister whitewashing the ‘marriage’ does not help the child at all.”

News of the girl’s marriage which took place in July with the consent of a shariah court came three months after the uproar caused by another underage marriage, in which a 41-year-old rubber tapper took an 11-year-old girl as his third wife.

unprotected by both Islamic and secular laws, ravished at only 15 years of age

It doesn't need a lawyer like Latheefa Koya to point out that Wan Azizah has been grossly incorrect in saying a 15-year old girl could give her consent to her marriage to a 44-year old man. Even layman kaytee has already pointed that out in my FB posting yesterday.

I don't want critics coming out to say Latheefa Koya is a member of PKR's Dökkálfar Dwarfs, thus she is biased. That is the silly blind-as-bat mafulat-ish moronic mumbling - equivalent to saying OTOH that it' OK for Lim KS to wallop a resigning Gerakan's Mah Siew Keong. We should instead study what Latheefa has said about this issue, and judge whether she has a point?

Ask you, has Wan Azizah fibbed in saying the 15-year old girl gave her consent to the marriage?

The irresponsibility of Wan Azizah as Women Minister in child marriages has been consistently outrageous, shameful, and hideously irresponsible, drawing even condemnation from the UN.

Wan Azizah, to reiterate, is a useless Women Minister who is grossly incompetent and incapable of looking after the protection and interests of lil' girls in the East Coast who have been and will be preyed upon by middle-age predatory paedophiles, or worse, she couldn't care less.

She should resign with immediate effect and if the Mahathir-government refuses to make non-Muslim Hannah Yeoh the Women Minister, then to fCks with only a woman becoming the Women Minister - let's make Zaid Ibrahim the first male Women Minister instead wakakaka (though I suspect that Najib might have been once the Women Minister - I could be incorrect).

Alternatively, there's Wan Azizah's most ardent critic on child marriages, Latheefa Koya. She is a woman, Muslim, lawyer and a member of the lawyers for Liberty - make her the new Women Minister.


(1) DPM cum Women Minister is useless.


  1. I think Latheefa would make an excellent Minister for Women’s. She can show us how to solve this problem and also the child unilateral conversion problem as well. But I think Hannah is wasted as a Deputy. She deserves to be a full Minister of something.

  2. Paedophiles knows the art of getting consent easily from underage girls.

    You just have to dangle "candies" in front of her or her parents and whoever succumbs first to that will ensure their legitimacy of satisfying their disgustful sexual appetite.

    And what are those "candies"? Every parents know it, but are too ashame to admit it for their own conscience. And self monetary benefits is top of the "candies" list. It is just the quantum of amount of monetary benefits required before human instincts of protecting their youngs breakdown.

  3. This latest case didn't happen in Thailand, so there is no more pointing responsibility at Thailand.

    I think Wan Azizah is loath to confront the State religious authorities , this time in Kelantan. She must stop that.

    15 years old is below the age of consent, even in Islam.

    At a minimum, the case needs to be vigorously investigated, and the religious department people who allowed this should be questioned.

  4. Wakakakakaka……

    "That is the silly blind-as-bat mafulat-ish moronic mumbling ……… We should instead study what Latheefa has said about this issue, and judge whether she has a point?"

    What do u want kak wan to do?

    1) she is one of those weak ummat that CAN'T voice against the doctrines of her religion! She is NO siti kasim material!

    On this regard, perhaps she SHOULD resign as the Woman affair minister.

    2) the current govt CAN do nothing about this paedophilac practices due to the constitutional constrains.

    It's good that Hannah managed to convince the Selangor sultan to act. But haven't she tried with the other royalties who r the heads of their respective Islamic authorities?

    Why so elegantly silences from the other royalties?

    What do that meant?

    One can ONLY conclude that the background works DON'T work with these others!

    3) what if mamak elected siti kasim to replace kak wan as the Woman affair minister (Hannah can never handle this zombieic issues for being a Non & Christian). Do u honestly think siti CAN do anything better except setting up religious confrontations & constitutional crisis!

    4) u can argue that that carpetbagger Latheefa Koya can be a better Woman minister. But judging from her attack angle, she is equally useless while playing political words. If she has the takes, she should have attacked the various state heads of the Islamic faith. Instead, she choose to attack kak wan! More so been a lawyer too.

    Thus, r u showing yr udang?

  5. MM2H may have suddenly become very attractive for certain type of people.

  6. im tired of these Kak Wan vs. pedophiles posts at least once a week? suggest solutions then... keep bashing producing more posts every week will not SUDDENLY solve e issue. every tom, dick & harry knows who has e ultimate power in MY 2 change e laws. why keep ignoring tis knowledge & beat around e bushes every week? ur fans will also b extremely fatigued by tis. .. including e non existence of e Bugis warrior.

  7. Interestingly, some US states, which are a mostly Christian in population , but subject to many of the same religious conservatism as Muslims in Malaysia, have their minimum age of marriage, with parental consent at 14.

  8. Other countries have legalised cannabis and marijuana so why can’t we legalise paedophilia? Malaysia pun Boleh.

  9. Tomorrow Wee Ka Siong will ask "mana RCI 1MDB"?

  10. seem like pkr is the only party that uphold democracy, whereby everyone is whacking everyone, though their party name is without the word democratic.

    1. wakakaka though there is truth in what you've said
