
Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Muslim single mums get short ends of sticks

FMT - The harsh reality of life as a Muslim single mother by Mariam Mokhtar (extracts):

The plight of Muslim single mothers is an all too common story. However, it is left largely untold because it embarrasses the family, the community and the country’s institutions.

Those who have been abandoned by their husbands struggle to feed themselves and their children. Despite court decisions that the men must pay alimony and maintenance for the children, many single mothers say they receive no money due to poor enforcement.

The problem of errant former husbands has been around for a long time. Many women are desperate to find work but must pay for childcare while they are on the job. Those with no skills at all are the hardest hit. They work two or three jobs just to bring home enough money to feed their families

I know that Chinese single mums in general embarrass the families BUT never the community and the country’s institutions. Yes, with the more conservative Chinese, a divorce is a social stigma.

That have been why many Chinese women (including Chinese men) avoid divorce even though they live unbearable married lives. 

Furthermore, men usually think salaciously of single mums and/or divorcees, believing in their perverted minds that those women would be sluttishly gatal (miang) and thus easy "preys".

Sad as it may sound, that's the lot of single mums and/or divorcees.

But the truth, sad as it is already, is even far more sad for those without money or means of income. Recently in Terengganu, a Muslim single mum was caught and charged for solicitation with the likelihood she will be caned.

Malaysiakini reported in its T'ganu single mother faces up to six strokes of the cane, extracts as follows:

A 30-year-old single mother from Kuala Terengganu today pleaded guilty to a charge of offering sexual services and faced punishment that included being caned by up to six strokes.

Online portal MStar reported that the woman was arrested in a hotel room by a team of enforcement officers from the Terengganu Religious Affairs Department, at about 10.45pm on Sept 17 while offering sexual services to an unidentified man.

The report said the woman, who has a daughter, pleaded guilty before Kuala Terengganu Syariah High Court judge Rosdi Harun. [...]

She was charged under Section 25 of the Syariah Offences Enactment (Takzir) 2001 which carries a punishment of up to three years jail, a fine of up to RM5,000, caning of up to six strokes, or a combination of the three.

During mitigation, the woman pleaded for a lesser sentence as she could not afford to pay the fine.

The accused also explained that she had not been receiving any alimony from her ex-husband

Of course she pleaded for a lesser financial sentence as she in the first place had to resort to prostitution to earn a bloody living, yet the fine if she is found guilty can possibly be up to RM5,000.

What a fCk-up state of affairs.

And her customer is an unidentified man. May I ask what punishment or fine has he been charged with?

And her husband who did not cough up the requisite alimony? I get the dirty feeling he will no doubt get away with that irresponsibility.

Mariam Mokhtar has been absolutely spot on in her article (above), that despite court decisions that the men must pay alimony and maintenance for the children, many single mothers say they receive no money due to poor enforcement.

Those errant husbands should be the recipients of syariah caning, not women.


  1. pas version of islam treat woman badly. not only mahathir must retire, hadi oso.

    1. I have a religion (Islam) but you don't have one (Atheist) or perhaps you may have a religion but it is more likely that you are not religious at all.

      I have my religious rights. You have your human rights.

      But you want your (human) rights to flourish over my (religious) rights. To protect your (human) rights, you are telling the world that my (religious) rights are abusing your (human) rights and equalities?


    2. religious rights (of whatever religion) and human rights share values of humanity, compassion, justice, equality.

      Don't tell me you're admitting your values have no equality?

    3. I am sorry if it appears so (not that explosive though);for me and perhaps of most muslims: When there's a conflict between religious rights and human rights, religious rights shall prevail.

    4. religious rights as decided by al Quran or Hadith/Fatwa?

    5. O People of the Scripture, there has come to you Our Messenger making clear to you much of what you used to conceal of the Scripture and overlooking much. There has come to you from Allah a light and a clear Book.
      ~ Al-Maaidah : 15-16

      Our Messenger means - Prophet Muhammad (SAW).

      Making clear of the scripture through what the Prophet said/taught (Hadith); and what the Prophet did (Sunnah).

      And, [moreover], this is My path, which is straight, so follow it; and do not follow [other] ways, for you will be separated from His way. This has He instructed you that you may become righteous. ~ Al-An'aam: 153

      His way is the Prophet's way.

      Fatwa must be based on Al-Quran, Hadith, and Sunnah.

    6. Wakakakaka……

      What an oxymoron twisting!

      "Making clear of the scripture through what the Prophet said/taught (Hadith); and what the Prophet did (Sunnah)."

      So WHAT'S been stated in Al Quran needs humanistic interpretations er, as in hadith's & sunnah!

      Who r those interpreters of the Allah's words?

      What's the prerequisites for such role?

      Pious, religious & upright?

      Then WHY the most bloodiest ummat conflicts throughout their history?

      Ain't that say something about the con-man ability of these past interpreters?

