
Monday, September 10, 2018

A spark of democracy still exists in DAP

FMT - No need for MCA to close shop over Balakong defeat, says ex-DAP MP (extracts):

Jeff Ooi 

PETALING JAYA: A former DAP MP said the unfavourable result for MCA in the Balakong by-election should not be used as a sign that the Chinese party should “close shop”.

Jeff Ooi, the former Jelutong representative, said Malaysia still needed opposition parties such as the MCA for check and balance purposes.

“We do not want to see any political party becoming too strong in a democracy. Check and balance certainly has to come from the opposition,” he told FMT, in response to DAP supremo Lim Kit Siang’s call for MCA to “close shop” after failing in the May 9 polls and yesterday’s by-election

Jeff Ooi is correct and a true democrat in wanting even his own party, the DAP, to be "checked" when it is now strong - by extrapolation from Jeff's advice, the MCA is still required to check the DAP, especially one which has been led songsang by Lim Kit Siang in his sinister bromance with Mahathir, the pribumi anti-China Imperator.

But it saddens me when Lim KS, once a true statesman and one of my two icons (Karpal being the other one) has gone the UMNO way of attempting to close down the opposition.

Does he fear their check & balance on his "new" style of politics or that of his son Guan Eng?

by his volte-face stand against Malaysia's worst scandals, which he raved and rant about for 30+ years, he has by his current silence on Mahathir's past PM-scandals become a traitor to the True Believers


  1. Wakakakakakakakaka

    Jeff Ooi seems to be showing compassion towards a dying party MCA on their deathbed. Is it a backlash for being sidelined by his DAP party or is he a truly compassionate person?

    What check and balance from MCA? LKS and DAP have already tons of check and balance from Bumis in PH besides the Ketuanan Melayus from the BN and PAS regimes and you do not need another Chinaman party outside PH to do any checks or balance whatever it means.

    MCA has done too many checks and balances already for the past 61 years which ended up being deaf, dumb and blind to kleptocrats in the BN regimes.

    The only check and balance from MCA, I see, are them checking for crumbs falling out from "Satu project Lagi untuk Kita" and balancing their banks accounts books for the past 61 years. Another check and balance, I see, are checking what posts are available to balance the Dacing Scale in the previous BN regime even though the Dacing measurements has been manipulated so much and remain tilted heavily to the left (kerakusan Ketuanan Melayus) and blaming DAP when they are blind, deaf and dumb.

    What checks and balance is Jeff Ooi looking for?


    1. More like MCA kenna checked from day one. Ask cheebye motherfucker did lim chong eu get out of MCA

    2. Firstly, I swear I did NOT fCk your mum so please stop hoping I might be your long lost father

      Secondly, everyone worth his salt knows Lim Chong Eu left MCA (as party president) because Tunku refused to give his MCA 40 parliamentary seats as Lim demanded (gave only 31) and also refused to recognise Lim's demand for Chinese to be recognise a=as an official language

      don't forget your (long lost) dad refused then to support Lim Chong Eu's demand at that time, preferring to side with UMNO instead

  2. UMNO-PAS coalition is a done deal. Only need a marriage certificate to legitimize their passionate lovemaking.

    BN leftover parties (MCA-MIC-Gerakan) are feeling betrayed and lonely. If they stand alone they will die a slow political death via a thousand cuts. Coalition of The Jilted is in the works.

  3. Of course, of course, Malaysia needs a credible opposition. Swapping One Party BN rule for One Party Pakatan Harapan rule is not what democracy is about.

    However, UMNO and MCA, with bits current crop of leaders have zero credibility.

    A guy like Senator Tu Lan Ker, who was silent as a Graveyard during the Najib Administration's numerous misconduct, suddenly hysterically screaming at Pakatan Harapan on governance smacks of hypocrisy.

    1. It's no wonder Ktemoc has been hailing Tu Lan Ker as his buddy, hehehe...birds of a feather...both quiet as mouse during Big Thief era, now both suddenlhy heboh heboh non-stop on their high horse talking about integrity, democracy, promises, rule of law, bla bla bla. Ada udang dedak besar belakang batu masing masing, wakakakaka.

    2. are you a novelist? wakakaka

    3. Cheebye motherfucker kaytee is envisaging himself being a novelist.......hence.....hahahaha

    4. I swear I did NOT fCk your mum so please stop hoping I might be your long lost father

  4. Perhaps cheebye motherfucker kaytee should join mca to revitalise mca

    1. firstly, I did NOT fCk your mum; secondly, your father was a member of MCA and probably fCk-ed the party up, wakakaka

    2. Yes.......They knew MCA was fucked nong nong time ago and hence they left. You?
