
Sunday, September 16, 2018

Happy Malaysia Day to everyone


  1. Cheebye motherfucker kaytee wrote congratulary note on malaysia day by not malaya day on 31st aug...

    What does it mean?

    Cheebye kaytee is not even a penangite?

    1. aiyah, told you before I am not your father thus I did NOT fCk your mum, so stop calling me your motherfucker

      tai-seow, malaysia came about only on 16 Sep though TAR planned for it to be on 31 Aug but alas, thanks to Soekarno, the merger was delayed by two weeks

  2. Sitting in Starbuck Kuching in front of padang merdeka on which a 90 year tree stood healthy and tall, sipping a venti caramel frappucino. No celebration here. Peaceful and quiet. Selamat Hari Malaysia... especially to TYT and also Abang Jo.

  3. Malaysia Day should be the day to be celebrated by all Malaysians because Malaysia today is the result of the merger of Malaya, Sabah and Sarawak.

    The Constitution of 1957 was then changed with addition of MA63 incorporated to protect Sabah and Sarawak rights as part of the terms of Agreement.

    During BN regime rule, the rights of Sabah and Sarawak in MA63 was disregarded and slowly eroded due to lack of political power by the indigenous parties and BN proxies of PBB and UMNO SABAH acting in concert to deny Sabahans and Sarawakians of their entitled rights under MA63.

    After GE14, Sabahans and Sarawakians may not realise but they are also the Kingmakers to determine who they support to form the Federal Govt. and hence the opportunity to press for their rights should be undertaken. More Infrastructure development, more schools, hospitals, roads etc which have bypass Sarawak and Sabah at the expense of other States in the peninsula must now be demanded from the Federal Govt. during this golden opportunity when the Federal Govt. needs support of East Malaysians to stay in power.

    The days of being treated like stepchildren of the Federal Govt. is over and both Sabah and Sarawak must now assert their Bumiputera rights to all those opportunities which were given and hijacked to mostly West Malaysian Bumiputeras before.

    In the long run, both Sabah and Sarawakians parties should consider formalising a single coalition party which would give more bargaining power to them in negotiating with whichever coalition party from the peninsula forms the Federal Govt. in future.

  4. My vote for the WORST ministers? Must be the ENTIRE previous cabinet.

    If only 10% of what is written in the Billion Dollar Whale is true that would still be enough to make my blood boil.

    Taxpayers like me, my children and grandchildren will be paying for the excesses described in this book, and the custodians of OUR money, namely the PM, FM and all other ministers are responsible for this. The entire previous cabinet should be lined up and paraded in public, in shame.
