
Monday, September 10, 2018

Dr Boo pissing into the BN 2.0 wind

FMT - PPBM’s race-based identity not good for PH and nation:

Dr Boo Cheng Hau 

PETALING JAYA: A former Johor DAP chief has hit out at PPBM’s proclamation of being a race-based party, saying such an ideology is not only a step backwards for democratic reform but also goes against Pakatan Harapan’s manifesto.

Dr Boo Cheng Hau said the ideology of “Bumiputera and Malay supremacy” is the reason Malaysians were divided along racial lines.

PPBM’s assertion that it was a race-based party, he said, showed it lacked “the foresight and sincerity to forge true democratic reforms in Malaysian politics”.

The former Skudai assemblyman said multiracial component parties of Pakatan Harapan – PKR, DAP and Amanah – won the overwhelming majority of seats for the coalition.

This proved that Malaysians, including Malays, accepted the Pan-Malaysian, non-racial approach for institutional reform, he said.

“Statements from PPBM leaders not only contravene the PH election manifesto but fail to propose more effective and concrete solutions to the dilemma faced by the country because they can’t accept that Malay-Bumiputera supremacy has been ineffective and destructive ‘old medicine’ to the country’s ailments,” he said in a statement.

Last night, PPBM chairman Dr Mahathir Mohamad defended the party’s race-based identity as realistic as Malaysians were still split along racial lines.

The prime minister said despite some criticising the party’s racial outlook, the reality was that all political parties still chose candidates based on the majority race in the constituencies they contested.

But Boo argued that Pakatan Harapan’s non-racial politics must never be compromised.

He called on DAP secretary-general Lim Guan Eng to urge the PH secretariat to convene an emergency presidential council meeting to discuss the issue of de-racialising Malaysian politics.

The presidential council, he said, should seek an explanation from Mahathir as to why PPBM insisted on single-race politics.

“The PH presidential council should issue an ultimatum to PPBM to submit a timetable to completely de-racialise its own one-race supremacy agenda in order to prevent Pakatan Harapan becoming Barisan Nasional 2.0.”

Dr Boo is just pissing in the wind. Once my erstwhile darling (wakakaka) reprimanded me for describing someone she adored as 'pissing into the wind', and I had to explain to her that that phrase did not insult the person pissing, wakakaka.

Rather, as the phrase says, when one (like Dr Boo) suggested someone noble and good to, say, Lim Guan Eng, that suggestion would be flung back like piss spewing into wind, because it is unlikely Lim GE will pay heed to his advice. In other words, Dr Boo has wasted his efforts because his advice has fallen on deaf, very very deaf ears.

In case Dr Boo doesn't believe me, let me quote the words of my Aneh (rtd Commander S Thayaparan who writes for MKINI) about Lim GE, to wit:

... the finance minister who can’t seem to get enough of exposing the scandals of the past administration and nodding to whatever the prime minister says.

For more, see my earlier post BEST political statement 2018 (26).

Lim Guan Eng is just a Lil' Boy Blue doing what Mahathir wants, so don't expect Guan Eng to ask from his Towkay an explanation ... as to why PPBM insisted on single-race politics.

And even more UNlikely would be the PH presidential council issuing an ultimatum (wakakaka) to PPBM to submit a timetable to completely de-racialise its own one-race supremacy agenda in order to prevent Pakatan Harapan becoming Barisan Nasional 2.0.

WTF, PH is already BN 2.0

In essence, in frustration and in sad conclusion, it's so because Guan Eng's father Lim Kit Siang has sold us down the river (betrayed us) in forging an alliance with a known racist and subordinating his DAP party to Pribumi.

Isn't that the behaviour of a once-MCA-now-DAP under the supremacy of once-UMNO-now-Pribumi?

QED, eureka, abracadabra and hey presto, you have BN 2.0.


  1. Aiyoh, too late already to rise up again after Bo Lam Pa to act as a leader in the last GE14 elections.

    Even if he has lost and taken the courage to stand in a difficult constituency, he would be much respected today.

    When a leader has shown himself to be a coward in the face of adversity, better to let others take over and retire quietly.

    Leadership strength and courage is not in his DNA and this perception ain't going away for a long long time.

    1. What the cheebye fuck cheebye motherfucker kaytee talking about?

      Cheebye kaytee......people oredi talk about nong nong time ago.....where were Boo Boo.....hiding in Kaytee's bossum

      talk cock sing song again

  2. When Boo refused to take up contesting in Labis for GE14, the real and unspoken reason was the "Demographics are unfavourable" I.e. Boo had concluded that he could only win in a heavily Chinese constituency.

    Rather rich for Boo to be now criticising others on race-based politics.

    1. Dr Boo was smart enough not to associate himself with the filth that DAP has became. He no longer recognises the party that he joined, that's why he refuses to contest in a foreign area. His loyalty to his constituents who loyally voted for him again and again says a lot about DAP throwing party loyalty into the wind.

  3. Siapa makan petai tahulah baunya.

  4. Sell out, sell out, sell out...this blardy blogger himself is selling out his readers and followers by turning 180 when big fat dedak beckons and now hypocritically acting so noble and so puck-ing sanctimonious....podah

    1. Yip.....I hate this fucking hyprocrite. Hence it's really time to expose him. Just like what had happened to Rumpelstillskin