      One more thing, communion with ANY GOD is a personal reflexion. It doesn't need interpreter, who is the the superficial display of self-ego. No Superbeing, worth his/her salt(punch intended) needs his/her gospels to be humanistically interpreted!

      Thus, a question. Is yr religion Islam?

      Or more likely zombiecism!

    7. To rebut your comment CK, I agree with @ GONADBUSTER's comment @7:13pm on 'Why is HM Sultan Johor angry? Wakakaka..

    8. Wakakakaka…… can u do something better?

      That weasel has just crawled out of kt's woodwork, like so many before him.

      Can't see the big picture but just what his bruised ego directed him to rant an irrational diatribe about WHAT servitude really meant.

      To him, & u, ketuanan track IS a single hallow diversion that ONLY show what mfing morons like u WANTED to see. That has even spilled into yr deviant religious indoctrination!

    9. Ayam telling you. It paralyses your brain. Cannot think. No point debating.

    10. "Contradicting the simplistic view of a purely literalistic and everlasting validity to the penal injunctions described in the Qur'anic text, is the Prophet's own approach to implementing and administrating these injunctions, as documented in a range of authenticated hadith. This important history proves clearly that hudud was not bound by the literalist letter of the law, but was routinely applied in a varied and flexible manner depending on the actual social context, as well as the Prophet’s own overarching compassion, mercy and generosity."

      i perceive the above as core of universal human right as well.

    11. It also proved conclusively that the interpretations of the Al Quran r individualistic & not as universal as claimed!

    12. 'Prophet’s own overarching compassion, mercy and generosity'

      HY.. that's Sunnah; ergo, we must have all the above factors/elements when considering/enforcing any decision/punishment.

      What are the causes of the sin/crime? Is it due to poverty and desperation for life/survival? Is it habitual and atrocious? Is there a guilty plead with sincere expression of regret and repentance? Can the offender/sinner be forgiven? If not, what are the punishments in accordance to Quran, Hadith and Sunnah?

      Consider and select a fair effective punishment or the best alternative to punishment. Generosity fatigue or mercy fatigue or compassion fatigue should never be a component in delivering the judgement.

    13. Bloody hell!!

      Always that overbearing 3P - persuasion persecution, punishment - fear tactic!

      If a religion has to be protected/propagated via these scaremongering techniques, it has list it's fondamental compassionality.

      It's no GOD given doctrines but evil cult.

    14. i suppose "actual social context" if apply in tis case would raise the contention that the causes are most likely due to a govt that fail to enforce 'the court decisions that the men must pay alimony and maintenance for the children'. the diff i guess is nabi would probably treat the single mother that engage in prostitution as victim while the judge treat her as criminal. the judge understanding of islam is in no way better than ck.

    15. Wakakakakaka……

      I might NOT know Islam inside out but I definitely can distinguish Islam from zombiecism! My Nangxia iman friend has taught me well!

      But u?

      Wakakakaka… yr understanding of the Islam, based on yr breeding heartish 小民的智慧,any better than those T-virus infested judges?

      U have mixed with the WRONG crowd all this while!

  2. You know what I am going to say.

  3. Prostitution is a crime , both under Civil and Syariah law.

    There is a good reason for it. It is not a victimless activity.
    There is a lot organised crime, human trafficking, as well as deviant , dangerous behaviour surrounding the activity, even in the few countries which have legalised prostitution.

    Combining the issue of the economic struggles of single mothers with prostitution is demeaning.

    There are many women who struggle with difficult economic situations, especially single mothers. Yet most work hard on ethical ways of earning a living, including young, attractive women.

    1. when desperation stares at one in the face, one takes desperate measures for survival

    2. Such statements could be misused and abused to justify a lot of crimes.
      Fortunately, they usually have no legal standing in a court case, except in mitigation pleading on the severity of the final sentencing.

    3. we're talking specifically about a single mum who has NOT been paid alimony - why must you confuse the issue under discussion?

  4. 3 or 5 or 6 or combination of the three. Can't find such punishments ever mentioned in the 'documented recitation'. Perhaps the god must have forgotten to reveal this to his prophet.

  5. Wakakakaka……

    Why such a coded declaration?

  6. Human Rights, religious rights, civil rights etc are just used as political bullets for mudslinging.

    It is clear, the Community, religious authorities & NGOs, Civil rights movements & NGOs, state and Federal Govt. have failed the case of the single mother forced to earn a living thru prostitution.

    No amount of caning or public education in humiliation is going to change the destiny of the single mother. But for those men who took advantage of such mothers, they are definitely the ones who needs to be fined, caned and publicly humiliated so as to discourage other men from following and taking advantage.

    The issue is about single mothers forced into prostitution to provide for the family and that itself is a self punishment which lives with them forever. It doesn't need anyone to further meet out more punishment whether civil or religious.

    What sort of civility and religious piousness are we talking about?
