
Friday, September 07, 2018

Mahathir over-the-top lie about Forest City would-be residents

Malaysiakini - Dr M: Does he prefer Forest City luxury for foreigners, wooden houses for M'sians?:

In a sarcastic swipe, Prime Minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad said he is willing to agree with Johor Menteri Besar Osman Sapian on letting foreigners buy Forest City units, if the latter wants Malaysians to live in wooden houses.

Mahathir said these foreigners could even develop Johor into a more modern city than Singapore.

"Because these people have money and can invest, they are business savvy and can build beautiful buildings.

"But we will live in wooden houses. If that's what we want, it's okay, I will support the menteri besar of Johor.

"If we want to bring in more people, and they are rich and they will pay more taxes than us, okay. We will be rich," Mahathir told Malaysiakini and Sinar Harian during a joint interview yesterday.

He said this when asked about Osman's statement that Mahathir may not understand the Johor's real estate policy.

Last month, Mahathir said houses being built in Forest City project cannot be sold to foreigners because the government was "not going to give visas for people to come and live here".

However, Osman defended the China-backed development and is working with a cabinet-level committee, headed by Local Government and Housing Minister Zuraida Kamaruddin, to reach a compromise, such as reducing the percentage of foreign ownership.

Mahathir is sticking to his guns on the matter.

"I don't want these people coming here and living here. If they make a city that is so big, surely they would not just come here for five days.

"And if they open a shop, because surely there will be a shop - they wouldn't just open it for seven days and then go back to China.

"They would want to live here, and if they want to live here, they would want to be part of our country... then if they ask to become citizens, then we would not be able to refuse," Mahathir said

This must the MOST silly childish petulant merajuk-ish idiotic argument I have come across, with a stupid comparison of foreigners living in condos and Malaysians living in wooden houses.

It's like comparing igloos to Balinese bungalows.

No one has suggested that Malaysians must be kept in only wooden houses - are Mahathir's family members staying in only wooden houses?

Furthermore, in today's re-awakened world, many wooden houses (especially those built of recycled wood) cost far far more than bricks and mortar modern houses.

Mahathir should tell us whose house has been portrayed by above photos

hint: it's NOT a Chinese's house and it's not just made of wood. In fact it's way way far more expensive than 10 of those Forest City condos will cost

if Mahathir doesn't know I'll be pleased to tell him whose house is it (above photos); alternatively he can ask the current MB of Kedah

Mahathir's ultra petulance has shown through and through in his insurmountable anger at the Chinese - yes, why not compare Chinese foreigners eating peaches or lychees or longans whilst Malaysians eat durians?

But beyond his silly childish petulant merajuk-ish idiotic argument, far far worst, his anti-Chinese diatribe, crafted to drive the Malays into ferocious anger at Chinese, has been his preposterous bullshitting: "They would want to live here, and if they want to live here, they would want to be part of our country... then if they ask to become citizens, then we would not be able to refuse." 

What sheer bullshit and a BIG FCKING LIE to suggest Malaysian authority will be "forced" to grant citizenship to Chinese tourists or those under the MM2H program when they "ask" for it.

It's not that he doesn't know the truth himself but he is playing wickedly with the Malay minds to drive them to do what he wants, to support him regardless in his drive to sabotage all projects Malaysia has with China during Najib's time.

And he does NOT care two hoots if his LIES and agitations were to unwittingly drive our society apart in irredeemable violent fashion.

What an evil man who plays with fire just to satisfy his own conceit, ego and vainglorious vanity.


  1. Based on South China Morning Post analysis that the Forest City project would collapse if the China buyers are not granted long term visas...

    I suspect there was either overt or covert commitments made by the PREVIOUS Najib Administration that Forest City Buyers will be granted long-term resident visas.

    700,000 long term China national visas. I'm not what who would initiate trouble on this issue, but I know plenty of people will, including Cha Bor's buddies , when we get to that stage.

    So better get the issue aired now instead of later.

    1. Monster......Perhaps, we can propose this cheebye motherfucker kaytee to build another fucking forest city in australia. That would be extremely fun with Pauline Hanson out to do cheebye kaytee nicely.


    2. how many times do I have to tell you I did NOT fCk your mum

    3. Sing has hundreds of thousands of China nationals.
      However, only a very small percentage of them are granted long-term resident visas. The rest are on work permits and go home when their employment is over.

