
Sunday, August 12, 2018

Will Guan Eng also announce cancelling SST?

MM Online - GST gone and Malaysia still not bankrupt, Guan Eng tells Najib:

KUALA LUMPUR, Aug 12 — The Pakatan Harapan (PH) government has made good on its electoral promise to repeal the goods and services tax (GST) without bankrupting the country, Finance Minister Lim Guan Eng said today.

Lim was responding to his predecessor and former prime minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak’s doomsday prediction that dropping the 6 per cent GST would harm the country’s financial position.

“The new Malaysia Baru government had delivered on our promise to abolish the GST.

“Warnings by the previous government that Malaysia would go bankrupt without the GST did not materialise,” he said in a statement.

He added that the PH administration even went one step better by providing cash aid to the bottom 40 per cent of wage earners nationwide who need it under its renamed and streamlined programme called Bantuan Saraan Hidup (BSH).

KT note: I wonder how he (even) went one step better, when he is just renaming the BR1M? Yes, I'm getting that Pinocchio feeling.

The Bagan MP pointed out to Najib that the new administration will even pay out an estimated RM1.6 billion under the BSH programme to 4.1 million people in its targeted group from August 15, a whole week before Hari Raya Korban which is celebrated by Muslims worldwide.

Malaysia’s largest demographic group is Malay and Muslim, many of whom fall within the B40 financial bracket.

Lim further pointed out that the new government under Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad was helping the B40 group by fixing RON95 grade petrol and diesel prices at RM2.20 and RM2.28 per litre respectively, instead of following the weekly float system undertaken by the Najib administration.

He said the fuel subsidy, to go on till year end, costs the government roughly RM3 billion.

“Najib is therefore wrong to say that the GST is good or that the new government is not focused on assisting the B40 group,” Lim said.

“Najib should not take out his frustrations at BN’s general election defeat to Pakatan and his loss of the Premiership to Tun Dr Mahathir, but concede that the people rejected his leadership, the GST and were fed up of the huge corruption in the RM50 billion 1MDB scandal,” he added

Isn't it just wonderful?

And our dearest Guan Eng has magnificently and mafulat-ishly managed to insert in his spill at least TWO mentions of his Towkay, to wit:

(a) Lim further pointed out that the new government under Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad ........ and

(b) “Najib should not take out his frustrations at BN’s general election defeat to Pakatan and his loss of the Premiership to Tun Dr Mahathir.

I'm bloody impressed by Guan Eng's lapdog observance and discipline.

In fact, I'm so impressed by the new Finance Minister's management of our new government's running of the country without any GST revenue, that everything is super honky dory, I would NOT at all be surprised if he announces that even the SST will be abolished, which means none of our goods sold or purchased will be taxed. Fantastic.

For years and years, older Penangites bemoaned the loss of their island's free port status in 1969 and dreamt of regaining that status back, but alas it was not to be.

But with the establishment of the new Pakatan Harapan government on 10 May 2018, the powers that be has not only gotten rid of the GST but with Finance Minister Guan Eng's boast to Najib a la "Nayh Nayh, anything you can do we can do better, even without GST" I am expecting Guan Eng to now boast to us the logical, that since he has been managing without the GST, he will continue to do so even without the SST.

Penangites and indeed the rest of Malaysians may now possibly see the establishment of a totally tax free Malaysia.

Next, we hope to see the abolishment of income tax a la Brunei. Yes, it's bad enough Brunei's military is stronger than ours (as per the gospel by Mat Sabu), but we cannot accept that its income tax system (zero rated) should be better than ours.



  1. Lol ....Guan Eng and PH never stated that Malaysia will not have any form of consumption-based tax.

    What it stated was that the Najib Bastardised GST WILL be replaced by SST.

    Najib and Ktemoc have been rabidly screaming that the Sky will be falling without GST..
    .well..the Sky will Not be Falling

    1. By the way, HK didn't implement GST.......So?

    2. tax free port, just like Malaysia wakakaka

    3. So the prosperity of HK has nothing to do with gst lah!

      Bad bad hongkies. How come she DOESN'T follow the steps of 160 countries in implementing gst for a 'transparent' taxation scheme.

  2. Wakakakaka ..........merajuk aje, beliau dah pecah mangkuk kau ke? macam budak kecil saja

  3. No wonder Ahjib and so many of the previous BN Ministers and senior Govt. officials were previously so vocal about doing away with GST and saying the PH Govt. will not be able to function without revenue from GST.

    It is clear now all of them knew GST was implemented to get more monies to steal and cover up shortfalls and also as a cash rollover fund from the GST refunds which were purposely delayed.

    You just wonder how many more such ingenious financial trickery was used in GLCs and GLICs besides the Treasury.

    1. I am more interested in nostro piggu aka nostradamus in finding the truth about cheebye motherfucker kaytee.whether

      1) Cheebye Kaytee pays any taxes at all in Malaysia
      2) Cheebye Kaytee pays any GST on his property transaction or business dealings in Malaysia

      More important nostro piggy.......I want piggy to go over to australia to confront cheebye motherfucker kaytee

    2. why do you keep accusing me of bonking your mum? I did not lah, told you oredy

  4. Najib better listen to his UMNO comrades and shut up because every time he opens his mouth he makes Malaysians hate UMNO even more.

    Here he talks about “wealth redistribution”, yes redistribute to his own pocket in the form of RM114+3.5 million, 274 Hermes handbags, countless jewellery and Allah knows what else. He also complains about the rich evading taxes but Kastam already confirms the RM44M Lebanese jewellery for Rosmah were never declared and no taxes paid.

    It's not free money but wealth redistribution, Najib tells Dr M
    12 Aug 2018

    Former prime minister Najib Abdul Razak has taken issue with Prime Minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad's accusation that his policies had fostered a society that expected "free money".

    "It is not free money. But if redistributing money from the dark economy, the rich who evade taxes to help the people is considered an illegal act, then I have sinned," he said in a statement today.

    Earlier today, Mahathir accused the previous BN government of conditioning Malaysians to expect "free money" but the new government could not continue with such policies as it must service huge debts incurred by the previous administration.

  5. The people voted to cancel GST. They did not vote to reinstate SST too. So please follow what the people wanted and turn Malaysia into a tax haven. After all, taxation is haram.

    1. Read the PH manisfesto wrt gst & sst proposal lah!

      RD moron!

      Taxation is getting money to pay for the services of the nation.

      Zakat is also getting money to pay for the services of the nation, despite of its 'religious' connotations.

      Just like secular banking mechanism & Islamic one!

      Jadi, with ONLY a name change, harm becomes halal.

      Typical zombieic thinking!
