
Wednesday, September 05, 2018

Fatal Déjà Vu

Malaysiakini - Anwar, Dr M's denials of rift a case of deja vu for ex-Umno MP:

Two decades have passed since Dr Mahathir Mohamad and his former heir apparent-turned-nemesis Anwar Ibrahim locked horns, giving birth to the reformasi movement.

Now, the pair finds themselves in a similar situation where Mahathir is prime minister again and Anwar his supposed successor.

And just like in 1998, speculations of a rift have surfaced and the two have denied this.

For former Umno lawmaker Tawfik Ismail, who is the son of former deputy prime minister Dr Ismail Abdul Rahman, it is a case of deja vu.

"Listening to sort of what is denied (now), it is almost like listening to what Anwar and Mahathir said many, many years ago.

"I support you, you support me, then the next day, you know, one is killed (politically)," he told reporters at the Anatomy of an Electoral Tsunami book launch in Kuala Lumpur this afternoon.

Tawfik noted that Mahathir does not have the best track record in choosing successors but now his new coalition Pakatan Harapan has picked Anwar.

"His successor is now named by the Harapan council as Anwar. Can he live with it? Literally, can he live with it?" he questioned.

He pointed out that all those whom Mahathir had named as his successor failed to become prime minister or were removed later such as Musa Hitam, Ghafar Baba, Abdullah Ahmad Badawi and Najib Abdul Razak.

"So now he is trying to come back but he has got no friends left. He is 93 (years old), all his friends have died," he added.

Tawfik also claimed that many of the issues and problems in 2018 had lingered from Mahathir's previous administration from 1981 to 2003.

He said the younger generation might not remember or be aware of this and therefore must learn about what transpired in the past.

The former MP urged the youth to take everything Mahathir says with a pinch of salt.

"I don't know if any of you remember that, but people that lost quite a lot still remember," he added.


  1. EVERYTHING Cha Bor writes has to be taken with a Huge pinch of salt.

    1. Whatever its, i am waiting gleefully for the beheading of najib and rosmah.

      And i shall see if cheebye motherfucker kaytee will vomit blood till mampus

    2. I did NOT fCk your mum so I am not your motherfucker lah

    3. Not a pinch of salt ! Everything Ktemoc says nowadays have to to be taken with a whole box of salt la.

      Just take a peep behind his batu....there lurks that HUGE udang dedak, wakakakaka.

  2. Tawfik's Anti-Mahathir stance arises from personal grudges, and he also remains an UMNO loyalist.

    NOT to be taken as objective assessments

    1. and so only yours is objective? wakakaka

    2. I am just a private individual airing my opinions.

      Tawfik is continuously speaking in public trying to pretend to be a knowledgeable commentator.

      He needs to be labelled "Beware - private personal grudge agenda in progress" every time he puts up a critique of Mahathir.

  3. The question posed should be "Will TDM live long enough to see his previous nemesis AI take over from him?"

    I think AI is wise enough to know that he will outlive TDM this time. Why rock the boat, when it is his for the taking soon.

    "Sudah dalam poket, brother" Wakakakakakakka

    1. I am more interested to see how long Najib will survive. To use Qing dynasty context, Najib is the perverted Guangxu. When Madhater mati, najib will mati as well.....

      Cheebye motherfucker kaytee never read history......hmmm.....

    2. how many times do I have to tell you I did NOT fCk your mum

    3. But the question is, Will AI outlive Boboi and bros?

  4. "He is 93 (years old), all his friends have died"
    Tawfik got one thing wrong, Mahathir DOESN'T NEED FRIENDS! All he needs is fair weather allies and his army of cronies.

    When he has scandal files on just about every politician in his pocket (or make one up), his enemies can even be his "friends".