      Even heavily ethnic Chinese Singapore understands it is a No-Go to admit large numbers of China nationals as long-term residents.

      But Cha Bor wants to Hentam Mahathir just for his personal vendetta.

    4. aiyoyo, I don't how much dedak you have stuffed your mouth with, when you don't even red what I have written - WTF has Sing and its China working residents have to do with Forest City

    5. Monty, if I understand correctly, implies RedDot as a sovereign state DOESN'T accept large number of Chinese mainlanders residing there via long term visa of dubious nature.

      Similarly, WHY should forest city residents be given long term visa just bcoz they invest in properties there.

      The projected number of Chinese mainlanders r estimated to be 70k strong in forest city compound!

      Unless u r saying bolihland has bigger land area than RedDot, so 70k+ additional populace in forest city is nothing to worry about!

      In another word, the sovereignty of bolihland is open for purchase - lelong kuat2 by jibby to the Chinese mainlanders.

      Real rd!

      R u been influenced by yr choirboy ke?

    6. CK still pushing for his virgin choirboys as if everyone else shares his interest for rear holes. Such a sad person with a weird hobby.

  2. This is all going to schedule. TDM will last 2 years max as PM. Shorter better. He has served the purpose. Time to move him on. Someone else coming, can take over.

  3. TDM spoiling someone's "Satu Projek Lagi untuk Kita"

    Someone must have promised long term permanent visas from the Federal Govt. (Home Ministry) to the China developers to develop luxury houses and sell it to Chinese Nationals for a commission or gratification in kind. Since land comes under the Johor State Govt., someone from the State Govt. must also have colluded to approve the sale of these luxury houses to share the loot from this project.

    Rich Chinese Nationals besides looking for a save haven abroad in US, UK, Europe, Australia, Singapore etc must have been attracted to this Malaysian project since it offers them long term permanent stay visas just by paying a bloated and higher prices for these houses.

    And all these happened under the rule of the previous BN Federal and State Govt. regimes of making big and fast monies.

    The old man just isn't going to allow this to happen to spite all those involved in this get rich quick scheme.

    The same model of "Satu Projek lagi untuk Kita" must have been used for the Kuantan MCKIP, Melaka Gateway besides the ECRL, SSER etc.

    The question everyone should ask first is "Who will be the victims" of all these BN's "Satu Projek lagi untuk Kita".

    With so much billions of RM involved, just pray that the PH leaders and politicians will not succumb also to $$$$$$$$$.

    So much corruption has happened that TDM may be a bit paranoia about any big projects planned by the previous BN Govt.

    What to do?

  4. Actually I prefer to live in a wooden house, they are landed property, more valuable; concrete high rise condos are only strata titles.

    Time to move on TDM. Masa Semakin Dekat.

  5. Maszlee must be one of the weakest Ministers in the current cabinet. His main consideration for accepting the IIUM President’s job is just plain ridiculous. He does not comprehend the importance and job scope of an Education Minister. He thinks as Minister he should save a few million ringgit a year in salary and deciding the colour of school shoes.

    Deputy Minister Teo Nie Ching must be pulling her hair out.

    EDUCATION Minister Dr Maszlee Malik’s main consideration in accepting the presidency of International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM) is to save taxpayers’ money.

    “Under the university constitution, as a minister, I don’t get paid a single sen as the president; I don’t get an allowance, no monetary consideration whatsoever,”

  6. Mahathir's crutch mentality is back in full glory. Even if one goes by his logic train, why is it wrong to have expensive houses if the buyers can afford it?

    Instead he should ask, why Malaysians are still living in wooden houses. This despite his long, long tenure as PM. Why did he not make nice houses like in Forest City affordable to Malaysians so that we can have living standards like those expensive buyers in FC? Instead of bringing those lower levels up higher, he wants to bring all down to the bottom. Ironically, it is those higher & mid level folks that voted for him. So suffer you your leader, you folks deserve it.

    Maybe he should ask himself why he stays in a mansion at The Mines while Malaysians stay in wooden houses. Hohohoho!

    1. his son Mukhriz could have provided advice on living in gorgeous mansion

    2. Correct! He should have used Boboi as a shining example of Malaysians who have made it and not living in wooden dilapidated houses. He can then preach the benefits of Daddykasi.
