
Friday, September 07, 2018

Muar Chinese shop signs & Lim KS

Star Online - Order to remove Chinese lettering from Muar buildings rescinded (extracts):

MUAR: The order from the Muar Municipal Council (MPM) to remove Chinese characters from signboards as well as fronts and pillars of buildings here has been rescinded.

Traders at Jalan Sisi here were relieved to learn about the reversal of the order to remove the lettering and signboards, some of which are cast onto pre-war buildings, less than 48 hours after it was made.

The announcement to rescind the order was made by MPM president Mustaffa Kamal Shamsudin on Thursday (Sept 6)

It's good that all's well that ends well.

Those signs have been there for decades, and any over-zealous attempt to remove them on nationalistic grounds cannot be justified, even on technical grounds of local advertising laws. Removing them as per local advertising laws would have been justified if done at the onset, ages ago.
But trust loud-mouth trouble-maker Lim Kit Siang to throw an opportunistic stone at BN.

Malaysia-Chronicle (PKR news letter) reported:

PETALING JAYA: Was the Muar Chinese signage furore created by “political saboteurs” to try to boost MCA’s chances in the Balakong by-election on Saturday, DAP adviser Lim Kit Siang asked today.

“I am shocked over the sudden Muar Chinese signage furore raising the question whether it is the work of ‘political saboteurs’ trying to up MCA’s chances in the Balakong by-election on Saturday,” he said in a statement.

“There is otherwise no reason for such a furore to come out of the blue with the shop owners in the Muar district who had been doing business for decades to be suddenly instructed by Muar Municipal Council officers to erase Chinese-letterings on pillars outside each store, undermining inter-racial harmony and unity”

In fact he admitted in his 'cast the first stone' bull that he was guessing, thus indicating his ever ready opportunistic stab at his opponents.

The reality is that today, Malaysia is even more divisive than ever with right-wing Malay religious and political parties ratcheting up the rhetoric.

Lim KS should go back to what he did well, that of calling his current matey Mahathir to accounts for the latter's various unexplained scandals - he shouldn't act dumb for his current personal (and son's) interests.

And he should also remember what he cried out in June 2002 about Mahathir opening the Pandora Box of fundamentalist Islam which has cursed us with our current religious extremities - see Lim's 929 & 617 Declarations.


  1. These old shoplots should be declared heritage buildings (if not already so) and their structure / facade etc should be maintained. The municipal councils should waive all cukai to help the owners maintain them. I know some shoplots whose ownership and type of business had changed but their original name / business signs were retained. Kudos to them.

  2. Wakakakakaka……

    "The reality is that today, Malaysia is even more divisive than ever with right-wing Malay religious and political parties ratcheting up the rhetoric."

    The TRUTH of the matter is WHO brought up this kacang-putih issue of zilch consequence!

    The looming ketuanan freaks working in various public offices using their well-cultivated Napoleon syndrome to hijack the govt of the day, lah!

    So, what it's got to do with lks, who's targeted audiences r definitely not this bunch of gaji-butas?

    It's just yr usual spinning diatribes to label yr pet hates. Along the way, u hentam mamak too.

    Bravo, what a story telling skill par excellent.

  3. Fuck Pandora's Box.

    As far as I am concerned, the de Jurre holders of any position of authority are accountable for their actions.

    Cha Bor keeps dredging up Pandora' s Box to let his sanitize his Paymaster and let him off the hook.

    How the Pakatan Harapan swiftly nipped in the bud an error by enforcement officers is how things should be done - which never happened under Cha Bor's Dear Najib.

  4. "Malaysia-Chronicle (PKR news letter)"?

    is tis true? more like a dap propagandist.

    1. Malaysia Chronicle used to be run by a very pro-Anwar team, most likely a PKR supporter.
      Then it got blocked for more than a year. Its not run by the same people now (management takeover hahaha...) . Sounds like a DAP setup now.

  5. With billions already robbed for the past decades in the hands of BN warlords, it is not surprising incidences created for political motives (by-elections, rousing racial and religious incidents, distracting Govt. from certain issues, disturbing governance of PH Govt., rousing sentiments for upcoming AGMs, parties etc etc) are being initiated and paid to goons and trojan horses still infested and lying low in enforcement authorities whether at Federal, State, Municipal, districts, villages etc.

    This is because the BN Govt. previously have appointed most of such party members in all those authorities as rewards to party members to do their bidding and enforce laws to mostly opposition areas.

    The PH Govt. needs to weed out and terminate all these Trojan Horses and goons and replace them with their own party supporters for their own stability in ruling and governing as the ruling Federal and State Govt. and the areas they control and govern.

    It is as clear as day that it is made into a political issue of the Muar incidents which had been a non-issue for old buildings built during colonial days and a non-issue during BN rule has become an issue to local enforcement authorities under post advertising laws of using the National Language as an excuse.

  6. LKS no longer has any credibility remaining, whatever that's left after his unholy friendship with Mahathir in the quest for power, is now totally shredded and gone with his total silence on the unconditional release of LGE from his(LGE's) court hearing.

    LKS is the same devil on par with Mahathir.

    1. Wakakakakakakakakaka

      Talking about credibility of LKS, TDM etc.

      Looks more like BN and PAS credibilities have sunk beyond redemption in the eyes of the Rakyat with so many exposures of corruption, misuse and abuse of powers, stealing, robbing, derhaka etc.

      Please spare us your thoughts and preach about what credibility means compared to BN and PAS leaders credibilities.

      It is very insulting to our average morals and intelligence.

      Maybe you should learn more from Kaytee how to spin more to justify your statements.

      He is almost par excellance in turning black to white and white to whatever colours he chooses.


    2. "He is almost par excellance in turning black to white and white to whatever colours he chooses."

      Ktemoc has his Sifu to thank for ! As for poor mud-brain john...wakakakaka...a choirboy he is and will remain so forever more ! Baca properly pun sudah fail bigtime, apa lagi wanting to
      pontificate on issues beyond his comprehension and understanding, hehehehe. Sudah la john...enough is enough.
