
Sunday, September 30, 2018

Once UMNO feared him, now Pakatan does also

FMT - Why do we love to attack Anwar?:

by TK Chua

I have no idea how Anwar Ibrahim will behave or perform when, or if, he becomes the prime minister. However, it is fair to say that no past prime ministers of Malaysia, including Dr Mahathir Mohamad (who has become the prime minister for the second time), have ever had to go through the ordeal and challenges like Anwar.

Other prime ministers, particularly the two recent ones before Mahathir, were more or less given the coveted post without much scrutiny and fanfare. The people were hardly critical of them when they were first appointed prime ministers. As it turned out, their performances were way below our expectations. In fact, we can only count on their collateral damage.

As for Anwar, it was an endless struggle 20 years in the making. But judging from the Whatsapp messages I received each day heaping insults and insinuations on him, I think his ordeal is far from over despite his resolve and tenacity.

Please don’t get me wrong, I am not a diehard supporter of Anwar. I am just musing over how we Malaysians in general look at issues, events and personalities.

All past PMs championed race and religion, but somehow we are particularly harsh on Anwar for his ultra “Malayness” and “Islamic tendency”. I wonder why.

I wonder why we are so doubtful of Anwar and love to attack him so much.

We criticise him for practising nepotism when his wife and daughter were reluctant politicians who only entered politics because of Anwar’s predicament. We label him ultra-conservative one minute and ultra-liberal the next.

We doubt his pardon by the Agong and even accuse him of lying on behalf of the Agong. Some lawyers are now saying Anwar is not qualified to stand as a candidate (in Port Dickson). Some politicians are saying Mahathir should serve his full term. I wonder what is next to get Anwar out of the way.

We never stop ridiculing him. Even his political comeback at the Port Dickson by-election is paved with absurd and weird contestants.

With Umno gracefully bowing out, we are now left with a party obsessed with caning women to challenge him.

And who is that former leader saddled with an endless chequered past to challenge Anwar?

Who is that accuser who had wasted enough time of this country and is now trying to recycle his antics hopefully to gather another round of attention?

And who are those independents probably hoping for a “Prabakaran” act?

At least getting the present Umno deputy president to challenge Anwar would have been more credible.

Are we grasping at the last straw to deny Anwar his rightful place?


  1. DSAI feared by BN and PAS cos they know he has a hidden revengeful trait (dendam kesumat)and is too intelligent as a Malay for them and can cause havoc to their party's principles of Ketuanan Melayu and Islam.

    His other critics are mostly Mahathirists who fought him to prevent his rise and worry about their future fate.

    Just like TDM who was once an ultra-Malay, DSAI was also once an ultra-Islamist.

    So, if TDM can be PM, why then DSAI cannot be PM?

    Why then the deep seated fears of some critics that DSAI cannot be as good if not better than TDM as PM when he reigns?

    Those who are fearful ought to remember that 'You reap what you sow' and the rest of Malaysians are just looking forward to his Reformasi in a New Malaysia.

  2. i suppose kt can give a satisfactory answer n reply.

  3. As a Chinese Malaysian, I and my sister voted BN in GE14 because we did not trust Anwar. We felt Najib was more sincere. Even now, I feel that Najib has been wronged and hope that he will make a comeback as a future prime minister. He was very good to the Chinese Malaysians during his rule but 94% of Chinese Malaysians betrayed him despite his goodwill towards us. And I blame DAP for this Chinese betrayal of Najib with the incessant lies and demonisation via American-backed social media i.e facebook, twitter, whatsapp, western MSM.

    In GE15 I will vote PAS. I want PAS to teach DAP a lesson and the Chinese Malaysians who voted DAP to suffer the consequences of their betrayal of Najib in GE14. I will be too old to suffer under Islamic rule but I want my twenty-plus year old nephews to suffer (like their parents,all voted DAP). I will not vote UMNO because they are throwing Najib under the bus.

    I will definitely not vote Anwar. A chameleon who changes colours all the time cannot be trusted at all. He reminds me of Ahmed Chalabi the Iraqi who sold himself to the Americans and betrayed Iraq. That lead to 2003 Iraq invasion by the Americans and hanging of Saddam Hussein. The ensuing Iraqi dismemberment and chaos still resonates today.

    Just wonder what will happen to Malaysia when an American-backed asset rises to power. We already have an inkling of how treacherous American-backed assets in DAP are damaging Malaysian economy and foreign partners i.e. anti-China, anti-Cambodia, anti-Myanmar rhetoric somehow seems to coincide with American and Singapore policies.....

    And I fear a new Prime Minister will make things worse being beholden to American patronage...just look at American-backed states which had suffered sudden colour revolutions eg Georgia, Ukraine, Libya, Iraq, Yugoslavia, Venezuela, wars in Syria because Assad rejected Americans, now Maldives, Sri Lanka.

    To me Anwar is Autocratic Ultra-Islamist in sheep's clothing. Rise of Malaysia + Indonesian Islamic Caliphate (pro-american, anti-china, anti-saudi arabia). Annexation of Singapore, Brunei and Southern Philippines into Caliphate. Minorities will be treated badly and refused right to vote being considered Dhimmis. Laws will be promulgated to that effect. That is what is waiting for the Chinese MaLAysians. It would not have happened under Najib a true aristocratic democrat. Too bad the worse had transpired and my nephews will have to suffer for their stupidity.

    1. WOW!

      Your understanding of global and local politics and the ex-PM surely impresses all those who are still living in their own world of half make beliefs, despair and hopes of a reborn Kleptocratic leader and Govt.

      While most Malaysians see hopes for a future New Malaysia governed with integrity, fairness, equality etc towards a developed and civil society, you only see despair and misery thru your blinkered eyes even at this age.

      What a load of political rubbish psychotic murmurings?

      When most Malaysians especially the 90+% Malaysian Chinese can see thru all the shenanigans after decades of BN rule, you still seem stuck in the Dark Ages and prefer to see a country ruled and being destroyed by corrupted, kleptocratic leaders.

      It doesn't need any foreign powers to destroy Malaysia if BN continues ruling. It will just self-destruct and end up as a corrupted pariah country just like Zimbabwe, Venezuela, Myanmar etc.

      You can always migrate to greener pastures if you see so much despair coming in future and your own self interest superceding that of the Country.

    2. There is ONLY one possibility for this spurious cinapek!

      He is as real as that John (aka melayu palsu yg terlambat melayu) is another jibby ass-kissing minion!

      Just wondering WHY these "melayu" like to doubled-up as cinapeks to "advise" the other Chinese M'sians with their blurred & dedak induced silo views! Perhaps, they too learnt their act from one Kevin khoo (kt's sifu). Wakakakaka

    3. Apa khabar Kiet bin Kelentong ? Cukup la...tak payah pretending to be Chinese scolding fake nephews, hehehehe

      DAP an American-backed asset ? But who actually went to the land of Satan and shake the hands of the great devil and had offered to make America great again by promising to splurge more than RM100 billion....that Malaysia Airlines would buy 33 planes from Boeing, of which eight would be 787 Dreamliners, with the rest being of other makes, while in reality, MAS was struggling to make do with leases, let alone purchases.

      Who else but your beloved Najib in his desperation have courted the unholy Hadi Ada Wang with Rm93 million and his own Deputy Minister in the Prime Minister's Department Asyraf Wajdi says the BN government was determined to make Malaysia an Islamic state ? Who dangled the 355 carrots in front of the greedy eyes of Hadi who waxed lyrical of PAS not needing to be in power, just being the Council of Ulamas controlling the politicians would be enough, like Iran ? Who is more likely to make this region a Caliphate...Umno under Najib if he had won or PH now under Mahathir ?

      Eh Kiet bin Kelentong....kalau mau jadi Cina pun, mesti la cerdik sikit. You got all the stuff you spewed all jumbled up and now you are a pathetic laughing stock here, wakakakakka.

  4. Only Port Dickson voters have a say on who they will vote for. Anwar Ibrahim can only lose if they vote for someone else.

    There is Zero chance they will chose unknown independents, or the Thief of Felda, or the "lembut" fella.

    The only other candidate with a reasonable chance of picking up votes is the PAS candidate.
    Even then , there is no way the Port Dickson town voters, who are majority Chinese, will pick him.

    1. Chinese voters had/have an unexpected inclination - in 1969 in Kota Setar Selatan in the infamous May 13 GE, they voted for PAS (Yusof Rawa) instead of a young Mahathir (Alliance) who had boasted before that election he didn't need Chinese votes to win

    2. Wakakakakaka…

      What a twist!

      The pas then & the pus now! R they the same entity as u would like to say mamak then is the same mamak now.

      Real desperado.

    3. If ever PAS wins in Port Dickson, will there be:

      1. Public caning for LGBTs, Single mothers prostitutes like in Trengganu? Perhaps on the beaches?

      2. Port Dickson being renamed after some Arabic names?

      3. Segregation of men and women in Supermarkets, cinemas and on the beaches?

      4. Foreign tourists on the beaches being told to cover up and bikinis, swimsuits banned?

      5. All the pig farms told to close down and rear camels, cows or goats instead?

      6. All Moslems to wear like the Arabs and signboards to include Arabic translations?

      7. Only Moslems to be appointed to the Town Councils?

      How come PAS is so quiet on all these matters during their ceramahs and walk about election campaigns?

      Isn't that call trying to win by deceit among the non-Moslems?

    4. The 1969 PAS candidate in Kota Star , Yusof Rawa (Current Minister Mujahid Rawa's late father) was someone the Chinese could respect, as someone who made an effort to reach out to the non-Muslim community.

      Present day PUS Hadi is a totally different animal.
      Penang Hokkien would say , "their eyes are glued with Excrement" if the Chinese in Port Dickson vote for the PUS of 2018.
